
From Polcompball Wiki

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The relatively fuzzy past.

The early 2010s

Around the early 2010s, Nguyenreich got his first phone. However, he would just be watching random meme videos, DanTDM vids, mostly Happy Wheels ones, BFDI along with Annoying Orange.

He would also become interested in several games/series like FNAF, Happy Wheels, Battle for Dream Island and GMod.

All the memories other than this has been forgotten.

The memories of the 1st Discord account

He first founded his first Discord account on February 15th, 2016. This was the birth of the name "Nguyenreich". "The 26th Division", as he remembers it, was the first server he had ever joined in Discord.

This was not to last as an year later, he would get his account, along with his entire crew massreported and banned, to this day, he wouldn't be able to find any of them again.

The aftermath of the massban

Nguyenreich would develop a strong hatred of furries and weebs after the massban. Even as far as terrorizing servers that had furries in it. He had joined anti-furry servers such as Elite Special Army and Server of the Pure just to find servers to target. He would mostly dedicate his time on harassing furries and finding his former crew. As time went on and on, progress on finding his former comrades would be to no avail. He would eventually stop in 2019, while remaining in the ESA and the SOTP.

Conflict between him and Conor3D

During some point in 2020, Nguyenreich was banned for breaking ToS. However, the conflict wouldn't start until a few months later.

In November 2020, Nguyenreich and his (new) friends decided to start a massive campaign against pedophiles in Conor3D's cave, mainly targetting the Server Manager as a 12 year old named Kyou was groomed by Lustris(the Server Manager). The campaign would be extremely effective as he got most of the OGs to leave the server, having 3 Conor3D-aligned servers nuked, to add the cherry on the top of the cake, Lustris got doxxed and his location revealed. He eventually made a video exposing Lustris and topping around 400 views after that.

In 2021, the situation became quiet since there was pretty much nothing else to do.


While the exact date of joining the server is unknown, Nguyenreich joined the server after gaining interest in the Wiki. Though he would only speak in #left-unity or shitpost in #casual. His identity was considered pretty much unknown.

It isn't until 2021 that he finally decided to start being active on Polcompball. From drawing stuff to discussing political theory.

Some of the works he made/helped people on

Analysis - The furry fandom

FAI/jotpeg nukebot

The literal proof of Conor3D staff grooming people


the actual design for nguyenreich after 4th august