"Now, there is no such thing as 'man' in this world. In my life I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, and so on. I even know, thanks to Montesquieu, that one can be Persian. But as for man, I declare I’ve never encountered him."
Anti-Humanism a philosophical theory that is critical of Humanism. Central to antihumanism is the view that philosophical anthropology and its concepts of "human nature", "human condition", "man", "humanity", "vitality", and "agency", etc. should be rejected as historically relative, ideological, or metaphysical. What it means by the statement, is that while humanists believe in objective truth about human nature, anti-humanism seeks to deconstruct the meaning behind "nature". Anti-humanism is not to be confused with Misanthropy, though they can overlap and can be combined. Anti-humanists reject concepts such as humanism's presuppositions about the nature of human beings, and reject and criticize socially constructed moral cultures.
Anti-Humanists such as Freud and Heidegger, for example, believe humanism takes the ideas of "metaphysics" or "rationality" and perverts them, which discredits those concepts of philosophy. Others such as Althusser, see Humanism as a false concept to justify elitist oppression by claiming property rights are human rights.
Anti-Humanism is accredited in a large part to Max Stirner and Friedrich Nietzsche, in "The Ego And It's Own" (Stirner), and "Genealogy Of Morals" (Nietzsche). Many Anti-Humanists also believe that mature Marx was not a "humanist", as he believed that "humanism" was an unreal abstraction that masks conflicts between antagonistic classes; since human rights are abstract, the justice and equality they protect are also abstract, permitting extreme inequalities in reality.
Personality and Behaviour
Total edgelord, existentialist and subjective of humanity. Likes reading Heidegger, complains about idealism, and hangs out with Deep Ecology and Egoism. Gets extremely annoyed when he is called a misanthrope and refuses to associate himself with Primalism and Post-Humanism. When Humanism says something, Anti-Humanism goes out of his way to criticize him.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball
- Fill the ball with black
- Draw a red humanism symbol in the center
- Draw a thick black line through the middle of the ball
- Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
Black | #141414 | 20, 20, 20 | |
Red | #EC1B23 | 236, 27, 35 |
- Post-Structuralism, Post-Modernism and Deconstructionism - The human is an essential concept, living in a world where he believes he is different from everything else in the cosmics. This is a lie.
- Anarcho-Egoism - "Our atheists are pious people. If in the so-called feudal times we held everything as a fief from God, in the liberal period the same feudal relation exists with Man. God was the Lord, now Man is the Lord; God was the Mediator, now Man is; God was the Spirit, now Man is."
- Nietzscheanism - "God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?" Human concepts can only limit and control the potential of the being, that's true.
- Marxism - "Feuerbach resolves the essence of religion into the essence of man. But the essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In reality, it is the ensemble of the social relations. Feuerbach, who does not enter upon a criticism of this real essence is hence obliged to abstract from the historical process and to define the religious sentiment regarded by itself, and to presuppose an abstract — isolated - human individual. The essence therefore can by him only be regarded as ‘species’, as an inner ‘dumb’ generality which unites many individuals only in a natural way." Ruthless criticism of all that exists is extremely based, yes.
- Foucauldianism - "What I am afraid of about humanism is that it presents a certain form of our ethics as a universal model for any kind of freedom. I think that there are more secrets, more possible freedoms, and more inventions in our future than we can imagine in humanism"
- Deep Ecology - What makes humans more "special" than other species? Absolutely nothing.
- Redbeardianism - "Human rights and wrongs are not determined by Justice, but by Might. Disguise it as you may, the naked sword is still king-maker and king-breaker, as of yore. All other theories are lies and — lures."
- Relativism - After all, human beings are not a whole, let alone have common moral standards.
- Heideggerianism - Capable, even though there is still a little bit of metaphysics.
- Fourth Theory - Fellow Heidegger fan.
- Khomeinism - Also loves Heidegger.
- Anti-Centrism - We both negate status-quo humanist politics.
- Avaritionism - You are a living counterargument to humanist ideas.
- Deleuzoguattarianism - Yeah.
- Neuroliberalism - No "absolutely rational humans", only algorithms, mass control and feedback loops.
- Spinozism - The first ally, and the great philosopher, but please stop this nonsense about rationality.
- Schopenhauerism - "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." But altruism is absolute folly.
- Taoism - "If you abandon the sage and abandon wisdom, the people's benefits will be doubled; if you abandon the benevolent and righteous, the people will return to filial piety and kindness; if you abandon the skillful and profitable, there will be no thieves." But metaphysics? Come on.
- Nazi Transhumanism - What is this?
- Misanthropy - You and I are definitely not the same, and we do not necessarily agree, but we can be compatible. And while some of you oppose humanism like me, many others are little more than pitiful moralists sympathetic to and supportive of it!
- Anti-Authoritarianism and Civil Libertarianism - I'm not necessarily opposed to you, bUT FFS YOU GUYS, STOP WHINING ABOUT "MUH HOOMAN RIGHTS" ALREADY, IT'S GETTING FUCKING INSUFFERABLE.
- Humanism -
Human rights don't exist actually!The human is an artificial concept that limits the subject. Learn that "humanity" is not the main essence of this universe. And stop confusing me with misanthropy. - Christian Humanism - Evidence of what I say. You simply justify anthropocentrism by saying that human is "God's favorite creation".
- Secular Humanism - The death of god and the start of the abstract cult of man.
- Transhumanism - You're just a humanist with metal parts.
- Essentialism - A bitch from thousands of years ago.
- Modernism - NO.
- Christianity - Literally slave morality.
- Liberalism - Modern humanism and I firmly reject it.
- Neoliberalism - Global liberalism and modernism? How about NO?!
Further Information
- Michel Foucault - What is Anti-humanism?
- Posthumanism Explained - Nietzsche, Deleuze, Stiegler, Haraway
- The Will of Power by Friedrich Nietzsche
- Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany by Angela Zimmerman
- Heidegger and French Philosophy: Humanism, Antihumanism and Being by Tom Rockmore