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Alt-Right: Difference between revisions

458 bytes added ,  1 month ago
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|title=[[File:Altr.png]] Alt-Right [[File:AltR.png]]
|image= Altrightcropped.png
|caption="YOU TheWILL WestNOT hasREPLACE fallen.US!<br>JEWS BillionsWILL mustNOT dieREPLACE US!"
[[File:Altr.png]] The Alternative Right<br>
Line 957:
* [[File:FemboyNazi.png]] [[Homofascism|Femboy Fascism]] - <s>You're better than most w*men and Catboykami was based</s>.
* [[File:Flurk.png]] [[Satirism#Stonetoss|StoneTossism]] - Excelent comics!
* [[File:Rwsjw.png]] {{PCBA|Right-Wing SJW}} [[File:KakAltr.png]] - Ok now this is truly epic!
* [[File:Ethno.png]] [[Ethnocracy]] - [https://web.archive.org/web/20221114013809/https://prnt.sc/imKbd4SlwLsx Let's see. Average IQ of American blacks = 85. Average IQ of Jews = 125. Above average intelligence, opportunistic, predatory Jew takes advantage of below average IQ black.]
* [[File:MTG.png]] [[Paleoconservatism|Greeneism]] and [[File:Mastriano.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism#Trumpism|Mastrianoism]] - You're what the MAGA movement must be in the first place! You and [[File:Fuente.png]] Fuentes are the paleoconservatives that we need!
* [[File:ReactNeocon.png]] [[Neoconservatism|Gilleyism]] - Same as Mastriano but neocon, thanks for showing why imperialism is so awesome!<s> What do you mean you hate me? </s>
* [[File:NatoNazi.png]] {{PCBA|NATO Nazism}} - The best neocon. Let's defend Western civilization!
* [[File:Nattrans.png]] [[Nazi Transhumanism]] - Pax Dickinson is Based!!! <s>[https://web.archive.org/web/20221114014032/https://prnt.sc/fLTz-TsvAziE Congratulations to Fetterman, our first cyborg senator]</s> I wish I lived in Wolfenstein.
* [[File:Authoritarian Conservatism.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism]] - Good ol' workin' system goin' long' with the way of natural life. Pinochet, Franco, and The Asian Anti-Communist gang are EXTREMELY based.
Line 978 ⟶ 977:
* [[File:Nrx.png]] [[Neoreactionaryism]] - Earlier, techier version of me, great inspiration...too bad you are jewish...
* [[File:Plcn2.png]] [[Paleoconservatism]], [[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]], and [[File:Rpop.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism]] - All really based but can you all breed yourselves with Reactionarism or White Nationalism?
*[[File:Putin.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism|Putinism]] - He does hate degeneracy but Richard Spencer and James Mason supported Ukraine and Azov is still based even if neocucks support them.
* [[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism]] - There's definitely a [[File:Paleoaltr.png]] [[File:ORL.png]] pipeline there.
* [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]] - I’m for free speech, gun rights, and less market intervention, why do you hate me so much?
Line 986:
* [[File:Hfash.png]] [[Homofascism]] - Very perfect useful idiot to trigger the leftards. Now do the trolling operations at /lgbt/!
* [[File:Strans.png]] [[Stransserism]] - Dilate, commie troon fash. <s>Thanks for the nudes though :3</s>
* [[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism]] & [[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism]] - Uncucked LiberalsLiberal, need I say more? Its a shame that many of your movements became soft and cucked overtime.
* [[File:Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]] - Same as above but lolbert also alt-light version of my yellow factions.
* [[File:Euras.png]] [[Fourth Theory]] - YouI'm natesplit libtardson likeyou, on one hand you hate [[File:Libtard.png]] shitlibs way more than even me and are culturally far right but at the same time you arehate athe disgustingwest Judeoand claim to be anti-Bolshevikracist. andWhat's Europhobeanti-(((globalist))) whoabout lovesuniting Asiansmost of the world anyway.
