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===[[File:Ustase.png]] Independent State of Croatia===
The Independent State of Croatia, a [[File:Nazi.png]] Nazi puppet state during World War II, led by the nazi Ustaše regime with their Poglavnik (chief) [[File:Poglavnik.png]] Ante Pavelic, committed genocide against Serbs, Muslims, Jews and Romanis. Greatly influenced by Nazi racial theory, the Ustaše saw themselves not as [[File:PanSlav.png]] Slavs, but Goths, and viewed the groups that they committed genocide as "podljudski" despite the Nazis view Croats as untermenschen in spite of the alliance. Towards the end of the war, many tried to surrender to the Allies, but were instead handed over to the Yugoslav Partisans. [[File:Tito.png]] Tito and his Yugoslav Partisans, wanting revenge, massacred thousands of Ustaše and other Nazi collaborators, in various "pits" such as the Barbara pit, which became known as the Bleiburg repatriations.
=== New Force ===
The political movement claims to aim for "national reconstruction" by achieving eleven objectives:
* The repeal of abortion law.
* A social policy that encourages population growth and the traditional family.
* Opposition to immigration and the humane repatriation of recent immigrants to Italy.
* The fight against the Mafia, the banning of Freemasonry and all secret societies, together with exit from NATO and removal from the U.S. sphere of influence.
* The fight against usury and writing off of public debt, as well as the abolition of capitalism.
* The restoration of the 1929 agreement between the State and the Church and the defence of national identity.
* The repeal of the Mancino and Scelba laws, which the Forza Nuova believes destroy freedom.
* The formation of guilds for the protection of workers.
* Laws to eliminate seigniorage banking income and for the state to issue currency; complementary currencies for local trade, and the nationalization of the following sectors: health, the central bank, commercial banks and strategic industries
* The "recovery of Christian religiosity" and of "faith in the Catholic Church".
New Force is also characterized by Euroscepticism; Roberto Fiore, FN leader, stated that he wanted to oppose "with all possible legal means" the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. As the Russo-Ukrainian War began, the party started supporting Russia, although it had previously enjoyed relations with Ukrainian far-right groups. This has created a disunity with CasaPound, which is pro-Ukraine. According to the Italian edition of the HuffPost, members of New Force went to fight in Ukraine for Russia, among them Alberto Palladino (alias: "Zippo") enlisted in the separatist forces in Donbas.
Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, New Force is pro-Palestine and are accused of supporting extremist groups like Hamas (views that are shared among the Italian neo-fascist groups). After 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, New Force led by Roberto Fiore organized demonstrations in support of "Palestinian resistance".
===Russian Fascism===


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