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===[[File:NihalAtsiz.png]] '''Turkism'''===
Turkism or Atsizist Turkism as it is known in Turkey It is an idea that was inspired by the poems and life of Hüseyin Nihal Atsız.Hüseyin Nihal Atsız used this concept only as Normal Turkish nationalism and they still use it that way in Turkey. Although the idea differed slightly for most people, it was basically the same idea. "I would do anything for the Turks and the Turkish State".
===[[File:Turner.png]] '''Turnerism'''
'''Turnerism''' is based on the thoughts of American political figure William Luther Pierce.
He was born in [[File:Atl.png]] Atlanta, [[File:Cball-USGeorgia.png]] Georgia, [[File:Cball-US.png]] United States of America on September 11th 1933 while his family were [[File:Prestheo.png]] Presbyterian Christians of [[File:Cball-England.png]] English [[File:Cball-Ireland.png]] Scotch-Irish descent for example his father named William Luther Pierce Jr. who once served as a government representative on [[File:Thalassocracy.png]] ocean-going [[File:NeoMerc.png]] cargo ships but then sent reports back to [[File:Cball-WashingtonDC.png]] Washington DC that later becomes a manager of an [[File:Bankocracy.png]] insurance agency before being killed in a car accident since 1943 and his [[File:Mat.png]] wife named Marguerite Farrell was a descendant of the [[File:Arist.png]] Aristocracy from the old [[File:Cball-Dixieland.png]] South such as Thomas H. Watts who is the governor of [[File:Cball-Alabama.png]] Alabama being an Attorney General of the [[File:Cball-CSA.png]] Confederate States of America during the American Civil War (1861-1865).
[[File:Turner.png]] William Luther Pierce has a [[File:Nutzi.png]] younger brother named Flournoy Sanders who is an [[File:Indust.png]] engineer that later assisted Pierce in his political activities until he died in 2020 due to [[File:CorAcc.png]] COVID-19 while after his father's death the family moved to [[File:Mntgal.png]] Montgomery, Alabama but after they that moved to [[File:Dal.png]] Dallas, [[File:Cball-Texas.png]] Texas in which Pierce performed well in [[File:Merit.png]] school and his last two years in high school were spent at the [[File:Strato.png]] Allen Military Academy located in Bryan, Brazos even as a teenager his hobby interests were model rockets, [[File:Scientocracy_Small.png]] chemistry, radios, electronics and reading [[File:Pseudoscience.png]] science fiction.
In 1951, William Luther Pierce after finishing [[File:Strato-Antifurry.png]] military school worked briefly in an oil field as a roustabout before he was injured when a four-inch 10 cm pipe fell on his hand so he spent the rest of that summer working as a shoe salesman while he earned a scholarship to attend Rice University located in [[File:Hou.png]] Houston, Harris but then in 1955, he was graduated with a [[File:Nooc.png]] bachelor's degree in physics so he worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory located in [[File:Cball-NewMexico.png]] New Mexico before attending graduate school initially at the [[File:Cball-California.png]] "California Institute of Technology" (Caltech) for a year and in 1962, his at the University of Colorado located in Boulder, [[File:Cball-Colorado.png]] Colorado he earned a master's degree along with a doctorate then taught physics as an assistant professor at [[File:Cball-Oregon.png]] Oregon State University located in Corvallis, Benton, Oregon for three years.
William Luther Pierce's tenure as assistant professor at Oregon State University coincided with the rise of the [[File:AntiRacism.png]] "Civil Rights Movement" lead by [[File:MLK_Jr.png]] Martin Luther King Jr. then later the [[File:Hippie.png]] Hippies that protested against the [[File:Hochi.png]] Vietnam War (1955-1975) in which he regarded as being led by [[File:JewTheo.png]] Jews that made Pierce joined the [[File:Paleolib.png]] "John Birch Society" (JBS) lead by Robert W. Welch Jr. until he resigned because the society was uninvolved in [[File:Racenat.png]] race issues but then he moved to Washington DC to became an associate of [[File:Rockwell.png]] George Lincoln Rockwell who is leader of the "American Nazi Party" (ANP) so during this time Pierce was the [[File:Mediastocracy_flair.png]] editor of the party's quarterly ideological journal called the [[File:FarightInter.png]] "National Socialist World" and in August 25th 1967, he became one of the leading members of the [[File:WhiteNazi.png]] "National Socialist White People's Party" (NSWPP) lead by [[File:Esofash.png]] Matthias Koehl after the death of Rockwell.
