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Showa Statism's origins can be traced back to the Meiji Restoration. After the victory over China in the First Sino-Japanese War and over Russia in the Russo-Japanese War, Japan joined the Western powers. They needed a [[File:Strato.png]] strong military to secure Japan's new overseas empire which was reinforced by a feeling that only through a strong military would Japan earn the respect of Western nations. The period where it was the most prominent was during the dawn of the [[File:Showa.png]] Showa Period and throughout the Second World War. The first 20 years of Emperor Showa's reign it was characterized by extreme nationalism and a series of expansionist wars. It was a mixture of ideas such as [[File:JapanChauvin.png]] Japanese nationalism, [[File:Strato.png]] militarism, [[File:Fash.png]] [[fascism]] (while disputed by some), and [[File:Corptism.png]] corporatism, that was initiated by several political philosophers and thinkers in Japan. Those philosophers include [[File:Kita.png]] Ikka Kita, [[File:PanAsian.png]] Shumei Okawa, and [[File:Monarcho-Fascism.png]] Sadao Araki. Many had different (sometimes outright contrasting) views, which is why Showa Statism could be described as ideologically syncretic.
"Showa" is the longest-used era name in Japanese history, spanning 64 years, from December 25, 1926 to January 7, 1989.
In the early Showa era, the liberal civil rights and Europeanization of the Taisho era were inherited, and the idea of a constitutional monarchy, such as the "Emperor's Organ Theory," was still the accepted constitutional doctrine of the Japanese bureaucracy, followed by fascism caused by various events, and then the familiar militaristic takeover of Japan.
With the defeat of Japan, the U.S. military entered Japan and began post-war democratization - note that this was the middle of the Showa era! After that, it was officially counted in the late Showa period, when Japan's population exceeded 100 million, China and Japan established diplomatic relations, Tokyo Disneyland opened, the economic bubble began, and finally the Showa ended and Heisei began.
It can be seen that the Showa era in Japan has changed so much and spanned so much that almost all people of opinion can draw something from it to find examples for their own parables. Trying to use "Showa" to define the behavior of any sovereign state at the moment is the same as using any past political concept to define the behavior of a sovereign state at the moment, which is in essence a kind of logical laziness and discourse speculation that is trapped in the existing paradigm of discourse.
In the mainstream context of using "Showa" as an adjective, the default is the old Japanese empire of pre-fascism and militarism. Its essence is the panic of the changes in the world and the lack of ownership of the six gods, and regards the past gambling as a life-saving straw. Instead of actively analyzing and opening up new situations, we are obsessed with past successes.
But even the old [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japanese Empire, in the era of fascism and militarism, had many essential differences from the world today.
After World War II, many Japanese scholars analyzed the old Japanese empire in the era of fascism and militarism, among which [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Maruyama Mao was one of the best. [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Maruyama is one of the most outstanding political philosophers of the postwar period.
== Analysis ==
First of all, the move of a country towards [[File:Fash.png]][[Fascism]] is divided into two stages. The first stage was fascism as a movement, and in [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan it was from the 918 Incident to the 226 Incident. The second stage is that [[File:Fash.png]][[Fascism]] and state institutions have become one, from the beginning of the 226 incident to the end of World War II. Although the absolutism and militarism of fascism in the second stage reached its highest form at the same time, most of the famous fascist events in our impression appeared in the first stage: such as the September 18 Incident, the May 15 Incident, and the February 26 Incident. Why is the sense of "Showa" stronger at this stage? Because fascism as a movement aims to trumpet fascist ideology. These events are almost always "bottom-up", also known as "bottom-up". And by the second stage, fascism has merged with the state apparatus and has become a "top-down" state policy, which naturally does not need to be hyped up like a movement.
Without fascism falling from the sky, all fascism must have gone through the stage of movement. So, it is more critical for us to study how the old Japanese empire went to fascism.
