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{{UserAm}} - Please add me.

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Revision as of 02:00, 5 June 2022

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Relationships With Ideologies


Liberal Socialism - The social and governmental part my ideology.

Democratic Socialism - Close to my ideology.

Market Socialism - The economic part of my ideology.

Democracy - Everyone should have the right to elect politicians directly.

Environmentalism - The environment must be protected.

Liberation Theology - The best kind of Christianity.

Christian Socialism - The second-best kind of Christianity.

Catholic Workerism - The Catholic combination/variant of the above two ideologies.

Syndicalism - Based workforce unionization and decentralized worker organizations.

Guild Socialism - Based but I prefer unions over guilds.

Men's Liberation & Feminism - All people should be liberated from the confines of gender norms.

LGBTQ+ - All people are equal.


Social Liberalism - An overall more moderate and capitalist form of my ideology.

Bull Moose Progressivism - Bust those trusts! Could be less imperialist and statist, however.

Longism - Decent ideology. However, it could be less statist and more democratic.

Titoism - While it may be the most successful form of market socialism, it is far too authoritarian and not culturally progressive enough.

Social Democracy - Close to my ideology just much more moderate.

Catholic Theocracy - Theocracy is very cringe. The only reason you aren't in the enemies category is because of the basedness of Pope Francis and because you are better than the Protestants.


Trumpism - A sad excuse for a president.

Fascists - The worst type of people.

Marxist–Leninism - Statist pig.

Stalinism - Even worse than Marxist-Leninism.

Monarchists - Let's have a tea party!

Theocracy - Separation of church and state is very important for any free society.

Anarcho-Capitalist - Ancapistan? More like hell on earth!

Imperialism - Empires shouldn't exist.


Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - Socialism is the best economic system.

George Orwell - Democracy and Socialism should always coexist.

Martin Luther King Jr. - All people are equal.

Nelson Mandela - Equal rights is a cause worth fighting for.

Abraham Lincoln - The great emancipator who showed the Confederates who's boss.

Theodore Roosevelt - Environmentalism is very important.

Franklin D. Roosevelt - One of the greatest presidents of all time who led America to victory in WWII, brought America out of the Great Depression, and made the United States a superpower.

Dorothy Day - Anarchist, Feminist, and Catholic? Based!

Josip Broz Tito - Created the most successful form of market socialism.

Milovan Djilas - If only Tito had listened to you.

Mikhail Gorbachev - The best post-Lenin leader of the USSR.

Thomas Moore - Socialism in the 16th century.

John Locke - Liberalism and justice for all!

Thomas Paine - The most based Founding Father of all time.

Test Results

Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -5.63

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.97


Revolution 38.2% - Reform 61.8%

Scientific 50% - Utopian 50%

Central 30% - Decentral 70%

International 44.6% - National 55.4%

Party 48.1% - Union 51.9%

Production 41.7% - Nature 58.3%

Conservative 35.3% - Progressive 64.7%

Closest Match = Democratic Socialism

Liberation Values

Moderate 43.8% - Radical 56.2%

Left-Unity 51.8% - Lib-Unity 48.2%

Centralized 18.2% - Decentralized 81.8%

Localist 59.3% - Globalist 40.7%

Traditionalist 38.1% - Progressive 61.9%

Markets 83.4% - Planning 16.6%

Closest Match = Liberal Socialism

How I Would Have Voted In Every United States Presidential Election

1788 - George Washington (Independent)

1792 - Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)

1796 - Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)

1800 - Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)

1804 - Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)

1808 - James Madison (Democratic-Republican)

1812 - James Madison (Democratic-Republican)

1816 - James Monroe (Democratic-Republican)

1820 - James Monroe (Democratic-Republican)

1824 - Andrew Jackson (Democratic-Republican)

1828 - Andrew Jackson (Democratic)

1832 - Andrew Jackson (Democratic)

1836 - Martin Van Buren (Democratic)

1840 - Martin Van Buren (Democratic)