In 1968, William Luther Pierce left the "National Socialist White People's Party" (NSWPP) lead by Matthias Koehl to joined the [[File:Wallace.png]] "Youth for Wallace" as an organization supporting the bid for the presidency of George Wallace who is the former governor of [[File:Cball-Alabama.png]] Alabama while in 1970, he along with [[File:SL.png]] Willis Carto reconfigured the group into the "National Youth Alliance" (NYA) but however a complex dispute between the two [[File:ConManosphere.png]] men had begun by the late 1960s even the decade was over and in 1971, Pierce & Carto were openly feuding with the latter accusing the former of the [[File:Illeg.png]] theft of the "Liberty Lobby" mailing list so these issues caused the (NYA) to split.
In 1974, William Luther Pierce organized the "National Alliance" based in Hillsboro, Pocahontas, West Virginia as a political vanguard that would ultimately bring about a [[File:Whitesup.png]] White Nationalist overthrow of the American [[File:Fed.png]] federal government while in 1976, he expressed his [[File:Religious.png]] religious philosophy in early writing lectures that later presented in three separate [[File:Book.png]] pamphlets "The Path", "On Living Things" and "On Society" in which Cosmotheism was formed as a form of Panentheism as a belief that an impers considers the [[File:Ecofash.png]] nature of reality or of existence to be mutable as destined to co-evolve towards a complete [[File:Internation.png]] universal consciousness or [[File:Esoteric.png]] godhood so the meaning of Cosmos means an orderly harmonious universe thus the divine is tantamount to reality along with consciousness as an inseparable part of an orderly harmonious whole universal system but then Pierce in a video called "Our Cause" stated "All we require is that you share with us a commitment to the simple but great truth which I have explained to you here that you understand that you are a part of the whole which is the creator that you understand that your purpose, the purpose of [[File:Male.png]] mankind and the purpose of every other part of creation is the creator's purpose that this purpose is the never-ending ascent of the path of creation, the path of life symbolized by our life [[File:Volk.png]] rune that you understand that this path leads ever upward toward the creator's [[File:Indiv.png]] self-realization and that the destiny of those who follow this path is godhood". and the interpretation of Cosmotheism developed from several sources such as interpretations of George Bernard Shaw's play "Man and Superman", [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] German [[File:Romanticism.png]] Romanticism, [[File:Darwin.png]] Charles Darwin's concepts of natural selection with the [[File:Survival.png]] survival of the fittest, early 20th century [[File:Eugen.png]] Eugenic ideals and with Ernst Haeckel's version of [[File:Monism.png]] Monism.
William Luther Pierce described his form of Panentheism as being based on the [[File:IdealismPhil.png]] idea of an evolutionary universe with an evolution toward ever higher higher states of self-consciousness while his political ideas were centred on [[File:SpiritualRacism.png]] racial purity mixed with eugenics as the means of advancing the White race first towards a [[File:Humanismpix.png]] superhuman [[File:Statist.png]] state then towards godhood while in his view he thinks that the white race represented the pinnacle of human evolution thus far therefore should be kept genetically [[File:Sep.png]] separate from all other races in order to achieve its destined perfection in godhood but then he believed in a [[File:Caste.png]] hierarchical society governed by what he saw as the essential principles of nature including the survival of the fittest as his social schema known as the best-adapted genetic stock in which he believed to be the White race should remain separated from other races within an all-white society even the most fit individuals should lead the rest and he thought that extensive programs of racial cleansing aka mass expulsion along with eugenics both in [[File:Cball-EU.png]] Europe along with the United States of America that would be necessary to achieve this socio-political program.
The "Anti-Defamation League" (ADL) lead by Benjamin Epstein monitors extremist groups made a false claim that Cosmotheism is a form of [[File:ChristId.png]] Christian Identity so this error was apparently due to inaccurate reporting of the "Spokesman-Review" on William Luther Pierce's attendance of a 1986 [[File:Aryan_Nations.png]] "Aryan Nations" congress in Naples, Kootenai, [[File:Cball-Iowa.png]] Idaho set by Richard Girnt Butler while in 1978, Pierce has claimed the "National Alliance" was an educational organization but then he applied for a failed [[File:Tax.png]] tax exemption by the [[File:Bankocracy.png]] "Internal Revenue Service" (IRS) so he appealed even an appellate court upheld the (IRS) decision and around the same time he was interviewed by Herbert Poinsett on "Race & Reason" as a public-access television cable TV talk show co-hosted by the [[File:CapNaz.png]] "White Aryan Resistance" (WAR) lead by Tom Metzger.
