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Marxism–Leninism–Maoism: Difference between revisions

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===[[File:Cball-Nepal.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Prachanda Path]]===
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Prachanda Path, Also known as simply "Prachanda Path" or "Prachandaism" is a development of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism based on the views of Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also known as 'Prachanda' The incumbent Prime Minister of Nepal.
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For these reasons, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Prachanda Path is commonly denounced as 'revisionist' by fellow [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Marxist-Leninists]] and [[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism|Maoists]].
===[[File:Cball-India.png]] [[Agrarian Socialism|Naxalism]]===
Naxalism is an Insurgerist Maoist ideology that began in Naxalbari, India during the 1960's. It combines The principles of [[File:Ultraprogressivism.png]] [[Revolutionary Progressivism]], [[File:Agsoc.png]] [[Agrarian Socialism]], [[File:Antiimp.png]] Anti-Imperialism, and opposition to [[File:AntiCaste.png]] The Caste System
===[[File:Kaypakkaya.png]] [[Leninism|Kaypakkayaism]]===
Kaypakkayaism is The beliefs of Turkish Revoltuinary İbrahim Kaypakkaya, advocating for Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with strong anti-Revionist characteristics. Anti-Kemalism and Anti-Ottomanism are integrated into Kaypakkaya Thought.
Kaypakkayism developed The concept of "National Democratic Revolution" in Turkey, which would overthrow the semi-colonial, semi-feudal system and establish a people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and peasantry.
===[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism|People's War and Anti-Opportunism]]===
People's War is the idea that in order to truly establish a Communist society, the party should organize a revolution through warfare rather than a political, electoral focus. This is due to the fact that according to both Lenin and Mao's writings, political elections are seen as comprador frauds used to turn opportunist parties to turn to capitalism to appease the big-power bourgeois.
===[[File:Commie.png]] [[Internationalism]]===
Due to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism holding onto the theory that soon the world will accept communism and establish a global people's society, Maoists often intervene in the side of other Maoist revolutions to further build the success of such democratic revolutions. For example, many anarcho-communists, although politically different from the authoritarian state of the MLM, joined the PKK and TKP/ML in their fight against ISIS through their shared love for the people's liberation and hatred for fascism.
===[[File:Hoxha.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Anti Split]] [[File:Ancom.png]] [[File:Dengf.png]]===
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism sees itself as the highest form of traditional Marxism, which in itself has scrubbed and proportionized Marxism to a universal statute. Due to this, other branch ideologies are considered revisionists, who bend communism to a disproportionate ideology that allows cracks for capitalism, imperialism and dogmatism to grow in. They use the example of Kruschevite and Gorbachevist destruction of the main ideas of Lenin and Stalin to allow capitalism to breed within the USSR, alongside [[Hoxhaism]] [[File:Hoxha.png|frameless]] and [[Anarcho-Communism|Anarchism]] [[File:Ancom.png|frameless]] as a relative example to the disproportionism of the traditional Marxist ideology.
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===[[File:Cball-India.png]] [[Agrarian Socialism|India]]===
MLM started in India during May 18, 1967 in a village called Naxalbari, West Bengal; a tenant-farmer was attacked by a landlord's gangs as a result of a land dispute, leading to a group of locals later killing the landlord. This attack was led by Kanu Sanyal, who was a local politician from the area who was indoctrinated by Maoism from bordering China. This was supported by other big-tenants, namely the leader of one of the local Communist Party of India party regions, [[Agrarian Socialism|Charu Majumdar]], who helped spearhead and further collectivize the revolutionary principle by introducing the creation of the "Historic Eight Documents", a documentation spearheading the idea of a communist revolution led by the lower caste of Indian society, including workers, peasants and tribal peoples to overthrow the upper-class governing society, further spreading the attack of landlords and seizing of land by peoples under a MLM-styled governance. Because of this, this caused a divide between the then-ruling Communist Party of India in West Bengal, as supporting students and CPI leaders from Calcutta were showing support for the revolutionary movement, which led to a general divide in the party itself. As sympathizers for the Naxalite movement were kicked out from the party, many of the students and CPI leaders from those Universities later joined the Naxalite movement in West Bengal. This prospected movement caused much harm that Indira Gandhi, then-ruling President forced a massive campaign to destroy the movement, leading to the arrests of 20,000 members and supporters and the leader, Charu Majumdar himself. His later death in prison would spark ideological and political divide within the Naxalite movement. However, due to the massive spark of outcry by reported military warcrimes, this gained popularity especially within rural and tribal areas of India, most renowned being Bastar area of Chattisgarh province, where the Naxalites still have a strong hold.
