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中国东南地区人,米格道,TNO玩家,亲乌克兰,支持班德拉,Stable Diffusion制图热爱者。编剧。天主教信徒,另类。
A native of Southeast China, MGTOW, TNO player, pro-Ukrainian and Stepan Bandera, Stable Diffusion cartography enthusiast. Screenwriter. Alternative Catholics.
- Neo-Libertarianism - TOTAL ZIGGER DEATH. I hope Vatniks cry louder when Krynky's three Russian VDV divisions fail to defeat the Ukrainian 35th Brigade. They should be afraid when they hear your name!
- Anarcho capitalism - Basic declaration. But the market cannot completely prevent world wars. On the contrary, wars destroy market principles. This is why people carry guns and communities need to be strong armed. Sometimes we need an ideological bloody war to ensure ethics and profits against assholes who completely deny natural law.
- MGTOW - Women, please don’t have deep friendship with me. This is my only request.
- libertarian feminism - A large part of the homogenization of women comes from the definition of what was once male. Now is the time to address this issue.
- Austrian School - If I'm going to nitpick your question - your contemporary variation claims that the past was good. This statement applies to yourself. Mises and Menger were responsible for economics, Llewellyn Rockwell is an unconventional idiot.
- Nordic Model - When the left talks about high welfare and the right talks about free market, the Nordic model is both a free market and high welfare. Why is this? Because other countries are corrupt.
- LGBTQ+ - lifestyle? idc. It is corporations that produce drugs for trans people, while the state is only responsible for enforcing the ban on trans people. So Tankie-Transgenders excepted. China is an LGBTQ-unfriendly country.
- Zelenskyism - Due to the war in Ukraine, I took the path of confrontation with Paleolibert and formed my own ideas. I would still defend You from they claiming you purchased luxury items, but that's about it. Why will the Russian army’s offensive capabilities become stronger in 2024?
- Zionism - Masters of land management like the Japanese, suffering like the Koreans. But why do you insist on establishing a state in Palestine, Why not königsberg? Additionally, I am involved in fighting anti-Semites. But you did manage to kill the jihadi Hezbollah...
- Libertarianism - Louisiana LP care about kindness. And the Nevada LP is just Nazis.
Porn Japanese anime
Japanese anime used to be about blood, action, mecha and dystopia. Japanese anime these days are just some whores kick protagonist who can't even pass school math
- Islamic Theocracy - Materialism Fails to Explain the West’s Conflict with Islam. If you support jihad, fuck you.[1]
- Paleolibertarianism - “Those who support the state are ultimately apologists for the massacre,” so you claim that the Bucha massacre was committed by the Ukrainian army. If you "hate the media," don't watch any news.[2] Also, China's GDP comes from people working hard, not from fxxking low taxes.
- Orthodox theocracy - Keep crying, Russians have millions of drug addicts, hundreds of thousands of women are prostituted, abandon their families, commit suicide, get drunk, have a murder rate higher than the United States, and the domestic violence bill cannot be passed. Those are really Christian values, right, Satanist Bishop Kirill?
Ignore I don't hate Constantine Orthodox Church - Trumpism - MAGA claimed that Harris obtained the position of the Democratic Party through pornography, and also accused the Democratic Party of being a pedophile. Sorry, Harris has never been divorced, but you are saying that Trump protects traditional families? His five children have three mothers. The peace conference must be promoted by Ukrainian officials, not you.
- Incel - MGTOW means volcel, voluntarily single. So go watch your fucking little loli porn, you guys are just seriously embarrassing in the Blue Archive forums.