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Pietism is a (...)
Puritans are a radical sect of Christianity historically found in England, they were born out of a hatred for the Catholic church due to its wealth and corruption and saw the Anglican church as a continuation of the Catholic church but in Canterbury rather than Rome. They opposed Latin scripture preffering national languages so that everyone could understand and formality as formal and rich decoration distracted from the spiritual. WIP
*[[File:Cromwell.png]] '''Oliver Cromwell -''' Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, former Member of Parliament for Cambridge and Huntingdon and former military commander, in which he was an extremely controversial figure in history. Cromwell is perhaps the most famous single Puritan in history becoming dictator of England He was also undersigned on the death of Charles I and participated in the Second English Civil War. He is a strongly religious Puritan Christian and tolerated several Protestant sects at the time.
He led the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland, in which he invaded and conquered Ireland, ending the Irish Confederate Wars, totaling 200-600,000 deaths. In Ireland, he imposed laws against Irish Catholics, such as confiscating all Irish land and giving it to the British, banning marriage between Irish Catholics and British Puritans, banning Catholics from entering the Irish parliament and visiting the city, and estimates put 15-50% would have lost their lives, further aggravated by the bubonic plague. He was accused of numerous atrocities in Ireland and is still hotly debated about the atrocities committed.
As Lord Protector, he tried to restore political order in the Protectorate, as well as being against a monarchist revolt and when Parliament turned against him, Cromwell dissolved him in 1655. He defeated the Dutch in the First Anglo-Dutch War and invaded Spanish colonies in the Caribbean and ended up colonizing Jamaica. He encouraged Jews to return to England after being banished by Edward I, in hopes of an economic recovery.
In accordance with strict Puritan doctrine, Cromwell banned dancing, card games and other celebrations so that people worked hard with little reward. At one point he even banned Christmas dinner. He died in 1658 of natural causes, even after death, his corpse was dug up, hung in chains, and then beheaded.
His son, Richard Cromwell, attempted to continue his father's legacy but proved incompetent and soon resigned this led to [[File:Mon.png]] [[Monarchism|George Monck]] assuming power as the most senior army official in a military junta. Monck recognised that the commonwealth no longer had legitimacy in the eyes of the people so he invited Charles the first's son, Charles II, to return home from France and become King. Monck would later be made a duke and first lord of the treasury, one of the very few individuals to hold both titles.
===[[File:Baptist.png]] Baptism===


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