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*[[File:Chilib.png]] [[Chicagoan Libertarianism]] - Thanks for the economics.
*[[File:Orlib.png]] [[Ordo-Liberalism]] - Sorry for stealing your name.
*[[File: Globeball.png]] [[Globalism]] - One world, under the philosophy of Friedman-KeynesianKeynes-Reagan-ThatcherMacron!
*[[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism]] - My main ideological predecessor.
*[[File: 3way.png]] [[Third Way]] - My sonchild with [[File:Soclib.png]] Social Liberalism is tooone willingof tothe compromisemost withsuccessful Socialversions Liberalismof either of us. Most of my modern followers are very similar to you, just butmore stillmarket nicebased.
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Get your June merchandise for [insert a %] cheaper this year! <s> Just don't bring up Reagan or Thatcher. </s>
*[[File:Moncap.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism]] - Good to see that Saudi Arabia is opening up. MBS is based for his economic policies!
*[[File:Moder.png]] [[Moderatism]] - My target demographic. <s>Pls ignore fanaticism of [[File:Pinochet.png]][[File:Fujimori.png]][[File:Statlib.png]] my children.</s>
*[[File: Mediastocracy flair.png]] [[Mediacracy]] - My praxis.
*[[File: Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - Spread capitalism worldwide baby.
*[[File:Neobert.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism]] - Same as above but libertarian. Especially based if Chicagoan and not Austrotard.
*[[File:Intercult.png]] [[Interculturalism]] - The melting pot model and the promotion of globalization and cultural <s>assimilation</s> integration of various different cultures will certainly help unite the people... To make a profit from, of course!
*[[File:European_Federalism.png]] [[European Federalism]] - The EU is one of our most important and treasured institutions. We mustn't let the [[File:Pop.png]] populists and [[File:Nation.png]] nationalists take it away from us!
*[[File:Liberalconservative.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism]] - Sometimes says he doesn't like how "woke" I can get. But I've taught him well and like discussing economics with him.
*[[File:Libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism]] - Yassss, more female drone pilotsC.E.O.s! :D
*[[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism]] - My dear cousin,. althoughAlthough he says he doesn't like my welfare cuts., I know that he knows deep down that he loves me and my ideas on running an economy, especially in more recent years.
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - I like to say I hate him for his social stance but I care more for economics anyway. Jair Bolsonaro, Yoon Suk-yeol, and Ayelet Shaked are great leaders and I mourn the fall of Mohammed Morsi.
*[[File:Ford.png]] [[Fordism]] - Me but scary and off compass.
*[[File:Pinochet-hat.png]] [[Pinochetism]] - One of the most based dicators in modern history. Salvador Allende deserved to be coped and most of your other victims deserved the ride.
*[[File:Fujimori.png]] [[Fujimorism]] - Same as above. I’d much rather have you in power than [[File:Mariateguism.png]] [[Mariateguism|him]].
*[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - Bad for PR but Mubarak, Nazarbayev, Kagame, Medvedev, Đukanović, etc. had based economic policies.
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - Same as the two previous guys, but with pink paint, so he is a bit better. Might want to learn from him, he seems to be heading in the right direction for the future...
*[[File:PolState.png]] [[Police Statism]] - Most cops are good people, just a few bad apples.
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - I like to say I hate him for his social stance but I care more for economics anyway. Jair Bolsonaro, Yoon Suk-yeol, and Ayelet Shaked are great leaders and I mourn the fall of Mohammed Morsi.
*[[File:LDP(Japan).png]] [[National Conservatism|Japan LDPism]] - Similar to the above, Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi were especially based. Also, that Shinzo Abe guy kinda reminds me of one disgusting orange guy.
*[[File:Gamer.png]] Gamers - If you vote for me, you'll have better online, more games along with more money, and individual rights to dedicate to your hobby, do we have a deal?
*[[File:Post-Industrialism.png]] [[Post-Industrialism]] - I love outsourcing because it is cheaper than making things at home, but sometimes due to being "green " or whatever.
*[[File:Scientocracy Small.png]] [[Scientocracy]] - I F#!&ING L♡VE SCIENCE!
