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It is the general belief that absolutist systems of governance work best, specifically when the line of succession is clear (which coincides with Moldbug's criticism of dictatorship).<br> Royalists don't favor a particular mode of succession; some favoring something akin to an elective monarchy (see [[File:Neocam.png]] Neocameralism below) while others favor hereditary monarchism, and such; and is less so an indication of a particular view on the de jure process of [[File:Abmon.png]] [[Absolute Monarchism|monarchies]] than it is an indication of support for the de facto 'virtue' of [[File:Abmon.png]] monarchism (stability and order, which NRx's generally associate with freedom)<ref name=":1"/>
It is the general belief that absolutist systems of governance work best, specifically when the line of succession is clear (which coincides with Moldbug's criticism of dictatorship).<br> Royalists don't favor a particular mode of succession; some favoring something akin to an elective monarchy (see [[File:Neocam.png]] Neocameralism below) while others favor hereditary monarchism, and such; and is less so an indication of a particular view on the de jure process of [[File:Abmon.png]] [[Absolute Monarchism|monarchies]] than it is an indication of support for the de facto 'virtue' of [[File:Abmon.png]] monarchism (stability and order, which NRx's generally associate with "right-wing" politics and liberty in general).<ref name=":1"/>

===[[File:Neocam.png]] [[Neocameralism]]===
===[[File:Neocam.png]] [[Neocameralism]]===
Neocameralism is a form of government proposed by Mencius Moldbug and developed by others as a replacement for representative democracy. Neocameralism is a form of government organised around the profit incentive. As such the Neocameralist system is a system of nigh-absolute rule in which the Monarch-C.E.O. (which Moldbug calls a ''Delegate'', based on the corporate title used by colonial-era Quakers) is accountable to a group of shareholders.
Neocameralism is a form of government proposed by Mencius Moldbug and developed by others as a replacement for representative democracy. Neocameralism is a form of government organised around the profit incentive. As such the Neocameralist system is a system of nigh-absolute rule in which the Monarch-C.E.O. (which Moldbug calls a ''Delegate'', based on the corporate title used by colonial-era Quakers) is accountable to a group of shareholders.

===Neoreactionary Neologisms===
==Neoreactionary Neologisms==
The Neoreactionary movement came up with a lot of neologisms to describe various concepts. Neologisms are perhaps the most influential thing to come out of the movement, appearing in political discourse outside of the movement.
The Neoreactionary movement came up with a lot of neologisms to describe various concepts. Neologisms are perhaps the most influential thing to come out of the movement, appearing in political discourse outside of the movement.

The Neologisms include:
These Neologisms include:

===The Cathedral===
*'''The Cathedral''' - "The Cathedral" within the context of Neoreactionary discourse is a term used to refer to a society's ''intellectual elite'' meaning a class of people who are able to decide what the average person thinks is ''true or false'', ''right or wrong'' and ''important or unimportant''.
'''The Cathedral''', within the context of Neo-Reactionary discourse, is a term used to refer to a society's ''intellectual elite'' meaning a class of people who are able to decide what the average person thinks is ''true or false'', ''right or wrong'' and ''important or unimportant''.

Historically this role was fulfilled by religious institutions hence the usage of the term "cathedral", this is intentionally contrasted with the institutions that fulfill the role of the cathedral in the modern age that being ''Schools, [[Technocracy|Universities]], the [[Mediacracy|Media]] and the Entertainment industry'' who largely market themselves as "Secular". It is worth to note that the Cathedral (in it's modern incarnation) ''is not'' a formal institution that people just belong to but rather an informal network of leaders of the before-aforementioned institutions that happen to agree on most important matters (Harvard, The New York Times, Disney and The Guardian rarely disagree for example)
Historically this role was fulfilled by religious institutions hence the usage of the term "cathedral", this is intentionally contrasted with the institutions that fulfill the role of the cathedral in the modern age that being ''Schools, [[Technocracy|Universities]], the [[Mediacracy|Media]] and the Entertainment industry'' who largely market themselves as "Secular". It is worth noting that the Cathedral (in it's modern incarnation) ''is not'' a formal institution that people belong to, but rather an informal network of leaders of the before-aforementioned institutions that happen to agree on most important matters (Harvard, The New York Times, Disney and The Guardian rarely disagree for example)

