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TEB - Ok real talk, is Avaritionism pro-Capitalist or does it not need Capitalism to function?
- I think it is capitalist. It is motivated by greed and markets.
- I think most are capitalists. But we have same Storm with her ego-agorism, what is pretty close.
About Scully
Scully wasn't really involved in politics and there are no sources for him having political motivation for his actions. This wiki is called the Polcompball wiki. The reason why we have variants for some mass shooters is because their attacks were politically motivated. There is no proof that Scully was motivated by any political affiliation. - FanOfWolves (talk) 01:11, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
User:AbsoluteInfinity - I know he isn’t political. That’s why Apoliticism is there. But Libertinism, Transgressivism and Machiavellianism were all philosophies that are political/philosophical. So Scully was somewhat political.