*[[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism]] [[File:Con-t.png]] - Love you Mom and Dad. <s>Ignore the fact that my most modern cadets dislike you.</s>
=== Frenemies===
*[[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism]] - My grandfather doesn't like my regulations and invasions. Overall, shares many similarities with [[File: Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|them]].
*[[File: Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - A slightly worse version of social liberalism, you're way too regulatory and collectivist, but at least you support capitalism and are great for de-radicalizing my opposition to support my end goals so I will let it slide.
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - Commie and human-rights abuser, but still functionally capitalist. Thanks for the cheap labor and products.
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - Thanks for the cheap labor and products, but I must say that you were much more based in the past during the regime of Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji,1990s-2000s, when you deregulated the economy, joined WTO, privatized education and healthcare, and encouraged foreign investment by international corporations such as Foxconn and Apple. Xi Jinping is taking China back to the dark days of Mao, as shown when he banned private tutoring, forces great billionaires like Jack Ma into submission, etc. All combined with Chinese ethnonationalism, which reminds me of [[File:Nazbol.png]] my worst nightmare. Now I'm terrified of you and realize that China's rise needs to be stopped. <s>or everyone else will rebel against me</s>.
*[[File:Hochi.png]] [[Ho Chi Minh Thought]] [[File:Đổi Mới.png]] - Similar to above. Your Đổi Mới reforms have been pure triumph and too good to see that you accepted IMF loans. Too bad that reactionaries such as Nguyễn Phú Trọng insist on holding back your economic development.
*[[File:Ford.png]] [[Fordism]] - Me but scary and off compass and drug-addled.
*[[File:World Federalism2.png]] [[World Federalism]] - Based ultra-globalism and forcing unique peoples with unique histories and identities to forcefully assimilate and unify, still a bit too extreme for my taste... I also don't like how you cooperate with leftists. But thanks for creating the UN!
*[[File:Pinochet-hat.png]] [[Pinochetism]] - One of the most based dicators in modern history, but still a dictator. Salvador Allende deserved to be coped and most of your other victims deserved the ride.
*[[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism]] - Depends on their impact in GDP growth.
*[[File:Fujimori.png]] [[Fujimorism]] - Same as above. I’d much rather have you in power than [[File:Mariateguism.png]] [[Mariateguism|him]].
*[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - Bad for PR and human rights are required for economic efficiency, but Mubarak, Nazarbayev, Kagame, Medvedev, Đukanović, etc. had based economic policies.
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - Same as the two previous guys, but with pink paint, so he is a bit better. Might want to learn from him, he seems to be heading in the right direction for the future...
*[[File:World Federalism2.png]] [[World Federalism]] - Based ultra-globalism and forcing uniquedisparate peoples withto uniquecome historiestogether and identities tofor forcefullythe assimilateprogress andof unifyhumanity, still a bit too extreme for my taste... I also don't like how you cooperate with leftists. But thanks for creating the UN!
*[[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism]] - Depends on their impact in GDP growth weighed with reduction of negative externalities.
*[[File:Bidenism.png]] [[Gerontocracy|Bidenism]] - You used to be a lot cooler before you became all protectionist, isolationist, and anti-Reaganomics. I suppose it could have been worse though, you're still better than [[File:Trumpism.png]] [[Trumpism|Trump]].
*[[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism]] - You like Thatcher too, but we had a huge falling out after Brexit.
* [[File: Imp.png]] [[Imperialism]] - While Friedman said India was better under British rule, you being so open about your intentions is bad for publicity. Instead, you should act as if you care about the global poor. And adding a few token minority drone pilots to do the job instead wouldn't hurt either.
*[[File:Korwinism-Pikselart.png]] [[Korwinism]] - This is getting out of control!
*[[File:Hayek.png]] [[Hayekism]] - Upstanding economist and philosopher, but embrace globalism and reject Austrian economics.
* [[File: Civnat.png]] [[Civic Nationalism]] - You're pro-immigrant...... but want strong borders? Damn dude, you're making me kinda confusingconfused here.
*[[File: Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]] - Both of us share credit for aspects of Reaganomics during the 1980s, along with NeoCon. A libertarian originally found me. StillThat said, don'tyou complaincan get kinda isolationist, and I don’t support free markets because of some vaguely-defined “freedom,” aboutI imperialismsupport thatthem webecause needthey toproduce spreadthe neoliberalbest valuesoutcomes.