1844 - James K. Polk (Democratic)

1848 - Martin Van Buren (Free Soil)

1852 - John P. Hale (Free Soil)

1856 - John C. Frémont (Republican)

1860 - Abraham Lincoln (Republican)

1864 - Abraham Lincoln (National Union)

1868 - Ulysses S. Grant (Republican)

1872 - Horace Greeley (Liberal Republican)

1876 - Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican)

1880 - James A. Garfield (Republican)

1884 - James G. Blaine (Republican)

1888 - Benjamin Harrison (Republican)

1892 - James B. Weaver (Populist)

1896 - William McKinley (Republican)

1900 - Theodore Roosevelt (Republican)

1904 - Theodore Roosevelt (Republican)

1908 - William Howard Taft (Republican)

1912 - Eugene V. Debs (Socialist)

1916 - Charles Evans Hughes (Republican)

1920 - James M. Cox (Democratic)

1924 - Robert M. La Follette (Progressive)

1928 - Al Smith (Democratic)

1932 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic)

1936 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic)

1940 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic)

1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democratic)

1948 - Henry A. Wallace (Progressive)

1952 - Adlai Stevenson II (Democratic)

1956 - Adlai Stevenson II (Democratic)

1960 - John F. Kennedy (Democratic)

1964 - Lyndon B. Johnson (Democratic)

1968 - Hubert Humphrey (Democratic)

1972 - George McGovern (Democratic)

1976 - Jimmy Carter (Democratic)

1980 - Jimmy Carter (Democratic)

1984 - Walter Mondale (Democratic)

1988 - Michael Dukakis (Democratic)

1992 - Bill Clinton (Democratic)

1996 - Bill Clinton (Democratic)

2000 - Al Gore (Democratic)

2004 - John Kerry (Democratic)

2008 - Barack Obama (Democratic)

2012 - Barack Obama (Democratic)

2016 - Hillary Clinton (Democratic)

2020 - Joe Biden (Democratic)


“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves”

― Abraham Lincoln

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

― Nelson Mandela

“You don’t have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being.”

— Malcolm X

User Relations


Template:Yoda8soup - Based ideology and fellow liberal socialist enjoyer.

SamKibGuy - Based ideology. Down with authoritarianism!

Template:UserTony567 - Very unique and based ideology. I am looking forward to seeing how your ideology will develop over time.

Template:UserPantheon - Based ideology besides for the cringe monarchy stuff. Constitutional Monarchism and Monarcho-Socialism are some of the less cringe forms of Monarchism so you get a pass.


Template:UserMatteel - Good ideology just a too moderate.

Template:UserAshleyHere - Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of Individualism but Oscar Wilde is pretty based and I also respect and like the work of Absurdists such as Albert Camus and Franz Kafka. You also seem like a nice person.

Template:UserChirotesla - I like most of your economic positions but your social views are too conservative. Thank you for making my original icon!


Template:UserLordCompost86 - I am not the biggest fan of Egoism and the political/philosophical beliefs of Max Stirner. You aren't socially conservative though and you dislike Ayn Rand so that's good.

Template:UserCouncilguy - Extremely doomer, hates democracy, and believes that climate change is unstoppable. Industrialization may have caused the vast majority of the climate problems we are facing in the modern day but that doesn't mean that industrialization and the destruction of the environment are mutually exclusive. Case and point: Green Industrialization. You aren't socially conservative though so that's good at least.

Template:UserIooootheanarchist - I agree with you on certain issues but I prefer reform as a way to establish socialism over insurrection and I also believe markets can be used to liberate people. Additionally, I think that a limited state is necessary to protect the liberties of the individual.

UserWiki:DragonRed - Way too statist and not socially/culturally progressive enough.

Ronzipot - Right-Libertarianism and capitalism is very cringe. Also, what is all this confederalism garbage about? One of the only good parts about your ideology is that you don't hate LGBTQ+ people and respect the rights of individuals.

