Community:Polcompball Communities

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Polcompball over the period since it's conception has garnered quite a fanbase around it. This Article shall be your guide to the various Skinner Boxes I mean "Online Platforms" that we Edgy Teenagers as a fandom congregate in.

Social Media


The r/Polcompball subreddit is by far the biggest online community related to the topic, garnering over 30 000 subscribers, it is also the oldest being founded November 9th of 2019. Due to these characteristics the subreddit can be considered the "Capital City" of the fandom over which (almost) every other Polcompball community orbit around.

The Subreddit is also the single most strict place here when it comes to it's content policy, with the mods very much wanting to emulate the extremely restrictive policies of r/polandball, although still aiming to be somewhat more libertarian.

There's also other Polcompball-Related subreddits on the site, for example: r/newwackyideologies, r/PolcompballCommunity, the perpetually in-development r/polcompballart and that will be mentioned later.


I'm going to be honest with you, this place has almost nothing to do with Polcompball, it's just a place where people who use the reddit go to shitpost and argue over politics with like 3 channels actually being related to polcompballs, there's also emojis.

Also I have one thing to ask you: Race? Skull Measurements?


Oh look! It's the place you're reading right now. We're the place where a bunch of nerds come together to write about a bunch of political ideologies over which nobody gives a shit about and institute policies which are just slightly less authoritarian (although more consistent) than the one of the sub.

The Wiki is generally also pretty accepting of community engagement, allowing blogs, comments and we even have a chat which will be probably rarely used because discord is more effective.


Once upon a time on reddit the admins have decided to go upon a campaign of deleting all the subs deemed to be "hateful" (as defined by the combination of r/AgainstHateSubreddits-fueled ultra-progressive hero complex, Chinese investment money and whatever the fuck the Admins feel that day). While these events aren't as much of a problem for this community, this kinda changed when PCB's "mother" community; r/politicalcompassmemes was threatened with a Ban, this caused certain user to set encampment on the Reddit-alternative platform Ruqqus.

Currently there are two guilds that which set themselves up as Polcompball related: +Polcompball and +PolCompBalls. We have yet to see which one of these will brutally murder and consume the other over the title of being THE polcompball ruqqus guild.


This one is the weirdest case. You know how I said "(almost) every other Polcompball community orbit around the subreddit"? well the Amino is the exception that the "almost" refers to. It has very small (although existing) overlap with the subreddit and such it generally doesn't follow the same general rules as the sub in things like design and an overall different culture. Until the 6th of July of 2020 no one in the discord has heard of the place.

Anarchy Communities

Because of the Sub's and the Wiki's restrictive rules, alternative communities with almost no rules (a.k.a. "Anarchy") community have been created, that being r/Polcompballanarchy and Polcompball Anarchy Wiki.

NSFW subs

There's also these subs... I don't get paid for this.