*[[File: Trumpism.png]] [[Trumpism]] - We were friends, waaaay back in time but now he's a Tariff maniac and too Anti-open border, also You're The Rigger not me, Joe, "Crooked" Hilary or The "Metropolitan Elite"."
*[[File:ColoniaDignidad.png]] [[Cultism|Colonia Dignidad]] - Wait, what? A pedo cult worshipping Chicago economics? That is not what am I. <s>Ignore that I think Friedman is always right on everything, including British Imperialism.</s>
*[[File:Glib.png]] [[Green Liberalism]] - On one hand, green laws can get in the way of economic growth as some polluting industries, such as oil (who also sometimes fund my candidates), increase GDP. On the other hand, climate disasters will be bad for progress and growth, Bloomberg and Macron like green laws, and I support outsourcing (not always for green reasons but the point stands).
* [[File:Whitesup.png]] [[White Nationalism]] - I did help you and called ANC terrorists, but nowthe I21st-century version of me amis multicultural and you are bad for PR.
*[[File:Liberalsoc.png]] [[Liberal Socialism]] - A fake liberal and a socialist. Prefer [[File:NasionaleParty(Apartheid).png]] National party over you in South Africa. At least Vaush is Pro-NATO and somewhat supports me. I remember when I and Mikhail destroyed USSR. <s>Although he did it by accident just took it out of control when he wanted reforms</s>.
*[[File:Onenatcon.png]] [[One-Nation Conservatism]] - Moans that I "hijacked" The Tories in The 70's and too welfarist and sometimes even protectionist. But inIn recent times you became more open to the market, Cameron, May and Borismy Johnson at the begining of hisideas, cadencybut wereBrexit allwas greata Primehuge Ministersmistake.
*[[File:Ghandi.png]] [[Gandhian Socialism]] - SoycialistSocialist whobut alsoat disagreesleast withyou mehave ona Indialot of marketable quotes.
=== Enemies===
*[[File: Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]] & [[File:Austrobert.png]] [[Austrolibertarianism]] - Gold isn't money lol.
*[[File: Synd.png]] [[Syndicalism]] - If you don't stop striking I'm sending the cops.
*[[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism]] - Thankfully, the IRA did not kill Margaret. Oh and STOP TRYING TO HOLD REFFERENDUMS IN SCOTLAND! REEEEEEEEEEEEE-
*[[File: Imp.png]] [[Imperialism]] - I. Am. Not. You.
*[[File:Patcon.png]] [[Paternalistic Conservatism]] - Long live Thatcher!
*[[File:WelfChauvin.png]] [[Welfare Chauvinism]] - Unironic social fascism is my second-to-worst nightmare. Even ML agrees with me that this sucks.
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*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - We differ both economically and culturally.
*[[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism]] - You will never take over the [[File:Demcr.png]] [[Syncretic Liberalism|Democratic Party]]!
*[[File:Marxlen.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Thinks my policies are "bad for the working class" or something. andIn thinksreality, mywhenever wokenessimplemented, isyour a sham. I willpolicies have youeroded knowhuman yourights areand themade realthings racistworse for noteveryone, supportingeven usthe let token black transgender female drone pilots into NATOworkers. I destroyed you slowly along with [[File:Liberalsoc.png]] [[Liberal Socialism]] who did Thethe job from the inside and ended The Threat of a WorldNuclear War.
*[[File:Biopos.png]] [[Bio-Posadism]] - My only weakness, but you won't get past my mask!
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - Thinks I'm a degenerate for believing in state-subsidized trans rights, and free trade. Also I hate racism.
*[[File:Marxlen.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Thinks my policies are "bad for the working class" or something and thinks my wokeness is a sham. I will have you know you are the real racist for not supporting us let token black transgender female drone pilots into NATO. I destroyed you slowly along with [[File:Liberalsoc.png]] [[Liberal Socialism]] who did The job from the inside and ended The Threat of a World War.
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[National Socialism]] - Supporting free immigration, diversity, and free trade is evidence-based! Racist 3rd positionist bigoted protectionist scum!
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - Thinks I'm a degenerate for believing in state-subsidized trans rights, and free trade. Also I hate racism.
*[[File: Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] - What do you mean, "We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism and from the left socialism without internationalism."? Capitalism and internationalism are awesome. You are literally the polar opposite of me.
