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Reactionaryism: Difference between revisions

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*[[File:CountEn.png]] [[Counter-Enlightenment]] - Father knows best.
*[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] - The way it shall be.
*[[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism]] and [[File:Euras.png]] [[Fourth Theory]] - You art blessed for communists, for thou art is as red as your pills.
*[[File:Krater.png]] [[Kraterocracy]] - My brother in arms. We both despise weakness.
*[[File:Reactlib-icon.png]] [[Reactionary Libertarianism]] - Great, best kind of libertarianism!
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*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - Why art thou a lib? I still admire that thou hath ended the Jacobin madness.
*[[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism]]-The same as above,please understand the obvious-socialism did not exist before the Enlightenment.
*[[File:ReactNeocon.png]] [[Neoconservatism|Reactionary Neoconservatism]] - Why art thou a cuckservative? <s>I do prefer you over him [[File:Reactlib.png]].</s>
*[[File:Nrx.png]] [[Neoreactionaryism]] - Thou art blessed but please go outside. Your time on weird websites hath made you speak queerly.
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*[[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism]] - Thou call thyself a conservative, yet, what hast thou conserved?
*[[File:Confem-alt.png]] [[Conservative Feminism]] - Some call thee a tradthot.
*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - A watered down version of [[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism|him]], not a fan.
*[[File:Monarcho-Fascism.png]] [[Monarcho-Fascism]],[[File:Cfash.png]] [[Clerical Fascism]]- The best types of fascism, but I still prefer the Ayutthaya Kingdom over Phibun, and Hapsburg Croatia over the NDH.
*[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] - Thine fight against degradation and support for traditional gender roles is blessed, but thou art often degenerate.
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*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - Thou art like [[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism|him]], but very, VERY dumb.
*[[File:Black_Islamism.png]] [[Black Islamism]] - You believe in all this? Egads...
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] -We are both right, but you, like socialism, are created by the Enlightenment.
*[[File:Bonaparte.png]] [[Bonapartism]] - You hath undone the Jacobin madness, threw [[File:Fem.png]] them into the rubbish bin, as well as restored the Church in France, but thy were still a follower of the enlightenment who destroyed several old realms. Zemmour likes ye, however, as does Maurras. (And hath completely embraced Christianity on thy deathbed)
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*[[File:Ultraprog-Dunce.png]] [[Revolutionary Progressivism]] - Thou art a plague upon this land and its people. Thou poisoneth the minds of our children with thine degenerate ideas of "progress" and causeth them to grow up to be degenerates like thou. Thou art not even worthy of a duel. I will finish thee off on the spot. Begone, heathen scum!
*[[File:Antifoid.png]] [[Anti-Fascism]] - Same as above.
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism]] -Damn you for killing Romanovs and destroying Russian culture, replacing it with a simulacrum of "Sovietism".
*[[File:Sickular.png]] [[Secularism]] - Thou deprive the populace of meaning and diminish their birth rates. I shall separate the neck from thy head instead!
*[[File:Libtard.png]] [[Liberalism]] - Have at thee, heritage-ruining degenerate!
*[[File:Libconserv3.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism]], [[File:Conlib.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism]], [[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]], [[File:Progconf.png]] [[Progressive Conservatism]], [[File:Ancon.png]] [[Anarcho-Conservatism]] - Thy arth all cuckservatives. THOU CONSERVE NOTHING.
*[[File:Hcon.png]] [[Homoconservatism]] - Thou art a traitor to conservatism itself! Damn, ye sodomites!
[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]]-Stupid cuckservatives who thinks that supporting the poor is not the same as supporting gays. “Progressiveness” means egalitarianism and support for any lower strata. The left is always left, whether they are culturally or economically left. Read about cultural Marxism.
*[[File:Relsoc.png]] [[Religious Socialism]]-Same as above, being religious and being a commie is at the same time an oxymoron.
*[[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy]] - As Fürst von Metternich said: "In Europe democracy is a falsehood. I do not know where it will end, but it cannot end in a quiet old age"
*[[File:Raddem.png]] [[Radical Democracy]] - Possibly the worst ideology.


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