*[[File:Redpill.png]] '''Redpill''' - Within the context of Neoreactionary discourse a [[File:Redpill.png]] "Redpill" is any realisation or experience that disconnects an individual from the established ''cathedral''. The term is a reference to the popular film trilogy ''The Matrix''.
*[[File:Redpill.png]] '''Redpill''' - Within the context of Neoreactionary discourse [[File:Redpill.png]] "Redpill" is any realisation or experience that disconnects an individual from the established ''cathedral''. The term is a reference to the popular film trilogy ''The Matrix''.

The concept of the Redpill is ''THE'' most influential term to come out of the NRx movement, being practically ubiqutous within political discourse on both the left, right, centre and beyond. The term "Redpill" spawned many off-shoots generally named after the specific realisation the redpill provides (including terms [[File:Blackpill.png]] ''[ Blackpill]'' (Pessimism), [[File:Whitepill.png]] [ Whitepill] (Optimism), [ Greenpill] (parnamormalism) and more) and also the combination with the term "Based" forming "Based and Redpilled". The various pills have also expanded into [[Apoliticism|apolitical]] contexts, especially on dating (examples of dating-specific pills being the [ Purplepill] and the [ Dogpill]) and fitness (example of a fitness-specific pills including the [ Onionpill]).
The concept of the Redpill is ''THE'' most influential term to come out of the NRx movement, being practically ubiqutous within political discourse on both the left, right, centre and beyond. The term "Redpill" spawned many off-shoots generally named after the specific realisation the redpill provides (including terms [[File:Blackpill.png]] ''[ Blackpill]'' (Pessimism), [[File:Whitepill.png]] [ Whitepill] (Optimism), [ Greenpill] (parnamormalism) and more) and also the combination with the term "Based" forming "Based and Redpilled". The various pills have also expanded into [[Apoliticism|apolitical]] contexts, especially on dating (examples of dating-specific pills being the [ Purplepill] and the [ Dogpill]) and fitness (example of a fitness-specific pills including the [ Onionpill]).
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A variation on the term "Redpill" to have actually come out of the NRx movement is the term '''Clearpill '''which is the concept that the best way to come out to political conclusions is to separate yourself from current political factions you have an emotional attachment to and think about policies and systems in an outside context.
A variation on the term "Redpill" to have actually come out of the NRx movement is the term '''Clearpill '''which is the concept that the best way to come out to political conclusions is to separate yourself from current political factions you have an emotional attachment to and think about policies and systems in an outside context.

===The Iron Polygon===
*'''The Iron Polygon''' - The Iron Polygon is an extension of the concept of the [[w:Iron_triangle_(US_politics)#/media/File:Irontriangle.PNG|Iron Triangle]].
'''The Iron Polygon''' is an extension of the concept of the [[w:Iron_triangle_(US_politics)#/media/File:Irontriangle.PNG|Iron Triangle]].

The concept of the "Iron Polygon" is a neoreactionary idea that describes a system of interlocking societal institutions that mutually reinforce each other to maintain the status quo of a particular political order.
The concept of the "Iron Polygon" is a neoreactionary idea that describes a system of interlocking societal institutions that mutually reinforce each other to maintain the status quo of a particular political order.
According to Neo-Reactionary thought, the Iron Polygon consists of three main institutions: the Cathedral, the Corporate-Managerial Complex, and the Military-Industrial Complex.

**The Cathedral refers to the institutionalized power of the mainstream media, academia, and the government bureaucracy, which Neo-Reactionaries see as an interconnected network that perpetuates a progressive and egalitarian ideology. The Cathedral's power is derived from its ability to control the flow of information and shape public opinion.
**The Corporate-Managerial Complex is the second institution in the Iron Polygon, and it includes large corporations, the financial sector, and the managerial class. The neoreactionaries view this complex as an essential component of the Iron Polygon since it helps maintain the dominant political order by providing resources, expertise, and access to power.