First of all, the Japanese fascist movement certainly had the same ideological elements as European fascism such as Germany and Italy:<blockquote>1. Reject individualistic worldviews and oppose liberal political expressions
2. Advocate external expansion, arms expansion and war
3. Emphasize national mythology and national quintessence
4. The rejection of the class struggle under totalism, especially against Marxism</blockquote>This is also the problem of [[File:Fash.png]][[Fascism]], which is only denied but has no solution. Fascist theoreticians in various countries have concentrated their main theories on the spiritual realm, and have never dared to face the fundamental contradictions of the social structure like Marxism. [[File:Fash.png]][[Fascism]] only requires people to change in their brains, in their ideas, but not in the structure of reality. So even though fascism had anti-capitalist overtones in the early days, the result was that all fascist states ended up being instruments in the service of monopoly capital.
However, the fascist movement in [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan was even more special, and Germany and Italy did not think that Japan was the same kind of fascism as them, nor did Japan think that its own [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism|fascist]] movement was the same as these two predecessors.
=== 1. Ideological characteristics ===
First of all, the [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism|fascist]] movement in [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan has a very strong familial tendency. The trait of the structure of the [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] [[pb:Empire_of_Japanball|old Japanese empire]] is that it is an extension of the family. That is, the family state composed of the royal family as the head of the family and its "children and grandchildren". This is not only an abstract concept, but also a reality that tells the Japanese people that the Japanese nation has always maintained an ancient blood society as a historical fact. The concept of the family state has been around since the Meiji Restoration in [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan. However, the slogan of "national system" emphasized by the fascist movement was the most thorough implementation of this ideology. This also reflects the difference between Japanese fascism and Germany and Italy: Japanese fascism is "top-down", while European fascism is generally "bottom-up". The "bottom-up" movement of the first stage of the fascist movement in Japan actually failed in the later stages. [[File:Hitler.png]] [[Nazism|Hitler]] was the head of state, while the emperor was the patriarch of the country. Compared with Hitler and others in [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazi Germany]], the main leaders of the Japanese fascists were almost all well-educated upper-class people in society. They always try to think of themselves as the dads of all the people of [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan. This contrasts with the attempts of the Tsars of the Russian Empire to give themselves the sanctity of the Orthodox Church.
The second characteristic is that the Japanese fascist movement has a particularly serious agrarian mentality. This idea focuses in particular on local rural autonomy and inhibits the growth of urban industrial productivity. [[File:Fash.png]] Fascism, which was supposed to be in full swing, was the opposite, strengthening state power and industrializing production. As a result, in [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan, there was a miraculous phenomenon: on the one hand, the absolutist state power centered on the emperor was being strengthened, and on the other hand, the center of ideas was shifted from the state to the countryside. For example, even [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] ''Okawa Shuaki'', who is deeply influenced by Western Europe, advocated in the program of his organization "Xingjisha":
It is necessary to eliminate the capitalist economic policy of industry and commerce, which is imitated by the worship of foreign diseases, and establish an agrarian policy of industrial statehood.
From centralization to decentralization, from parliamentary centers to autonomous centers, and from urban areas to rural revitalization.
Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Japanese fascism has highlighted a complex, even twisted, form, and has always had an inherent tendency to be anti-urban, anti-industrial, and anti-centralized. It can be said that the Japanese fascists have shattered the original theory of the fascists and turned it into something similar to a utopia.
We can also see this characteristic in the participants of the first phase of the fascist movement in [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan. Most of these radical army generals came from small and medium-sized landlords or peasants. In 1930, [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan began to catch up with the agricultural panic, which made it even more difficult for farmers to survive. And the essence of the old Imperial Japanese Army was the peasantry. This is the clearest reflection of the social basis of radical fascism. Poverty in the countryside has given the Army a major pretext for advancing into the political realm.
And as mentioned above, there is a clear contradiction between this [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] of the agrarian consciousness and the demands of reality. [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] demanded the expansion of armaments and changed the national economy to be dominated by military supplies. This resulted in the fact that Japanese fascism was destined to be a tragedy for ordinary Japanese. In the end, the government of the [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] [[pb:Empire_of_Japanball|old Japanese empire]] did not succeed in resolving this contradiction, and could only try to cover it up by relying on constant conceptual motivational speeches and seriousness.
Another characteristic of this was that the Japanese fascists despised the workers very much. In the pamphlet "Promoting National Defense and Its Strengthening" (Showa 9, 1934), a pamphlet that reflected the ideology of the Japanese military department, it was stated that "the biggest problem for the people's lives at the moment is to save the countryside, forests, and fishing villages." This shows that in the eyes of Japanese fascism, the class of proletariat, represented by the workers, is not important. Therefore, in wartime, even compared with [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazi Germany]], the welfare of Japanese workers could not be less.