Naxals are progressive on women's rights, anti - caste, pro - Adivasi rights, and pro - LGBTQ+ rights.
===[[File:Cball-Nepal.png]] [[Maoism|Nepal]]===
MLM started in Nepal following a split within the Communist Party of Nepal in 1994 by traditional Marxist and MLM-supporting members of the party, Leaders Baburam Bhattarai and Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) attempted to join the 1994 elections, but weren't recognized due to their 'extreme ideology', and only recognized the Marxist-Leninist branch of the former Communist Party. This led to the party going underground, gaining support through political campaigning in areas of rural Nepal. This eventually coincided with the massacre of most of the Nepali monarchy by Prince Dipendra, who later was widely believed to be influenced by Prachanda's ideology. By 1996, the CPN-MLM's general congress had unanimously decided to launch a revolution unless their 40 demands were met. This led to the start of the Nepali Civil War, which lasted for 10 years until the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, who had by then held two major cities and large swathes of rural Nepal to sign the Comprehensive Peace Accord in 2006, which legalized the CPN-MLM for the 2006 incoming elections, who had then won by a massive landslide due to the unpopularity of the monarchy-government. However, Prachanda’s and the leadership of the party’s decisions are now heavily criticized by revolutionary organizations in Nepal and on the international scale. <ref>https://espressostalinist.com/2011/07/28/prachanda-follower-of-modern-revisionism/</ref>
===[[File:Cball-Peru.png]] [[Maoism|Peru]]===
[[File:ShiningPathFiveYears.jpg|thumb|215x215px|A Shining Path propaganda poster]]
MLM started in Peru when Abimael Guzman, a former university professor on philosophy, founded the Peruvian Communist Party - Shining Path, also known as Sendero Luminoso. Guzman's foundations on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism were heavily rooted from a trip to China, where his adoration of Maoism led him to splinter from his original party, the Communist Party of Peru - Bandera Rojo. His party first gained popularity in the universities of San Cristobal of Huamanga, Huancayo and La Cantuta, where members of the student council were members of Sendero Luminoso. By 1980, Sendero Luminoso launched its guerilla campaign by destroying ballot boxes, seizing control of rural villages and gaining support through swift 'people's court' trials which punished land owners and businessmen. This gained initial support with locals in rural areas, although soon after, with atrocities committed by members of Sendero Luminoso against supposed 'party enemies', this led to a wave of massacres commited by the Sendero Luminoso. Action was not swiftly taken until the prseidency of Alberto Fujimori, which launched a strikingly destructive offensive against bases of the Sendero Luminoso. Both sides had committed atroicites, but by 1992, Guzman was captured by the [[File:PolState.png]] GEIN (Special Intelligence Group of Peru), leading to the fracture of the party. Nowadays, the Sendero Luminoso is but a shell of its own self, as its remaining branch-faction, the Militarized Communist Party of Peru gains money mostly through the Peruvian drug Trade in the Valle de los Rios Apurimac, Ene y Mantaro region (VRAEM).
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The Shinning Path is typically culturally right - wing and anti - LGBTQ+.
