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Alternative Rightball, shortened to Altright is a Culturally far-Right, Anti-Democratic, economically varied ideology that advocates for White Natioanlism and White Seperatism. Altright can be associated with many far-right ideologies, who believe that democracy is a failed system and that modern politics are slowing down the progress of the human race, causing him to be anarchist in his praxis, or totalitarian in his theory. Altright chooses to spend most of its time online, where he recieves most of his theory in either blog, video or forum. Altright is also incredibly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic anti-semitic, and Islamaphobic, but only "ironically"

Altright should be seen as a modern re-branded version of White Nationalism that instead of focusing on local-irl recruitment with actual hierarchies, focuses on internet-based personalities to spread his theory.


Altrightbal likes to hang out with fellow far-right ideologies, who mostly consider him an immature moron - particularly the more traditional ones. Altright has regular contact with Rightist ideologies more or less extreme than him, thus creating a pipeline of right wing belief.

How to draw

  1. Draw a black ball
  2. Draw three white lines coming out of the centre
  3. Draw the eyes



  • White Nationalism - Basically just a boomer version of me.
  • Stransserism, Homonationalism - Please don't tell anyone my secret, but I really love femboys and traps since women constantly reject me. The LGBT community is still cringe, though.



Further Info