**The Military-Industrial Complex is the third institution in the Iron Polygon. It includes the military, defense contractors, and the intelligence agencies. According to the neoreactionaries, the Military-Industrial Complex provides the necessary force to maintain the political order and protect the interests of the ruling elite.
According to neoreactionary thought, the Iron Polygon consists of three main institutions: the Cathedral, the Corporate-Managerial Complex, and the Military-Industrial Complex.
Together, these three institutions form the Iron Polygon, which the neoreactionaries believe is a self-reinforcing system that is resistant to change or reform. The Iron Polygon ensures that power remains in the hands of the ruling elite and perpetuates a system of governance that the neoreactionaries believe is efficient, stable, and just.

===Red and Blue Empire===
Also called the '''Red and Blue Governments''' - The concepts of the '''Red and Blue Empires/Governments''', clipped to '''RedGov''' and '''BlueGov''' is a specific power analysis of U.S. politics, it's the notion that the United States is not under the control of a single government, but rather of ''two'' each with their own internal and foreign policies.

Those two Empires, being the Military and Police-based ''Red Empire'' represented in the U.S. congress by the [[File:RepubUS.png]] [[Conservatism|Republican Party]], and the ''Blue Empire'' based around every other part of the iron polygon represented by the [[File:Conserv.png]] [[Big Tent Liberalism|Democratic Party]].
The Cathedral refers to the institutionalized power of the mainstream media, academia, and the government bureaucracy, which the neoreactionaries see as an interconnected network that perpetuates a progressive and egalitarian ideology. The Cathedral's power is derived from its ability to control the flow of information and shape public opinion.

The Corporate-Managerial Complex is the second institution in the Iron Polygon, and it includes large corporations, the financial sector, and the managerial class. The neoreactionaries view this complex as an essential component of the Iron Polygon since it helps maintain the dominant political order by providing resources, expertise, and access to power.

The Military-Industrial Complex is the third institution in the Iron Polygon. It includes the military, defense contractors, and the intelligence agencies. According to the neoreactionaries, the Military-Industrial Complex provides the necessary force to maintain the political order and protect the interests of the ruling elite.

Together, these three institutions form the Iron Polygon, which the neoreactionaries believe is a self-reinforcing system that is resistant to change or reform. The Iron Polygon ensures that power remains in the hands of the ruling elite and perpetuates a system of governance that the neoreactionaries believe is efficient, stable, and just.

===[[File:Trichotomy.png]] Triangles===
*'''Red and Blue Empire''' also called the '''Red and Blue Governments''' - The concepts of the Red and Blue Government, clipped to '''RedGov''' and '''BlueGov''' is a specific power analysis of U.S. politics, it's the notion that the United States is not under the control of a single government, but rather of ''two'' each with their own internal and foreign policies.
The triangle represents many things to Neo-Reactionaries in terms of political theory, namely, Spandrell’s triangle (the trichotomy), modern division of power within republican states, and contemporary political theory.

====The Trichotomy<ref>[ The Neoreactionary Trichotomy] by Charlemagne</ref>====
Those two Empires being the Military and Police-based ''Red Empire'' represented in the U.S. congress by the [[Conservatism|Republican Party]] and the ''Blue Empire'' based around every other part of the iron polygon represented by the [[Big Tent Liberalism|Democratic Party]].
The trichotomy, inspired partly on the "three estates of the realm" which existed during the Middle Ages, shows the 3 poles of Neo-Reactionaryism: The techno-capitalists, ethno-nationalists, and theonomists/traditionalists. These, as the three estates did, are supposed to balance each other.