* [[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]] - Whites-only Covenants Inc. stonks, though you're a disgusting anarchist and sometimes a degenerate [[File:Rothbard.png]] Rothbard had some based takes especially in the last stage of his life despite being one of (((them))).
* [[File:Jihad.png]] [[Jihadism]] - OnREEEEEE theget oneout hand,of thismy iscountry! aBut, kebabcongratulations whoto hatesthe Western[[File:Cball-Taliban.png]] civilizationTaliban andfor wantsachieving tovictory imposesingle-handedly Islam, but onover the otherWestern hand,soyciety!!! youAnd areyour fightingview againston thew*men leftistand globalist"rooftop world order,thattherapy" is basedamazing.
* [[File:Kahan.png]] [[Kahanism]] - My Jewish version.
* [[File:Mutalist.png]] [[Mutualism]] - Proudhon was right about the Jews and women, other than that I don't see the appeal at all...
Line 1,003:
* [[File:Carl Benjamin.png]] [[Alt-Lite#Sargonism|Sargonism]] - Too moderate, but a good point of entry for normies.
* [[File:Zemmour.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism#France|Zemmourism]] & [[File:MarineLePen.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism#France|Le Penism]] - Not bad for a k*ke and a femoid, I'll probably vote for one of them.
* [[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism]] - You're doing it wrong and going back to the wrong "olde" times. 3rd Reich, Fascist Italy and Showa Japan > HRE, Divided Italy and Tokugawa Shogunate.
* [[File:Baath.png]] [[Ba'athism]] - A socialist and a sand[redacted] but awesome stance on (((them))), opposing [[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism|cu]][[Third Way|cks]] [[File:3way.png]] and dealing with terrorists is based like nothing, you Trump and Putin got rid of ISIS, but not ZOG, shame Saddam got put down by [[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism|cu]][[Third Way|cks]] [[File:3way.png]] and had an Islamic regime installed but he had his time and Assad still holds on.
* [[File:Sternenko.png]] [[National Liberalism|Sternenkoism]] - A tolerable zogbot.
* [[File:Cultural Nationalism.png]] [[Cultural Nationalism]] - Too moderate.
Line 1,050 ⟶ 1,051:
* [[File:Native.png]] [[Indigenism]] - I agree you should get one single reservation to force you all you savages into... But the land back is ultra-cringe. Don't try to guilt trip us over genocide your people, it was merely war and we won, you lost, get over it!
* [[File:PanHisp.png]] [[Pan-Nationalism#Pan-Hispanism|Pan-Hispanism]] - Go back to your country latinx, you don't belong here! <s>But many of us are hispanic</s>
* [[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - The only thing you are conserving is the GDP and the Zionist state of Israel! <s>Nevertheless, this [[File:NatoNaziIcon.png]] your variant is based</s>
* [[File:Mediastocracy flair.png]] [[Mediacracy]] - Lamestream media controlled by da Joos! <s>I wish Goebbels was back.</s>
* [[File:Shapirocube.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism|Shapiroism]] - Lolbert cuckservative k*ke that I wanna kill. <s>BTW your [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/abigail-shapiro Khazar Milker sister] is good fap material.</s>
Line 1,063 ⟶ 1,064:
* [[File:Xenofeminism.png]] [[Xenofeminism]] - You won't prevent me from getting a tradwife with your technology!
* [[File:Menslib.png]] [[Men's Liberation]] - [[File:NymN.png]] Soyboy cuck!
* [[File:Bhl.png]] [[Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism]] - Cuckbert! [[File:Mises.png]] Mises, [[File:Rothbard.png]] Rothbard, Rockwell, [[File:Hans Hermann Hoppe.png]] Hoppe, Paul, etc. despise you.
* [[File:French Republican Party.png]] [[Conservatism#France|French Conservatism]] - Candaule!
* [[File:Gaddafi.png]] [[Gaddafism]] - [[File:HissèneHabré.png]] Habré is based!!! [https://4archive.org/board/his/thread/3197074/we-should-make-his-memes-about-toyota-war-and-this-battle Chad Chad]!!!


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