Template:Applethesky2021 - Your economic views are decent. Most of your other political beliefs are pretty cringe though.

Template:Inexistent-Template - Nationalism and Authoritarianism is pretty cringe but technology and Socialism is pretty based even if you do believe in a state-planned economy.


File:FabiusNewicon.png PaleoFabius - Neo-Nazi Filth.

Template:UserUkraiana - National Capitalist Filth.

User Comments

TheJester - Deleted old messages.

  • Template:Applethesky2021 - How is my ideology bad?
  • TheJester - You are anti-woke and authoritarian.
  • Template:Applethesky2021 - Bruh. How am I authoritarian? You realize centre-auth isn’t really *authoritarian in terms of anti-democratic sense?
  • TheJester - I understand that but I am libertarian and believe that power shouldn't be centralized and should be given to the people whenever feasible. The will of the masses should go before the will of a single individual even if the single individual was elected democratically. Centre-auth ideologies are easily corrupted by the centralization of power.
  • Template:Applethesky2021 - I am anti-woke But I support progressive Christianity, feminism, and men’s liberation.
  • TheJester - What then do you dislike about wokeness? Do you dislike freedom? I see that you oppose the legalization of drugs, porn, and "degeneracy." If you aren't hurting anyone, what is the problem with what goes on between private individuals?
  • Template:Applethesky2021 - I don't want porn to be illegal. Drugs are objectively harmful for society and people, and sexual degeneracy is also harmful with the spread of sexual illnesses.
  • TheJester - What about drugs that are legal such as alcohol and tobacco? What about drugs like marijuana and LSD that have medicinal benefits but remain illegal? The spread of sexual illness is definitely a problem, but I don’t think the solution is to take away the right for people to engage in consensual sexual activities.
    • Template:Applethesky2021 - Alcohols and cigarettes should also be slowly phased out. Sure I am not arguing to ban sex but they should definitely be discouraged by a government that promotes moralist values and behaviors.
      • TheJester - Values change and adapt over time. In Rome for example, it was normal to watch people slaughter each other in colosseums. In America, during the early 1800s, slavery was normalized in the south. To promote the stagnation of values in favor of a backwards, old world version of morality is to promote the stagnation of humanity.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - Sure but I am not trying to bring back these values. I am simply saying that you shouldn't judge historical figures with modern values and blame their actions on modern people!
  • Template:Applethesky2021 - I oppose degeneracies like intersectionality, CRT, ethnic self-hatred, mandatory LGBT education, etc.
  • TheJester - How is teaching kids not to be bigoted degenerate? Also, I don’t think ethnic self-hatred and CRT are mutually exclusive. In fact, CRT seeks to directly counteract racial self-hatred in a society that is prone to exclusion, discrimination, and bigotry.
    • Template:Applethesky2021 - The CRT is just reverse racist and woke indoctrinations to force people to learn the bullshit that white ‘cisgender’ heterosexual people are bad.
      • TheJester - CRT simply seeks to address the cultural and economic ramifications of systematic oppression. The point isn’t to say all cisgender white people are bad, the point is to say that racism, sexism, and ant-LGBTQ have negative long lasting effects on groups of people who have been historically oppressed and the ramifications of this oppression still effects people in the modern day.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - That is not true except for maybe racism against the blacks in the United States (Even though the blacks can also be racist) and 'transphobia'. Also, we don't bear the sins of our ancestors.
      • TheJester - In some ways, we do bear the sins of our ancestors. For example, an Italian immigrant who entered the USA in the ‘40s had a much higher chance to be hired for a good paying job than a Black person applying for the same job who’s ancestors could have lived in the USA 100 years prior. This gives the white immigrant the chance accumulate capital and generational wealth while the black person is still just trying to get by. Also, no I’m not saying that certain groups of white immigrants didn’t face oppression as well, all I’m saying is that they had a much higher chance at living the American dream than the black person had due to systemic issues.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - That is just woke leftists judging historical figures with modern values.