William Luther Pierce was an [[File:Antizion.png]] Anti-Zionist as he attempted during the [[File:Cball-Egypt.png]] Yom Kippur War (1973) to force McDonnell Douglas into cancelling military contracts that sent armaments to [[File:Zio.png]] Israel by buying shares of the [[File:Corp.png]] company's stock while putting forward the motion at the national shareholder's meeting but the company rejected the motion continuing supplying Israel with weapons and some of Pierce's later speeches on "American Dissident Voices" concerning the [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Arab–Israeli Conflict (1948-) were reprinted in [[File:Muslim_2.png]] Muslim publications even on [[File:Crypfash3.png]] websites including that of [[File:Khom.png]] "Hezbollah" lead by Subhi al-Tufayli since it was founded on since 1982.
William Luther Pierce under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald wrote a novel called "The Turner Diaries" as it depicted a violent apocalyptic [[File:Natpop.png]] revolution against the American federal government referred to as the system throughout the novel while the main character named Earl Turner with his [[File:Anazi.png]] insurgents wage a [[File:Natpos.png]] nuclear race war which begins in North America that spreads to the rest of the [[File:World.png]] world against the [[File:Lib.png]] Liberals, Jews, [[File:Blacknat.png]] Blacks, [[File:Cball-PuertoRico.png]] Puerto Ricans, [[File:Multicult.png]] Race traitors, [[File:Conserv.png]] Conservatives, [[File:Libertarian.png]] Libertarians, [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] Soviets, [[File:Cball-France.png]] France, [[File:Cball-Netherlands.png]] Holland, [[File:Cball-China.png]] China, the [[File:Klep.png]] Mafia & other Non-Whites but then the book lead to seven Terrorist attacks in real life such as the [[File:Okc.png]] Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 and in late 2020, [[File:Amazon.png]] "Amazon" owned by Jeff Bezos removed all new or used print or [[File:Nattrans.png]] digital copies of the book from its bookselling platform because it has a connection to [[File:QAnonism.png]] "QAnon" lead by Ron Watkins.
In 1985, William Luther Pierce moved his operations from [[File:Arl.png]] Arlington, [[File:Virginia.png]] Virginia to a 346-acre location in Mill Point where he paid for with $95,000 in cash but at his location he founded the [[File:EsoCFash.png]] "Cosmotheist Community Church" while in 1986, the church applied again but this time successfully for federal, state & [[File:Local.png]] local tax exemptions until it lost its state tax exemption for all but 60 acres in which had to be exclusively used for [[File:Religious.png]] religious purposes and the other 286 acres parcel was used for both the "National Alliance" headquarters along with the "National Vanguard Books" business along with a warehouse but was denied state tax exemption.
In 1989, William Luther Pierce under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald again wrote a another novel called "Hunter" which tells the story of a man named Oscar Yeager who is a veteran of the Vietnam War (1955-1975) who begins by killing multiple interracial couples such as Jews, African Americans, [[File:PanHisp.png]] Latinos & [[File:PanAsian.png]] Asians then he assassinates [[File:LiberalMedia.png]] Liberal Journalists, politicians and even [[File:Office.png]] bureaucrats in Washington DC while in the interviews have Pierce called the book more realistic as he described his [[File:Rational.png]] rationale for writing it as taking the reader through an educational process but then in 1990, the documentary series "Different Drummer" produced a portrait of William Luther Pierce which was aired on the "Public Broadcasting Service" (PBS) and he later participated twice on a public-access television cable TV live talk show hosted by Ron Doggett called "Race and Reality" in which Pierce was frequently described as a [[File:Neonazi_ball.png]] Neo-Nazi as he personally rejected this label when confronted with the issue by Mike Wallace on "60 minutes" later even he described the term as a slander stated "I admire many things that [[File:Hitler.png]] Hitler wrote as many of the programs and policies that he instituted in [[File:Nazi.png]] Nazi Germany but we do not blindly copy anyone else's policies or programs. We've formulated our own program in view of the situation that we face here in America today".
In 1991, William Luther Pierce hosted a weekly radio show called the "American Dissident Voices" in which was heard on shortwave AM or FM stations before the streaming audio on the internet while at one point in the mid-1990s, there were 22 radio stations in which carried the program but Kevin Alfred Strom was the original host who continued until early 1997 when Pierce took it over full-time and Strom becomes the host after Pierce's death until April 16th 2005 to 2012 then 2013.
