User:Kentucky panda

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This page is outdated

I dont work on this page anymore but I still make edits to the wiki and icons (if you want an icon just ask in the icon requests)

My political journey

// ////////

  • - i was just a dumb kid who lived in the liberal town of Louisville KY
  • - my politics started when trump was elected and I hated him, I had loved Obama and was sad when he left office I also hated Hillary tho and preferred trump over her. My dad also educated me on the evils of communism
  • - when i moved from Kentucky to North Dakota which is a hardcore red state.When 2020 hit and all the kids in my class were spewing fanatic rhetoric i started to hate trump, I even wished America lost the us revolution so we could still be british. i liked the idea of a lib monarchy but I wasnt really a monarchist
  • - i went to a new school made new friends and discovered this wiki. I didnt make posts at this time or have an account
  • these next phases happened around the same time
  • - I was fluctuating in my views always having a crisis I started to research anarcho monarchist thought and had a short Anarcho-Monarchist phase. This also marked my transition from reading WWII history to cold war history which would become timeliness to my present views.
  • - My views kept changing and that led to this phase where I was having bad grades and getting mad at everyone and hated all authority so i became an existential anarchist
  • - my views solidified into something coherent and I first made this account. I really wanted the left to get along (I also discovered the Cpusa)
  • - became more and more sympathetic to socialism but I wasn't an outed communist
  • - From my knowledge from cold war material and browsing the CPUSA website it became clear that a liberal democracy would never work as conservatives and plutocrats would just keep getting elected I embraced communism
  • - I realized I didn’t know much about communism and needed to go back to my roots, I moved away from revisionism and I am still researching and reading theory
  • - Uhhh
  • -Current


Ideological Realtions

  • Anarchism - uh i get along with some more leftist anarchists just generic anarchists are fine ig and tolerable (see argument above why i dont really care about them) just please research before you call yourself one

  • Social Darwinism- Nazi and Neonazi ideology. A fine idelogy for animals or cavemen but not people!
  • Nazism - death to the Nazi Scum
  • Neo-Nazism- I want to personally kill you all. Somehow less hated in Amerikkka than communism
  • National Bolshevism - you scumbags infuriate me by pretending Lenin would have approved of you all. IDGAF about which way you lean right or left bigotry is terrible and must be destroyed. You chuds must die
  • Volkism - just proto nazism
  • National Primitivism - as if primitivism could get stupider
  • Eco-Fascism - mabye we should stop telling them to touch grass
  • Homofascism - no matter what a nazi is a nazi
  • Absolute Monarchism - Holds people in serfdom must be overthrown
  • National Feminism - just fascists who were also feminists

IRL People Relations

  • Jesus Christ - the most based human ever forgave our sins and gave us eternal salvation

  • Jimmy Carter- Cringe N*olib but personality wise you were great and you did lots of charity you will be missed
  • Dwight Eisenhower - cringe Neocuck who fought the glorious soviet union but you kicked Hitlers ass

User Relations

  • Applethesky2021 - Sorta cringe but has some based takes and is nice anti communism is stupid and what do you mean Mao is a demon he is the opposite
  • Glencoe- Moderate... Has some based takes ig
  • Thugtholomew - Cringe lib, IDK what else to say

  • honestly unless your an ass to me or are a fascist you shouldnt be one here unless I hate you
  • UserWiki:CromwellStalinFan1918 - lotta cringe socialists need to read theory this guy needs to read a history book the confederates are NOT socialist and never were. Would almost be based execpt for the CSA has some cringe as fuck takes. He is focused on the past before communism was even existant like Caesar was not at all like lenin man


Icons I made

  • - Lin Biao
  • - British Movement
  • - national front
  • - Lee Harvey Oswald
  • - Center for political innovation (new design)
  • - Afroman
  • - Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • - Enviromental Terrorism(new design)
  • - Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Terrorism (new design)
  • Jonathan Bowden
  • - Nick Griffin
    Flag of User:Kentucky panda
    (new design)
  • - Björn Sveinsson Björnsson
  • - Abdourahamane Tchiani
  • - Assimi Goïta
  • - National Front (Flag Group)
  • - Official National Front
  • - Moderate Third Positionism
  • - Vaino Väljas
  • - Mao Spontex (version with Mao cap)
  • - French Maoism
  • - Prizrak brigade
  • - Waffen SS, Version with gun and helmet
  • - SS Skanderbeg, Version with gun and helmet
  • - George galloway, version with hat and glasses
  • - Otto Ernest Remer
  • - Strom Thurmond
  • Rural People's Party (USA)
  • - Nazi Maoism new design
  • - Great Satan (New Design)
  • - Little Satan
  • - Oily Black Men (a mere jest)
  • - commies killed 100000000000 Million
  • - Japanese Chauvinism
  • - New Coomer icon
  • - New christian identity icon
  • - Popular Mobilization Forces
  • - Sadrist Movement
  • - Thanom Kittikachorn
  • - Union for Peru
  • - ASPERT
  • - Totalitarian Enviornmentalism
  • - Simon Harris
  • - Azov Battalion new design
  • - Khalifa Haftar
  • - Italian Communist Party
  • - Party of Italian Communists
  • - Millitary Union of South africa
  • - Chris Pool
  • - Tim Pool
  • -Party of Communists USA
  • - Antigone
  • - EL Conde (Pink Shades)
  • - Viking
  • - Syrian Millitary
  • - Hezbollah Millitary
  • - Communist Party of Spain
  • - The Antichrist
  • - Miguel Serrano

Icon requests

  • comment here if you want an icon


Comment here I cleaned up my comments but i love any feedback or political discussions

  • User:Khomeinism - Hello, I added you to my ideological relations with users.
  • Thugtholomew - Add me tankie
    • Aight thug
  • Have you ever realized how stupid you look to be a romanist MLM??? "PrOtS ArE FaR MoRe rEaCtIoNaRy iN AmErIcA ThAn cAtHoLiCs" LMAO no wonder why you talk like a 7 year old
    • Bro your hardly speaking english yourself, also this page is outdated
      • No silly, """your""" the one who's hardly speaking english yourself 🤣🤣🤣 No wonder why your page is outdated since it's full of garbage which is embarrasing even to yourself
