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=== Vanguardism ===
Lenin talks about the structure of Vanguard in ''What is to Be Done''<ref>https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/</ref>. The Vanguard is a structure to be taken by a social class (in this case, the Proletariat), in order to exert political power and force again the Oppressiveoppressive class/classes (in this case, the Aristocracy and Bourgeoisie). This form of organization involves the most revolutionary minds of the class form organizations known as the revolutionary Vanguard, to gather in the great portion of the working class in a unified political movement. This organization serves the function of:
1) Organizing the Proletariat, by educating the masses and instilling revolutionary class consciousness in them.
2) Defending Marxism against reactionary forces and hostile political systems present, by a Revolutionaryrevolutionary organisation lead by the most class conscious of the workers for organizational unity and coherence.
3) Via the process of Democratic Centralism, organize the party by elected professional revolutionaries, so that the Vanguard can both defend itself from other classes and organize and coordinate the workers for the Revolutionary takeover of power.
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* [[File: Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] - Very good comrade who stayed loyal to my ideals! Watch out for the revisionist [[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] though.
*[[File: Stalin.png]] [[Stalinism]] - You did a pretty good job in Industrializing the USSR and defeating the fascists, but you didn't have to kill all of the Old Bolsheviks. I've been hearing nasty rumors about you though.
* [[File: Juche.png]] [[Juche]] - Resist Western Imperialismimperialism! You can survive even if the US capitalists pressure you.
* [[File: Castro.png]] [[Castroism]] - Same as Juche. Your reactionary views in your early life was bad but at least with growth you understood your mistakes.
* [[File: Hoxha.png]] [[Hoxhaism]] - You do uphold my teachings and you are against revisionism but you were a bit wacky.


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