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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:LuaLink/categories/doc

local categories = {}

categories["Anarchists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Awaj.png",
    ["color"] = "#000",
    ["style"] = "text-shadow: 0 0 4px #FFF;"

categories["Anti-Colonial"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Postconan.png",
    ["color"] = "#000",
    ["style"] = "text-shadow: 0 0 4px #FFF;"

categories["Anti-Realists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Antcomp.png",
    ["color"] = "#000",
    ["style"] = "text-shadow: 0 0 4px #880015;"

categories["Authoritarian Left"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Authleft.png",
    ["color"] = "#F9BABA",
    ["nick"] = "Authleft"

categories["Authoritarian Right"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Authright.png",
    ["color"] = "#92D9F8",
    ["nick"] = "Authright"

categories["Authoritarian Unity"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Authunity.png",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|right|#F9BABA|#92D9F8}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;",
    ["nick"] = "Authunity"

categories["Capitalists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Cap.png",
    ["color"] = "#FF0"

categories["Centrists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Centrist-yellow.png",
    ["color"] = "#C0C0C0"

categories["Communists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Commie.png",
    ["color"] = "#B00000"

categories["Conservatives"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Conserv.png",
    ["icon2"] = "Conservative.png",
    ["color"] = "#F00"

categories["Corporatists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Corptism.png",
    ["color"] = "#FFF"

categories["Culturally Left"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Prgess.png",
    ["color"] = "#9D22B2"

categories["Culturally Right"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Trad.png",
    ["color"] = "#8BC34A"

categories["Democratic"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Dem.png",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|right|#0C7AEA|#48CE48|#E2E2E2|#DD4949}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"

categories["Egoists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Anego.png",
    ["color"] = "#008181"

categories["Environmentalists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Envi.png",
    ["color"] = "#1CB34B"

categories["Fascists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Fash.png",
    ["color"] = "#A05000"

categories["Feminists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Fem.png",
    ["color"] = "#F369D6"

categories["Fictional Ideologies"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Antcomp.png",
    ["color"] = "#000",
    ["style"] = "text-shadow: 0 0 4px #880015;"

categories["Georgists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Georgist.png",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|right|#FFDB27|#05D243}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"

categories["Imperialists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Imp.png",
    ["color"] = "#0025A0"

categories["Internationalists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Internation.png",
    ["color"] = "#00C8FF"

categories["LGBT"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Gay.png",
    ["icon2"] = "Les.png",
    ["icon3"] = "Bix.png",
    ["icon4"] = "Trans.png",
    ["icon5"] = "Enby.png",
    ["icon6"] = "Ace.png",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|right|#E50000|#FF8D00|#FFEE00|#008121|#004CFF|#760188}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;",
    ["nick"] = "LGBTQ+"

categories["Left Unity"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Leftunity.png",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|bottom|#F9BABA|#C9E5BD}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"

categories["Libertarian Left"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Libleft.png",
    ["color"] = "#C9E5BD",
    ["nick"] = "Libleft"

categories["Libertarian Right"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Libright-yellow.png",
    ["color"] = "#F5F5A9",
    ["nick"] = "Libright"

categories["Libertarian Unity"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Libunity-yellow.png",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|right|#C8E4BC|#F5F5A7}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;",
    ["nick"] = "Libunity"

categories["Liberals"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Lib.png",
    ["color"] = "#006AA7"

categories["Libertarians"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Libertarian.png",
    ["color"] = "#F5DD00"

categories["Monarchists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Monarch.png",
    ["color"] = "#9425A0"

categories["Nationalists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Nation.png",
    ["color"] = "#FF9900"

categories["Non-Quadrant"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Nonquadrant.png",
    ["color"] = "#FFFFFF"

categories["Off The Compass"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Offcompass.png",
    ["color"] = "#827FAA",
    ["nick"] = "Off-Compass"

categories["Reactionary"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "React.png",
    ["icon2"] = "Reactcross.png",
    ["color"] = "#D9D367"

categories["Religious"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Religious.png",
    ["color"] = "#00ABF4"

categories["Right Unity"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Rightunity-yellow.png",
    ["color"] = "#000",
    ["style"] = "background: {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|bottom|#93DAF8|#F5F5A9}}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"

categories["Socialists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Soc-h.png",
    ["color"] = "#F00",
    ["style"] = "margin-left: -2px"

categories["Third Position"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "3P.png",
    ["color"] = "#F00"

categories["Transhumanists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Transh.png",
    ["color"] = "#156698"

categories["Welfarists"] = {
    ["icon1"] = "Welf.png",
    ["color"] = "#FA644B"

return categories