Left-Wing Nationalism

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Not to be confused with National Socialismball or Social Nationalismball

Left-Wing Nationalismball, shortened to LeftNat, is an economically left-wing, nationalist, moderate to statist and culturally neutral varying from culturally left to even right-leaning ideology which supports a socialist economic system in combination with popular sovereignty, social equality and national self-determination, sometimes including anti-imperialist and national liberation movements, and supports both international solidarity and armed struggle. LeftNat often stands in opposition to right-wing nationalists, rejecting ethnic nationalism and instead opting for civic and/or cultural nationalism and patriotism.


LeftNat like his Father is a pretty patriotic individual, but because of his mother he is also embodies the stereotypes of an economic leftist.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it red
  3. On the ball draw a preferably golden flag
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!




  • National Conservatismball - Based nationalist however is too conservative and capitalist.
  • National Libertarianismball - Great you're a nationalist and all but libertarian, really?
  • National Liberalismball - We disagree on most stuff but enjoyed celebrating Brexit with you fellow nationalist!
  • Strasserismball - Good economics but too far-right for my liking, would definitely prefer working with you than the Naziball and/or Fascismball though.
  • Nazbolball - Same as the Strasserismball, just you're too far to the left.
  • Marxism-Leninismball - Got the right idea economically just goes a bit too far, also drop the internationalism.
  • Social Democracyball - Yeah you're pretty centrist but you're step to establishing socialism.


  • Naziball - You're not even a socialist and waaaaayyyy too far-right. I hate it when people confuse me with you just because I'm socialist and nationalist.
  • Fascismball - Just like the Naziball you ruin the name nationalism and conflate it with your ultranationalism.
  • Social Liberalismball - You're not even Leftist, stop pretending to be one.
  • Neoliberalismball - I don't know what's worse, whether it's the fact you're globalist or capitalist. I think what's ultimately worse is you're the status-quo.

Further Info


  • TBA

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