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Mordecai describes his ideology with 7 core values:

  •   The Defense of Liberty
  •   The Individual Freedom granted by the Government
  •   A Strong Constitution
  •   The Unrestricted Market Freedom
  •   Defense of Democracy of all Costs
  •   Solidariety between different social classes
  •   And the Separation of the Church and the State


I supports a   laizzes-faire economy, where everybody can buy and sell without any form of government interference, nor a bureaucracy which delays societal progress.


I wants to replace all welfare programs with an UBI, which will help those don't who doesn't can ladder up in the society. And it will be funded by the taxation(which will be extremely low of course)


I wants to reduce all taxes to only two, being them:

  •   buying tax
  •   land-value tax

Any other form of taxation is just, robbery. and nothing can change this fact, no matter how some tries to say otherwise.

Social Policy

I supports many takes that are seen as Progressive, like: i'm Pro-LGBT, Pro-Choice, Pro-Police Reform, Believes there's 4 genders, Supports Drug legalization and anti-nationalism.

Why "Libertarian" Conservatives aren't real Libertarians

Libertarianism means Small Government, and letting people to be free without ending the government. this means support individuals rights, and then the "Libertarian" Conservatives don't support Abortion legality. therefore they are LINOS(Libertarians in Name Only).

Why a Confederation will be the ideal for Colombia

Well... i'm Colombian, and my current government is too Centralized. firstly i adopt Federalism, as i really hated Unitarism. but then i discovered the Confederalism, that is pratically just Federalism but better. as this could end many Economical and Social crisis, as every state could do their better. and it also could help the Poor without destroying the Budget, because every state could have their own Services. instead of a National Service that not only doesn't help the poor but also destroys the budget, so this is the best option for Colombia.

Rare Interventionism

I'm against all forms of Imperialism, be it Economical or Social. but i supports a "Rare Interventionism" that just intervenes in a Nation if they were Commiting a Genocide like Serbia and Rwanda, and their local populance would support the Intervention.

In terms of Foreign Policy, i'm most inclined to the Western world. but i'm not too fond of them, as what they did against other countries like: Guatemala and Chile were just plain evil and unjustificable. but in currently they are chill for the most part(not counting Iraq and Lybia) so i would call myself a "Atlanticist" even thought i reject this label to not be associated with Neocons.

Also Bush,Blair,Obama and Clinton are all War criminals. Cope.





  •   - I don't have to explain what i think about Communism
  •   User:Khomeinism - You are a   theocrat, a   reactionary, a   diet-socialist,   you denies the holocaust and you are also an   imperialist? you really thinks you are very smart with your takes.


  •   - Hello, you could have been a little more hostile, by the way, I am a traditionalist and not a reactionary, I did not understand what you meant from the last part of what you said to me. Thank you for adding me to your relationships.
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  • The fact that you want to defense liberty via state which is an enemy of liberty itself is just hilarious. Also, """laissez-faire economy""" with land-value taxes??? LMAO
    • Furthermore, "The Individual Freedom granted by the Government"??? This perfectly reminds me of this: "There is a path to freedom. Its milestones are: Obedience, diligence, honesty, orderliness, cleanliness, sobriety, truthfulness, readiness to make sacrifices, and love of the fatherland." -   Himmler
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