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My ideology is [ General Shrekretary Thought], and can be summed up as authoritarian, economically far-left, nationalist, socially conservative, revolutionary and anti-imperialist.
===[[File:Soc-h.png]] Economics [[File:ML.png]]===
My main beliefs are socialism, left wing nationalism, national communism, social conservatism, religious unity, political accelerationism, populism, syndicalism and communitarian values. I would consider myself hardline authoritarian left and also rather socially conservative. I support an authoritarian workers state achieved through revolution, which collectivized all industry either into national or local planners run by the workers. I also heavily support strengthening of societal moral values and harshly countering degeneracy, and that everyone has a moral obligation to serve their community and family and nation. But I oppose reactionarism and support egalitarianism under a traditionalist framework(I’m very for gender and racial equality, I’m very against lgbt and sexual deviance and hedonism). Nationalism and national sovereignty is a major tenet of my beliefs, and I loathe all forms of globalization and imperialism due to their repression of national sovereignty and ties with modern neoliberal capitalism.
Economically I believe in the collectivization of the industry, land, resources, labour and practically all means of production. I believe the capitalist mode of production is exploitative, greedy, degenerate and inhuman and that it dehumanizes the workers while stripping them of their surplus value and morality. Socialism is a core aspect of my ideology and the rest of my beliefs: authority, nation, tradition - are what I see the best way to achieve it. I oppose the private ownership of production and capital and believe workers collective ownership with collective worker’s democracy is the best way. Economic planning is good but best way to apply it is to find the right balance where the more major industry is centrally planned and local is decentrally planned. I believe revolution is necessary and through coordinated mass action with a revolutionary guide. Basically far-left on economics.
===[[File:Sec.png]] Authority [[File:Statesoc.png]]===
My civic views are generally highly authoritarian and I believe that a strong state is necessary to uphold and implement the values of socialism against capitalist siege. The siege stage is an inevitability during any workers’ revolution, so authoritarian governance is necessary to counter both external and internal threats. Revolutionary violence a necessary evil and that the masses should be armed and coordinated by a collective group, but the end of abolishing a system of total degeneration would far justify the mean in my view. I strongly oppose anarchism and most libertarian socialism seeing it as very idealistic, decadent and revisionary, and most implementations of anarchism collapsed quickly to internal or external pressure. I don’t view liberal democracy as democratic in any way, rather as bourgeois “democracy” with corporate oligarchs, and prefer democratic centralism as the path to true democracy.
===[[File:Consocf.png]] Social [[File:Trad.png]]===
I’m pretty socially conservative overall and believe traditional values and morality are the basis of true human society. The degeneracy that modern western leftists espouse is particularly disgusting and inherently bourgeois in nature. I strongly value family, community, hard work, faith in even the hardest times, nationality, morality and culture, and oppose doing away with those core values. I’m religious myself, but I oppose theocracy and prefer a secular state that supports pluralism and religious values. Sexual deviance, lgbt ideology, abortion, drugs, etc I am against and I especially despise western cultural liberalism(woke ideology). However, while I’m pro-tradition I take a strong stance against reactionarism. I believe in equality of the sexes, strongly oppose racialism of all sorts, and oppose far-right ideologies. I would guess Stalin or Gaddafi most closely match my cultural views.
===[[File:Nation.png]] Nation [[File:Leftnat.png]]===
I am very much a nationalist, and value it as one of the main tenets that actual socialism requires. National self-determination and sovereignty are extremely important and I strongly despise imperialism and globalism. The liberation of the workers of the nation is the best path to resist global capitalism and neoliberalism - the worst evils of the present world. The workers state should focus on developing its own nation and independence and opposing globalism first and foremost. Left wing nationalism is much better than globalism, and we see this with how horrible trotsky’s permanent revolution went vs how successful Sankara and Tito and Gaddafi and Stalin and Castro and Zhivkov and Nasser and Ho Chi Minh we’re all in developing socialism. I am not opposed to solidarity - nationalism and international anti-imperialist cooperation are not mutually exclusive but complementary in fighting globalism.
===[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Influences [[File:Natcom.png]]===
My beliefs are heavily influenced by Gaddafi, Tito, Nasser, Sankara, Ho Chi Minh, Zhivkov, Castro etc. Considering how successful Yugoslavia and Libya and Burkina Faso and Bulgaria were doing under patriotic socialism especially in comparison to how horrible Trotsky’s “global permanent revolution” went, I am very much a left nationalist and find internationalism soy. Cope first world western radlib “leftists”, socialism and nationalism go hand in hand. I do respect gamer ideologies like otl Stalinism and HOI4 kaiserreich totalism and HOI4 TNO Ordosocialism because gaming and based industrialization and nationalism. Also, Neolib and Neocon politicians can die in a hole.
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===Eh ideology but cool===
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[User:ThisIsMyUsernameAAAA|AAAA]] - An*rchist. OkBut person and shitposting based.shitposter
*[[File:NSL.png]] [[User:Pirate Tails|Pirate Tails]] - Cringe ideology(l*beralism) but cool user.
*[[File:Venizelos.png]] [[User:ArGyro|ArGryo]] - Similar ideology to above.
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*[[File:Clib.png]] [[User:Progressive0411|Progressive0411]] - Cringe ideology, but epic gamer.
*[[File:Soul.png]][[User:Only Death May Die|Only Death May Die]] - Soulism more like soylism, but nice person.
*[[File:Nivballf.png]] [[User:Niveous Laccolith|Gay]] - ancom and degenerate 🤮
*[[File:Potato6132.png]] [[User:Potato6132|Potato6132]] - Cringe ideology(except for Albanian ultranationalism which is based) but based user and art.
*[[File:TDRH.png]] [[User:ThatDudeRightHere|TDRH]] - Not really a fan of the ideology, but generally nice person.


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