      • TheJester - What do you mean "modern values?" There were many people during the time of George Washington (for example, founding father Thomas Paine) who held more progressive views in the 1700s than most Americans do today.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - Bro, historical and modern values aren't a conservative-progressive linear. The existence of slavery was seen as 'okay' by the vast majority of the people in the 1700s.
      • TheJester - See my other response pertaining to the same topic below.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - No we don’t. Past wrongs doesn’t justify self-hatred. We can fix current issues without hating ourselves, our national identity, and our glorious history.
        • TheJester - You can identify and try to make right historical injustices without hating yourself. Those things are obviously not mutually exclusive and if you would actually read what CRT is trying to say you wouldn't be under the misconception that education about historical inequality is "reverse racism." I am proud of my Italian and Irish ancestors and what they overcame but I can still recognize that some of their attitudes towards people who are different from them are definitely not positive things that I want to pass onto future generations. You can admire George Washington and not celebrate/make excuses for him owning slaves.
        • Template:Applethesky2021 - That is just woke leftists judging historical leaders based on modern values. Most parts of human history have been bloody and there is no need for you to hate them and admiring the great things they did simultaneously.
        • TheJester - What do you mean "modern values?" There were many people during the time of George Washington (for example, founding father Thomas Paine) who held more progressive views in the 1700s than most Americans do today. Also, what do you mean by "no need?" Obviously, it is of use to analyze history instead of just mindlessly praising leaders from the past unquestioningly.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - Bro that's not the point. History is not a conservative-progressive linera, the point is the society and the vast majority of the people believed slavery was justified. You cannot say they were all bad because it was a common value.
      • TheJester - That's incorrect though. The vast majority of countries in Europe had already began efforts to end the enslavement of human beings. France abolished slavery in 1794, and Britain followed in 1807, and Spain in 1811, ect. The vast majority of the poor and working-class people in America didn't support slavery. The wealthy white male land-owning elite did. This creates the perception that it was just something that was a common value and not a societal evil perpetrated by the rich and powerful.
      • Template:Applethesky2021 - No proof of this whatsoever. Also, France reinstalled slavery in 1802 and it only later repealed in 1848. Britain also only abolished slavery in 1834. Most Northerners in America might oppose slavery and viewed the abolition as a common sense, but definitely not the vast majority of the Southerners.
      • TheJester - Well obviously not the majority of Southerners in general but the majority of working people in America as a whole including the 3.5 million enslaved people. The vast majority of slaves were owned by the rich elite and most southerners just accepted it because they weren’t educated and thought that’s just how things were supposed to be. The rich people also deliberately fueled the unjust fear and hatred of Black people in order to keep the masses from rising up against them. Many southern churches also claimed slavery was an institution under God further driving this racist and elitist narrative. Also, my bad, I confused the dates of the end of the slave trade with the end of slavery in Britain.
  • Template:UserAshleyHere - I’m not an egoist also I can’t believe you did the music for town with no name
    • TheJester - Sorry for miscategorising your ideology. I have now changed that. Also, what music?
      • Template:UserAshleyHere - It’s an AVGN reference, there’s a poorly made game on an obscure console called the town with no name and someone name The Jester made the music for it.
      • TheJester - Oh okay. Lol.
  • Template:UserIooootheanarchist - Add me?
  • UserWiki:DragonRed - hello. how is my ideology? I'm sure you won't like it too much. Also what's the wokeness bullshit?
    • TheJester - You're right I don't like your ideology very much. The stuff about wokeness was the classic debate of personal freedoms vs. authoritarians getting mad at "degeneracy."

UserWiki:DragonRed I am socially progressive. Culturally central.

TheJester - Could you please explain the difference?

Template:UserPantheon - You seem mostly based, could you add me?

TheJester - Sure!

Template:Inexistent-Template - Yo, we may have differences but can you add me?

TheJester - Sure!

Template:UserAm - Please add me.


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