In the Japanese fascist leadership, there was not only contempt for the workers, but also a pessimism: the factory workers were inferior to the peasants in the countryside. When [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] ''Hideki Tojo'' was a land minister, he thought that workers were inferior to the children of the countryside in terms of physical fitness and mental state. But Tojo did not take into account the poor living conditions and poor wages in the factories of the old Japanese Empire. This vicious circle made the fascist leadership pay less and less attention to the workers, especially the poor treatment of the recruits, as if it were taken for granted. This is also a reaction of agricultural consciousness.
=== 2. Characteristics of movement patterns ===
Unlike the [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazis]] in [[pb:Nazi_Germanyball|Germany]], the Japanese fascist movement never cared about organizing mass participation. The participants of the fascists used a sense of "aspirants" to restrain the popularization of the fascist movement, always thinking that a few people would die to open up the future. In this sense, the fascist movement in Japan was an "idealistic" movement similar to the idea of a minority, and it was completely indifferent to mobilizing and organizing the masses. This is precisely combined with the illusory, conceptual and unplanned characteristics of the Japanese fascist movement.
The so-called mythical optimism of sabotage and then all of them has always dominated the radical Japanese fascist movement. At that time, Inoue Hichiru, the central figure of the rightist group Blood League, said: "I think it is better not to have a systematic thinking, and I go beyond the rules and act on my instincts. "So a lot of things that we learn about this history now feel strange and wrong, and that's normal, because the participants themselves don't have any specific reasons to describe what they're doing. Another participant, [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Lieutenant Koga, said at the court trial:<blockquote>''"We first think about destruction, we don't want to be builders, anyway, as long as we destroy it, someone will always build it."''</blockquote>I don't know if the meteorite that hit the earth in the age of dinosaurs thought the same thing.
This ideology is the biggest difference between the Japanese fascists and the [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|German Nazis]]: the Japanese fascists completely deny democracy, and the participants in these movements do not think about the ideas of ordinary people and any masses at all, but only themselves. We all know that Nazi democracy in Germany is a fake democracy, but in the eyes of the [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazis]] they are the real German democracy, and Weimar democracy is goldenism. The [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazis]] needed democracy to dress up their dictatorial political theories, showing that democracy was deeply entrenched in Germany. And the Japanese fascists, they don't need these at all.
From this, we can see that the fascism of [[File:Cball-Empire_of_Japan.png]] Japan in the early days of "Showa" was due to the special environment and historical reasons of Japan at that time. Trying to use the complex word "Showa" to describe the totality of a country is lazy and ignorant.
Therefore, even if it is based on the perception of Showa from the perspective of the Chinese, its summary should be that the world is like chess, and the game is new. Indulging in past gambling successes and developing a path dependence on gambling will lead to dire consequences. We should not simply regard "Showa" as an increase in armaments, or go up to brush up on the stalk when we see that there are different opinions among the people. And if you think that Showa = betting on the fortune of the country, then naturally you can't think of Showa = expansion, because the form of betting on the fortune of the country is not just expansion. For example, Chamberlain's appeasement of Germany, Stalin's belief that the German army would not attack in 1941, can also be regarded as a "Showa" act in the Chinese context. If we want to use the same metaphor, can we still say that a certain king who understands "will not do this" and "will not do that" is itself an act of gambling on the "Showa" of the country's fortunes? Just as the so-called others are not fools, every victory means that the effect of their means of winning is reduced. It may even be targeted, which can be the main reason for the next failure.