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[National Socialism]] - Supporting free immigration, diversity, and free trade is evidence-based! Racist 3rd positionist protectionist scum!
*[[File: Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] - What do you mean, "We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism and from the left socialism without internationalism."? Capitalism and internationalism are awesome.
*[[File:Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - What the fuck is that?
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - Stay away from my sunglasses, you luddite nazbol.
*[[File:Soc.png]] [[Socialism]] - Something something, same garbage as [[File:Marxlen.png]] [[Tankie]] but fewer gulags. Why do you hate the global poor? Also, why do you say I hate the global poor?
*[[File:Euras.png]] [[Fourth Theory]] - '''[comment removed by moderator]''''
*[[File: Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - A walking contradiction which could only exist in some impossible utopia dreamed up by a five-year-old. Leave politics to the economists.
*[[File:Soc.png]] [[Socialism]] - Something something, same garbage as [[File:Marxlen.png]] [[Tankie]] but fewer gulags. Also, you say I hate the global poor?
*[[File: Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - Something about "the working class not being free" and also about my wokeness being a sham. Most female CEOs are #WOKE!
*[[File:Awaj.png]] [[Anarchism]] - So what that I want to use the state to maintain profits, support progress, and prevent monopoly?
*[[File:Hoppef.png]] [[Hoppeanism]] - The free market needs diversity and a state to prevent monopoly!
*[[File:Lpop.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism]] & [[File:Rpop-tinfoilhat.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism]] - Both of them spout some shit about "not caring about the poor" and "breeding degeneracy" respectively like I even care.
*[[File:Native.png]] [[Indigenism]] - Like AnPrim but at least you have a better reason, one rooted in culture and not idiocy.
*[[File:Native.png]] [[Indigenism]]- Hahaha, yes I did <s>genocide</s> modernize your culture and left you only scraps, alongside polluting said remaining scraps you have left to be completely unsustainable on, what are you gonna do about it? I might still need the remainder of your land for my resources though... But don't feel bad, I will make sure your unique history and culture will survive alongside being beneficial to society, how about a Halloween costume dedicated to you?
*[[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]] - A lot of you are cringe anti globalists, and some of you are even [[File:Misestard.png]] Austrotards.
*[[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] - Like the guys above but even worse!
*[[File:Protect.png]] [[Protectionism]] - Why do you hate the global poor?
*[[File:MLM.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism–Maoism]] - My arch-nemesis and the greatest threat to my global hegemony.
*[[File:Mao3word.png]] [[Maoism–Third Worldism]] - Stop calling me a neo-colonialist <s>like that's a bad thing</s>! I am nothing like those white supremacists of the past. MyI warriorsfight arefor ethnicallyevidence-based diversepolicy, they fight for DNA and inflated egos.
*[[File:Tradcon.png]] [[Classical Conservatism]] - Why the absolute fuck would you reject the Enlightenment?
*[[File:Plcn2.png]] [[Paleoconservatism]] - Utterly despises globalism. Also, Reagan was a neolib; stop being in denial over it! I am not the Antichrist, but please drink corn syrup.
*[[File:Soc21.png]] [[Socialism of the 21st Century]] - Give me your lithium, also, screw you for messing my chance to rule Bolivia as long as I want by getting me arrested!
*[[File:EndecjaPix.png]] [[National Democracy]] - Damn Polish chauvinists!
*[[File:Hindutva.png]] [[Hindutva]] - Protectionist reactionary trash <s>who cannot see that India was better under the British</s> .
*[[File:Ghandi.png]] [[Gandhian Socialism]] - Soycialist who also disagrees with me on India.
*[[File:Ottoman.png]] [[Neo-Ottomanism]] - You said Macron is a racist and an Islamophobe, yet you murder Kurds and Alevis. Hypocrisy at its finest! <s>That makes two of us.</s>
*[[File:Eccon.png]] [[Eco-Conservatism]] - One of the worst Conservatives. <s> </s>.
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*[ r/neoliberal]
*[ r/Enough_Sanders_Spam]
*[ r/EnoughCommieSpam]
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*[ A Brief History of Neoliberalism] by [[File:Ormarxf.png]] David Harvey
===The Neo-Liberal Project ===
*[ Neo-Liberal Project]
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