The techno-capitalists, the [[File:libertarian.png]] libertarian-esque branch of Neo-Reactionary thought, is supposed to protect the liberty of individuals, the [[file:nation.png]] ethno-nationalists, populist-oriented, are meant to protect the nation where these individuals coexist, and the [[File:trad.png]] theonomists [[File:Theocrat.png]] are meant to guide and order that nation toward a higher moral and metaphysical aim. Each estate has its own hierarchy, but they nonetheless overlap.
===='''''The Trichotomy'''''====

====[[File:Republicanismpix.png]] Republican division of power====
'''The Trichotomy''' is a political theory created by Spandrell in his blog Bloody Shoovel popularised by other neoreactionaries specially Nick Land,it establishes that there are three lines of thought in the reactionary movement in a similar way as the three states of the realm:the ethno-nationalists [[File:Nation.png]],the Techno-merchants [[File:Cap.png]] and Traditional-religious [[File:Religious.png]] all of which share his hate to egalitarianism in one form or other. Each one has their own structures and hierarchies which are intersectionally connected between them<ref>[ The Neoreactionary Trichotomy] by Charlemagne</ref>.
Modern [[File:Republicanismpix.png]] republicanism is based on the division of power within government, and this has, in most republican states, resulted in the creation of three powers. It is here that Neo-Reactionaries see resemblance, once again, with the three estates.

The judicial system is identified as the theocratic branch of the government, "consulting their ancient texts, intoning solemnly to convey the weight of their holy power as they decide what is moral and right for the Nobles and Commoners" as Nick Land puts it. The executive branch is more closely related to the nobility, or capitalists in modern western nations. Lastly, the congress is meant to represent the third estate, and is thus identified by it.
===='''Unprincipled Exception'''====

====Political theory====
An '''unprincipled''' '''exception''' is a policy that violates some absolute principle of ethics held by the policymaker,but is not openly acknowledged as such a violation.
[[File:triangular-model.jpg|thumb|left|150x150px|The political triangle.]]
This political model is also used by Nick Land to explain contemporary politics, where the first state (the "Theocrats", which order society toward moral aims, toward "utopia") have descended into what they call "the Cathedral"; which N. Land considers "hyper-calvinist", identified as the left of the triangular model. Thereby, the left is unipolar and converges to a single point; while the right (identified by N. Land as realism, as opposed to utopia) diverges into two points, it is bipolar, divided between individualists; the nobility or capitalists; and collectivists; the working class and nationalists.<ref>[ Significant Triangles] by Nick Land</ref>

===='''Types of Societies'''====
==='''Unprincipled Exception'''===
An '''unprincipled''' '''exception''' is a policy that violates some absolute principle of ethics held by the policymaker, but is not openly acknowledged as such a violation.

==='''Types of Societies'''===
Moldbug says there are 3 types of Societies according to their relationship between opinion and authority.
Moldbug states that there are 3 types of Societies according to their relationship between opinion and authority:

'''Type 1: The Loyal Society''' is one where public opinion is a matter of state security, thoughts are categorised in two: bad thoughts that are dangerous to the safety of the state and good thoughts that are useful for the state, people are punished for expressing bad thoughts or rewarded for expressing good or ideally both, the state supports a set of official information organs which uses to install good thoughts and prevent and/or prohibit the spreading of bad thoughts into the population.
*Type 1: '''The Loyal Society''' is one where public opinion is a matter of state security, thoughts are categorised in two: bad thoughts that are dangerous to the safety of the state and good thoughts that are useful for the state, people are punished for expressing bad thoughts or rewarded for expressing good or ideally both, the state supports a set of official information organs which uses to install good thoughts and prevent and/or prohibit the spreading of bad thoughts into the population.

'''Type 2: The Society of Consensus''' is a society in which the press and media controls the authority, it's hallmark is the phenomenon of spontaneous coordination which consists in produce an official information system which in all other respects resembles that of a type 1 society but which is not responsible to any central authority or institution.
*Type 2: '''The Society of Consensus''' is a society in which the press and media controls the authority, it's hallmark is the phenomenon of spontaneous coordination which consists in produce an official information system which in all other respects resembles that of a type 1 society but which is not responsible to any central authority or institution.

'''Type 3: The Open Society''' is a society where is a free market of divergent ideas and institutions competing which ones are closer to reality. If such a society functions properly, it should eventually decide this issue and become either of the other two types.
*Type 3: '''The Open Society''' is a society where is a free market of divergent ideas and institutions competing which ones are closer to reality. If such a society functions properly, it should eventually decide this issue and become either of the other two types.