==[[File:Strato.png]] The Rise of Militarism==
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===[[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] Second Sino-Japanese War [[File:Showa.png]]===
The Second Sino-Japanese War was fought between [[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] '''[[pb:Republic_of_Chinaball_(1912-1949)|the Republic of China]]''' against the the [[File:Showa-kanmuri.png]] '''[[pb:Empire_of_Japanball|Empire of Japan]]'''. The war made up the Chinese theater of the wider [[File:Cball-US.png]] '''Pacific Theater''' of the Second World War. The start of the war is historically dated to the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on 7 July 1937, when a dispute between [[File:Showa.png]] Japanese and [[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] Chinese troops in Peking escalated into a full-scale invasion. It is not known who fired the first shots at this event. This war is often regarded as the start of the Second World War in Asia. Following the Marco-Polo Bridge Incident, the [[File:Showa.png]] Japanese were able to score major victories such as capturing large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and the [[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] Chinese capital of Nanjing in 1937. Prior to failing to stop the [[File:Showa.png]] Japanese forces in the Battle of Wuhan, the [[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] Chinese government was relocated to Chongqing. While Japan ruled the large cities, it lacked the adequate manpower to control [[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] China's vast countryside.
The [[File:NRA.png]] National Revolutionary Army under the command of Generalissimo [[File:ChiangKaiShek.png]] ''Chiang Kai-shek'' and other regional Warlords fought against the Japanese in 22 major battles. By 1939, after Chinese victories in Changsha and Guangxi, the war reached a stalemate. The war would end on September 2nd, 1945, resulting in the [[File:Showa.png]] Japanese surrendering to the Allies.
After the war, the Chinese economy collapsed due to the lack of [[File:Cball-US.png]] American foreign aid in the war, unlike most other counties like [[File:Cball-UK.png]] [[pb:UKball|Britain]], [[File:Gaullismicon2.png]] [[pb:Free_Franceball|Free France]], and [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] [[pb:Soviet_Unionball|the USSR]]. The inflation rate skyrocketed, and corruption became extremely rampant. The [[File:ChinaCP.png]] [[Maoism|CPC]] after receiving the arms and munitions from [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] [[pb:Soviet_Unionball|the USSR]], was able to take advantage of this and launched a major “offensive” after Japan surrendered and controlled 2/3 of the territories occupied by Japan. Many historians assess that this war destroyed the popularity and stability [[File:RightKMT.png]] [[Tridemism|Nationalist Government]] and paved the way for the communist takeover as the communists made minimum efforts to resist Japan, but instead focused on expanding its troops to turn on the nationalists.
Due to the fact that Showa Japan was militarily allied with [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazi Germany]] and [[File:Cball-King-Italy.png]] Fascist Italy and shared ideological similarities, [[File:Showa.png]] '''Showa Statism''' is usually taken to be a type of [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]], although this is disputed by some. [[File:Showa.png]] '''Showa Statism''' is a syncretism of extremist ideologies. Some believed to unify the Asian race under the sacred rule of the emperor, some believed it was their destiny to liberate Asia from Western powers. Showa Statism is anti-western, anti-liberal, anti-communist, and anti-capitalist.
===[[File:Showa.png]] Nationalism [[File:Ultranat.png]]===
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====[[File:NettoUyoku.png]] Netto-uyoku====
The [[File:NettoUyoku.png]] [[Alt-Right|''Netto-uyokus'']] (網絡右翼, Japanese Internet rightists, sometimes shortened to Netouyo or ネトウヨ) are netizens who embrace [[File:JapanChauvin.png]] ultranationalist far-right views on Japanese social media. The netto-uyoku are individuals with xenophobic and racist views and they generally convey support for historically revisionist views that portray the former [[File:Showa-kanmuri.png]] Empire of Japan in a positive way. They are compared with the western [[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] due to their similarities
====[[File:Tatenokai.png]] Tatenokai [[File:LGBTShowa.png]]====
[[File:Tatenokai.png]] Tatenokai, or Shield Society (1968-1970), was a private militia formed by author [[File:LGBTShowa.png]] ''Yukio Mishima''. ''Mishima'' was very proud of the traditional culture of Japan, and opposed western-style materialism. [[File:World.png]] [[globalism]], and [[File:commie.png]] [[Communism (Disambiguation)|communism]], worrying that by embracing these ideas the Japanese people would lose their distinctive cultural heritage to become a "rootless" people. On 25 November 1970, Mishima and four members of his militia entered a military base in central Tokyo, took its commandant hostage, and unsuccessfully tried to inspire the Japan Self-Defense Forces to rise up and overthrow [[File:Cball-Japanrawr.png]] Japan's 1947 Constitution. After his speech and screaming of "Long live the Emperor!", he committed seppuku.
==How to Draw==
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