===[[File:Cball-Philippines.png]] [[Revolutionary Progressivism|The Philippines]]===
[[File:NPAlogo.png|left|thumb|200x200px|The logo of the New People's Army, featuring a red triangle with three golden stars, with a rifle and pointed weapon coming out of it. The words at the bottom simply translate to New People's Army]]
MLM started in the Philippines during 1966. with the work of former political professor [[w:Jose_Maria_Sison|Jose Maria Canlas Sison]] (nickname: Joma Sison) who wrote on the errors of the Communist Party of the Philippines in the 1930s-50s, under the former Hukbalahap communist revolution, and how Maoism is the way to Communism for the Philippines. His revolution was later joined by the Kabataang Makabayan, a communist student movement opposing then-dictator Ferdinand Marcos and his nationalist policies. Eventually, in 1968, on the 26th of December, the Communist Party of the Philippines was reestablished by proletarian revolutionary cadres and proclaimed that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was its theoretical guide. By 1969, he launched the beginning of peoples war in the country under his party's military wing, the [[w:New_People%27s_Army|New People's Army (NPA).]] (NPA was formed by [[w:Bernabe_Buscayno|Bernabe Buscayno]] or nicknamed Kumander Dante.)
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MLM started in Turkey in 1972 by former members of the Revolutionary Workers and Peasants Party of Turkey, who, after being emboldened by the imprisonment of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, a Turkish Maoist, had organized in Tunceli Province as a terrorist organization and began terrorist attacks against the Turkish Government. Kaypakkaya was ifluenced after reading Mao's writings in the University of Istanbul. After being expelled for opposing the 6th US fleet visit to Istanbul, he later joined the RWPPT and gathered support for Maoism within the party. He later broke off after calling the leader of the party a 'revisionist'. He was later jailed and imprisoned in 1971, and was executed in 1973. His supporters had largely remained in Tunceli until the Syrian Civil war, there the TKP/ML began growing in numbers as they allied themselves with the PKK, a Kurdish communist rebel group in Turkey and had gained significant numbers from internationalist fighters heading to Rojava, the main base of the TKP/ML. The group adopted from rural-based guerilla fighting to organized guerilla through urban attacks against landowners and monopoly businessmen mostly in the city of Istanbul, although rural-based guerilla fighting to a extent is still practiced in the mountains of Tunceli/Dersim province of Turkey.
=== [[File:DPLF.png]] [[Socialism|Palestine]] ===
The history of MLM in Palestine started with the DFLP. The DFLP was founded in 1968 by Nayef Hawatmeh as a split from the [[File:Habash.png]] [[National Communism|PFLP]] . The DFLP advocates for protracted people's war against the Israeli state. Their goal is to establish a Socialist Palestinian state where Muslims, Jews and Christians all have autonomy. The group is famous for carrying out numerous terrorist attacks like suicide bombings. The DFLP is one of the most powerful and active groups in the Gaza strip. Coincidentally, Fusako Shigenobu, political leader of the Japanese Red Army conducted operations in Palestine and supported revolutionary movements in Palestine.
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*[[Left-Wing Nationalism|Irish Republicanism]] - THE IRISH PEOPLE HAVE BEEN OPPRESSED FOR FAR TOO LONG! Marxist Paul is based af.
*[[Anti-Fascism|Antifa]] - BASH THE FASH! Stop being such a anarkiddie tho.
*[[Indigenism]] - The Indian Naxals are for the Adivasi natives.
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*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - Liberal scum! Go back to simping for capitalists!
*[[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism]] - Same as above. But an improvement.
*[[File:Liberalsoc.png]] [[Liberal Socialism]] - Twitter 'communists' aren't communists, they're liberals! Quit calling yourselves commies, you liberalist scum! PLUS [[Market Socialism|VAUSH]] IS A LIBERAL PSEUDOSOCIALIST AND [[Left-Wing Nationalism|MARXIST PAUL]] WILL DESTROY HIM!
*[[File:Jihad.png|frameless]] [[Jihadism]] - We beat the fucking shit out of you in Raqqa, and we'll do it again, fascist scum!
*[[File:Hindutva.png|frameless]] [[Hindutva]] - And that fascist Modi wonders why his tribal people turn to Maoism... we'll be inciting revolution in Kashmir next, caste-loving Nazi!


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