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=== Origins of= [[File:Wjuche.png]] Whitejuche and the Rural People'sWhite PartyJuche ====
=== Origins of Whitejuche and the [[File:Ruralpp.png]] Rural People's Party ===
White Juche had it's origins in the US when a homeless Islamic convert John Paul Cupp got approval by the government of North Korea to form the "Sogun Politics Studies Group USA". Cupp had previously voiced support for [[File:Hussein.png]] Saddam Hussein, [[File:Polpot.png]] Pol Pot and [[File:Osama.png]] Osama Bin Laden and had called [[File:JFK.png]] JFK's assassin [[File:Oswald.png]] Lee Harvey Oswald an "Aryan hero". He was joined by Ziad Shaker al-Jishi a Palestinian American. John Paul Cupp traveled on numerous occasions to North Korea, and received their official blessing to form the Sogun Study Group. Cupp met Joshua Sutter, son of an [[File:Aryan Nations.png]] Aryan Nations leader on a pro Khmer Rouge website. Together with Sutters girlfriend Jillian Hoy they formed the Rural People's party. The party was modeled primarily after the [[File:Peoples Temple.png]] Peoples Temple lead by Jim Jones, The DPRK and Democratic Kampuchea. And despite the white supremacist backgrounds of it's founders, it preached racial unity. However in an attempt to take control of the RPP he made Hoy get with Cupp. Cupp wound up in a hospital, and he claimed that Hoy poisoned him, and Cupp and Ziad left the group. IT later turned out that SUtter worked at one time for the FBI as an informant on the [[File:Order Of Nine Angles.png]] Order of the nine angles, and Cupp alleges that the RPP was created by the CIA to monitor on pro DPRK Americans. The Rural People's Party appears to be inactive and their website has been archived.
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