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*[[File:Crapitalism.png]] [[Capitalism|Crapitalism]] - Cringe system. Needs a state to function.
*[[File:Crapitalism.png]] [[Capitalism|Crapitalism]] - Cringe system. Needs a state to function.
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - [[File:Crapitalism.png]] [[Capitalism|him]], but without the mask of a "free market".
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - [[File:Crapitalism.png]] [[Capitalism|him]], but without the mask of a "free market".
*[[File:Imp.png]] [[Imperialism]] - WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SEND THE POOR!
*[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - My polar opposite. The two things I hate the most combined.
*[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - My polar opposite. The two things I hate the most combined.
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - Aren't you just the same thing?
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - Aren't you just the same thing?
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - You have been here already, [[File:Statecap.png]] State Cappie.
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - You have been here already, [[File:Statecap.png]] State Cappie.
*[[File:AuthSoc.png]] [[State Socialism|Authoritarian Socialism]] - Socialism is when workers, not bureaucracy, manage the means of production.
*[[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]] - Why do you have to exist?!
*[[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]] - Why do you have to exist?!
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - Piss off, imperialist scum!
*[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|Fake "Libertarian"]] - I'M THE TRUE LIBERTARIAN YOU RADICAL CAPITALIST SCUM!
*[[File:PolState.png]] [[Police Statism]] - FUCK YOU! I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!
*[[File:Imp.png]] [[Imperialism]] - WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SEND THE POOR!
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|National "Socialism"]] - "TeH nAzIs ArE sOcIaLiStS bEcAuSE "sOcIaLiStS" iS lItErAlLY iN tHeIr NaME." ''Sure''. The social "Darwinistic" belief that only the so-called "strong" should survive is ''totally'' something a socialist would believe in.
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|National "Socialism"]] - "TeH nAzIs ArE sOcIaLiStS bEcAuSE "sOcIaLiStS" iS lItErAlLY iN tHeIr NaME." ''Sure''. The social "Darwinistic" belief that only the so-called "strong" should survive is ''totally'' something a socialist would believe in.
*[[File:Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - Oh hell yeah, [[Nazism|two of]] [[Marxism-Leninism|the worst ideologies]] had to produce an even worse offspring. I'm not joining your gang!
*[[File:AuthSoc.png]] [[State Socialism|Authoritarian Socialism]] - Socialism is when workers, not bureaucracy, manage the means of production.
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - "mY [[File:Sralin.png]] dIcTAtOrsHiP iS rEAl sOciAlIsM bEcauSE I pUt "WoRkErS" iN the NaME!" Bullshit I say!
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - "mY [[File:Sralin.png]] dIcTAtOrsHiP iS rEAl sOciAlIsM bEcauSE I pUt "WoRkErS" iN the NaME!" Bullshit I say!
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - You’re a danger to both your own country and to the socialist movement at large. [[Anarcho-Syndicalism|Chomsky]] did not support you, he just knew that you were no different than you capitalist equivalents!
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - You’re a danger to both your own country and to the socialist movement at large. [[Anarcho-Syndicalism|Chomsky]] did not support you, he just knew that you were no different than you capitalist equivalents!
*[[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]] - You're the real oxymoron here, so stop denying it.
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - Piss off, imperialist scum!
*[[File:Minarchist.png]] [[Minarchism]] - Same as above.
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - Reagan and Thatcher were more authoritarian governments than social democratic governments!
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - Reagan and Thatcher were more authoritarian governments than social democratic governments!
*[[File:PolState.png]] [[Police Statism]] - FUCK YOU! I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!
*[[File:Thatcher.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism#Thatcherism|Thatcherism]] - 🎵 DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD! 🎵
*[[File:3way.png]] [[Third Way]] - Piss off you woke imperialist trash! <s>And stop posting videos claiming Chomsky is a genocide denier, he's just saying they ''aren't really genocides'', which isn't the same thing I swear.</s>
*[[File:AuthCon2.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism#Vladimir Putin|Putinism]] - ...Not the guy I want to have a dinner with. <s>Though Neocon is still worse, at least because of his greater firepower and media power at the moment.</s>
*[[File:Euras.png]] [[Fourth Theory]] - Basically [[File:Nazbol.png]] him but with a few takes lifted from the neocons (and don't deny it, you lunatic!). How can you get people to stay in your 'utopia'?
*[[File:Republican_chile.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism|Kastism]] - Lol cope harder fascist.
*[[File:Republican_chile.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism|Kastism]] - Lol cope harder fascist.
*[[File:Thatcher.png]] [[Neoliberalism|Thatcherism]] - FUCK YOU, NEOLIBERAL WITCH!
*[[File:Confem-alt.png]] [[Conservative Feminism]] - Fake feminist!
*[[File:Confem-alt.png]] [[Conservative Feminism]] - Fake feminist!
*[[File:libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism]] - Another pseudo-feminist garbage!
*[[File:libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism]] - Another pseudo-feminist garbage!
*[[File:Libertfem.png]] [[Libertarian Feminism]] - "i'M tOTalLy FrEe AnD InDePeNdEnT cUz i GOt aN oNlYFaNs aCcOuNt!" Not that I'm trying to be a moralist, but you cannot achieve actual feminist empowerment through selling your basic dignity, pick one.
*[[File:Libertfem.png]] [[Libertarian Feminism]] - "i'M tOTalLy FrEe AnD InDePeNdEnT cUz i GOt aN oNlYFaNs aCcOuNt!" Not that I'm trying to be a moralist, but you cannot achieve actual feminist empowerment through selling your basic dignity, pick one.
*[[File:3way.png]] [[Third Way]] - Piss off you woke imperialist trash! <s>And stop posting videos claiming Chomsky is a genocide denier, he's just saying they ''aren't really genocides'', which isn't the same thing I swear.</s>
*[[File:Obj.png]] [[Objectivism]] - You don't want freedom; you want everyone to obey the orders of the bosses who you think are the greatest thing ever.
*[[File:Obj.png]] [[Objectivism]] - You don't want freedom; you want everyone to obey the orders of the bosses who you think are the greatest thing ever.
*[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|Fake "Libertarian"]] - I'M THE TRUE LIBERTARIAN YOU RADICAL CAPITALIST SCUM!
*[[File:AuthCon2.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism]] - ...Not the guy I want to have a dinner with. <s>Though Neocon is still worse, at least because of his greater firepower and media power at the moment.</s>
*[[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]] - You're the real oxymoron here, so stop denying it.
*[[File:Minarchist.png]] [[Minarchism]] - Read above.
*[[File:Mediastocracy_flair.png]] [[Mediacracy]] - Stop manufacturing consent!
*[[File:Mediastocracy_flair.png]] [[Mediacracy]] - Stop manufacturing consent!
*[[File:8ValuesBall.png]] [[File:Centrist-purple.png]] A whole load of political tests - NO, MARXISM IS NOT AUTHORITARIAN, DUMBASSES!
*[[File:8ValuesBall.png]] [[File:Centrist-purple.png]] A whole load of political tests - NO, MARXISM IS NOT AUTHORITARIAN, DUMBASSES!