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Anarcho-Fascism: Difference between revisions

(Moved EsoNazAnCom to National Anarchism.)
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*[[File:Anarcho-Fascismalt.png]] '''Nilssonian Anarcho-Fascism''' '''-''' This type of Anarcho-Fascism was created by Jonas Nilsson. It wants to combine individual freedom and voluntarism with cultural homogeneity and generally reactionary social values. It is not necessarily opposed to the State itself, but rather its monopoly on violence. It believes it is natural and necessary for men (and only men) to develop a capacity for violence in order to protect their individual freedom and property rights, which should be exercised to maintain order in their societies and protect them from external threats (such as an over-reaching government and people they don't like). It also believes that multiculturalism and feminism occur when centralized governments have no external threats, and instead begin to view their own male subjects and their fighting capacity as a threat to their own interests. It wants political power to be decentralized into the smallest units capable of defending themselves and maintaining their independence. It believes that a perpetual threat of violence (or mutually assured destruction) between competing political units is necessary (and desirable) to maintain the ideal system in the long-term.
*[[File:Jackanfash.png]] '''Donovanian Anarcho-Fascism -''' This type of Anarcho-Fascism was created by Jack Donovan. It is accelerationist, wanting to create a new beginning out of the corpse of the old like a parasitic fungus on the felled timber. When the state is destroyed, it believes society will turn men into idealized warriors and will revive medieval valor and morals, making the ideology reactionary. Anarcho-Fascists claim that they want to cleanse fascism from its Mussolinian, Catholic and Marxist ideas, and make it about the fasces where men are united in a collective and return to a more primitive spirit. It idealizes gang organization, believing it to be the best community organization for men while also be more relaxed on a criminal lifestyle. It generally has a hatred for anything non-masculine, like women and <s>and gay people</s>. It also believes in what you would expect (antisemitism, Islamophobia, racial segregation, separation of white people in different racial communities). It is also very esoteric.
*[[File:Autonat.png]] '''Autonome Nationalisten''' '''-''' Autonome Nationalisten (or Autonomous Nationalists) is a European [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism|fascist]] movement which borrows the aesthetics and organizational model of the [[File:Antifa.png]] [[Anti-Fascism|Black Bloc]]. It is a group with no central figurehead or committee and is instead made up of autonomous activists. The ideology of the movement is heavily influenced by [[File:Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] with elements of [[File:Antiimp.png]] Anti-Imperialism and [[File:Anticap.png]] Anti-Capitalism. It also criticises America for its [[File:Cultmp.png]] [[Imperialism#Cultural Imperialism|Cultural Imperialism]] which removes European culture. It has been noted that the organization sympathises with some radical [[File:Muslim 2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|islamic groups]] (such as [[File:Khom.png]] [[Khomeinism|Hezbollah]]) due to their shared hatred for American imperialism.


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