In May 19th 1996, William Luther Pierce was interviewed on "60 Minutes" during which he was asked by Mike Wallace if he approved of the Oklahoma City bombing that took placed in [[File:Cball-Oklahoma.png]] Oklahoma in which he replied "No, No, I don't. I've said that over and over again that I do not approve of the Oklahoma City bombing because the United States of America is not yet in a revolutionary situation." while a year earlier in a telephone interview with "The Washington Post" as he was quoted saying "The Oklahoma City bombing didn't make sense politically. [[File:RightTerrorist.png]] Terrorism only makes sense if it can be sustained over a period of time. One day there will be real organized terrorism done according to plan and it aimed at bringing down the government".
In 1998, William Luther Pierce was a contributor to a documentary produced by the [[File:Earth2.png]] "Discovery Channel" about White Nationalism in the United States of America while as the leader of the "National Alliance" established contacts with other [[File:Nation.png]] Nationalist groups in Europe including the [[File:NPD-Germany.png]] "National Democratic Party of Germany" (NPD) lead by Martin Mussgnug, the [[File:BNP.png]] "British National Party" (BNP) lead by John Tyndall and even the [[File:Golden_Dawn.png]] "Golden Dawn" lead by Nikolaos Michaloliakos but then Pierce have other recruiting efforts including a 51-minute informational video titled "America is a Changing Country" and in June 2002, he formed an [[File:Anti-Globalism.png]] Anti-Globalization group called the "Anti-Globalization Action Network" to protest at the G8 summit in [[File:Cball-Canada.png]] Canada.
The "National Alliance" lead by William Luther Pierce in the past ran a white power [[File:Music.png]] record label called "Resistance Records" along with releasing an album called "Dresden - Call Of The Blood" and in January 21st 2002, the alliance along with the record label released the [[File:Gamer.png]] video game called " Ethnic Cleansing" in which received criticism from the "Anti-Defamation League" (ADL) lead by Jonathan Greenblatt for letting the player kill African-Americans, Latinos & Jews including Prime Minister of Israel named [[File:JewChauv.png]] Ariel Sharon as a boss.
William Luther Pierce was married five times for example his first marriage was to Patricia Jones who is a [[File:MathTheo.png]] mathematician he met as attending to the "California Institute of Technology" (Caltech) while in 1957, the couple were married even in 1960, they had [[File:Diarchy.png]] twin sons named Kelvin Pierce & Erik Pierce for example Kevin was an aerospace engineer as Erik is a computer scientist in which according to Kelvin stated his father had been emotionally physically abusive and in 2020, Kelvin co-authored a book called "Sins of My Father: Growing Up with America's Most Dangerous [[File:Whitesupmega.png]] White Supremacist" in which chronicled his experiences with his father.
In 1982, William Luther Pierce's marriage with Patricia Jones ended in divorce before he married Elizabeth Prostel whom he met in the "National Alliance" office in Arlington, Tarrant, [[File:Cball-Texas.png]] Texas while in 1985, he ended the marriage before moved his headquarters as he is preferring immigrant women from Eastern Europe but then in 1986, he married a [[File:Cball-PRHungary.png]] Hungarian woman named Olga Skerlecz who she is a relative of Iván Skerlecz who is Governor of [[File:Cball-Yugoslavia-old.png]] Croatia-Slavonia, [[File:Cball-AustriaHungary.png]] Austria Hungary and the marriage lasted until 1990 even she moved to California after the divorce.
In 1991, William Luther Pierce married another [[File:Cball-Hungary.png]] Hungarian woman named Zsuzsannah because met through an advertisement that Pierce placed in a Hungarian women's magazine aimed at arranging international marriages until they divorced in the summer of 1996 in which Zsuzsannah moved to [[File:Flr.png]] Florida and in 1997, Pierce's last marriage which lasted until his death was another [[File:Flr.png]] Hungarian [[File:Female.png]] woman named Irena toward whom he was reportedly "Sharp & Condescending" even she had been miserable living with him.
In April 28th 2002, William Luther Pierce made his last public speech in [[File:Clev.png]] Cleveland, Cuyahoga, [[File:Cball-Ohio.png]] Ohio while then the "Southern Poverty Law Center" (SPLC) along with the [[File:FBI.png]] "Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI) lead by Robert Mueller called the "National Alliance" the best-financed organized White Nationalist organization of its kind in the United States of America while in July 23th 2002, Pierce died of kidney failure three weeks after being diagnosed with cancer that had spread through his body but then the alliance was bringing in more than $1 million a year with more than 1,500 members with a paid national staff of 17 full-time officials and it was better known than at any time in its history that the alliance have entered a period of internal conflict of decline.
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