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Rule of the Best<br>
{{Alias|Honk.png|Satirism|Upper-class twit}}
Rule of the Nobles<br>
<s>The end stage of Meritocracy</s><br>[[file:AristoBur.png]] Bureaucratic Aristocracy (Many)<br>[[file:IntArist.png]] Intellectual Aristocracy (Some)<br>{{Alias|AuthLeftSatirism.png|Satirism|Upper-class twit}}
<s>The end stage of Meritocracy</s>
[[File:Nonquadrant.png|link=:Category:Non-Quadrant]] [[:Category:Non-Quadrant|{{Color|#FFFFFF|'''Non-Quadrant'''}}]]
{{Info|Monarchists}} (Often)<br>
[[File:AntiDem.png]] Anti-Democracy<br>
[[File:NietzscheAntiEquality.png]] '''Nietzscheanism''' {{Collapse|Anti-Egalitarianism<br>
|school =
*[[File:AntiLibIcon.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Liberalism}}
*[[File:OptimNihilNietzsche.png]] Optimistic'''{{PHB|Nietzscheanism}}''' Nihilism{{Collapse|
*[[File:Alexanderism.png]] [[Imperialism|Alexandrism]]
*[[File:Americophile.png]] [[American Model|Americophilia]] (Allegedly)
*[[File:Anego.png]] [[Anarcho-Egoism]] (Allegedly)
*[[File:Anti-HumanismBritish.png]] [[Anti-Humanism]]Anglophobia
*[[File:ExistentialismProhibitionism.png]] ExistentialismAnti-Alcoholism
*[[File:IndivAntiAnarchy.png]] IndividualismAnti-Anarchism
*[[File:RWagnerAntState.png]] [[Noocracy|Richard Wagner ThoughtAnti-Authoritarianism]] (Disowned later)
*[[File:RomanticismAnticap.png]] RomanticismAnti-Capitalism
*[[File:SchopenhauerAntiDem.png]] Schopenhauerism (Early on)Anti-Democracy
*[[File:AntiEquality.png]] Anti-Egalitarianism
*[[File:AntiFem.png]] Anti-Feminism
*[[File:Anti-Humanism.png]] Anti-Humanism
*[[File:AntiLibIcon.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Liberalism}}
*[[File:AntiNation.png]] Anti-Nationalism
*[[File:Radape.png]] [[Radical Apoliticism|Anti-Politicism]]
*[[File:AntiRacism.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Racism}}
*[[File:Antisoc.png]] Anti-Socialism
*[[File:AntiTrad.png]] Anti-Traditionalism
*[[File:Bonaparte.png]] [[Bonapartism]]
*[[File:Caesar.png]] [[Caesarism]]
*[[File:Anti-Christian.png]] Christophobia
*[[File:Contrarianism-Icon.png]] [[Contrarianism]]
*[[File:Anti-GermanEmpire.png]] Cultural Self-Hatred<ref>[ "I believe only in French culture and consider everything in Europe that calls itself 'culture' a misunderstanding, not to speak of German culture."]</ref>
*[[File:Cball-France.png]] Francophilia
*[[File:Indiv.png]] {{PHB|Individualism}}
*[[File:Internation.png]] [[Internationalism]]
*[[File:Merit.png]] [[Meritocracy]]
*[[File:Nooc.png]] [[Noocracy]]
*[[File:Cball-Greece.png]] Philhellenism
*[[File:Cball-PL.png]] Polonophilia<ref>[ Was Nietzsche Polish?]</ref>
*[[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism]] (Allegedly, Erroneously)
*[[File:Romanticism.png]] {{PHB|Romanticism}}
*[[File:Honk.png]] [[Satirism]]
*[[File:Schopenhauer.png]] {{PHB|Schopenhauerism}} (Early on)
*[[File:Slavery.png]] [[Caste System|Slavery]]
*[[File:RWagner.png]] {{PHB|Romanticism#German Romanticism|Wagnerism}} (Disowned later)
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*[[File:Nooc.png]] [[Noocracy]] (Ivan Skoropadskyi himself)
*[[File:Orth.png]] [[Orthodox Theocracy]]
[[File:Natural Order.png]] '''Ordonaturalism''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Hans Hermann Hoppe.png]] [[Hoppeanism]]
*[[File:Decentral.png]] [[Patchwork|Decentralization]]
*[[File:Sep.png]] [[Separatism|Secessionism]]
*[[File:Merit.png]] [[Meritocracy]]
*[[File:Property.png]] [[Propertarianism|Private Property Rights]]
*[[File:Community.png]] [[Communitarianism|Covenantism]]
*[[File:Discrimbert.png]] [[Hoppeanism|Exclusionism]]
*[[File:ReactionaryAnarch.png]] [[Reactionary Libertarianism|Anarcho-Reactionaryism]]
*[[File:Anmona.png]] [[Anarcho-Monarchism|Meritocratic Princes]] (Sort of)
|influenced = {{ScrollBox|
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[ Royals]
*[[File:Cball-EU.png]] '''Europe''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:Aristotle.png]] Aristotle (384–322 BC) [[File:Athdem.png]] {{PBW|Greeceball|Ancient Greece}}
**[[File:RosumovskyKlep.png]] [[Enlightenment ThoughtKleptocracy|KyryloAlexander RozumovskyiMenshikov]] (17281673-18031729) [[File:Cball-HetmanRussia.png]] Hetmanate{{PBW|Russiaball|Russia}}
**[[File:ConlibRosumovsky.png]] [[ConservativeEnlightenment LiberalismThought|DavidKyrylo Friedrich StraussRozumovskyi]] (18081728-18741803) [[File:Cball-GermanyHetman.png]] GermanyHetmanate
**[[File:NietzscheChateaubriand.png]] Fredrick[[Classical NietzscheConservatism|François-René de Chateaubriand]] (18441768-19001848) [[File:Cball-PrussiaFrance.png]] Prussia{{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:StolypinCarlyle.png]] [[Monarcho-CapitalismClassical Conservatism|PyotrThomas StolypinCarlyle]] (18621795-19111881) [[File:Cball-RussiaUK.png]] Russia{{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:PyotrWrangelConlib.png]] [[AuthoritarianConservative ConservatismLiberalism|PyotrDavid WrangelFriedrich Strauss]] (18781808-19281874) [[File:Cball-RussiaGermany.png]] Russia{{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Roman von Ungern-SternbergNietzsche.png]] [[AuthoritarianFredrick Conservatism|Roman von Ungern-Sternberg]]Nietzsche (18861844-19211900) [[File:Cball-Austria.png]] Austria/[[File:Cball-RussiaPrussia.png]] RussiaPrussia
**[[File:Stolypin.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism|Pyotr Stolypin]] (1862-1911) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] {{PBW|Russiaball|Russia}}
**[[File:PyotrWrangel.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism|Pyotr Wrangel]] (1878-1928) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] {{PBW|Russiaball|Russia}}
**[[File:Roman von Ungern-Sternberg.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism|Roman von Ungern-Sternberg]] (1886-1921) [[File:Cball-Austria.png]] Austria/[[File:Cball-Russia.png]] {{PBW|Russiaball|Russia}}
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[[File:Soc-h.png]] Revolts (when not led by him) [[File:Lpop.png]]<br>
[[File:Ochlo.png]] Revolting Plebs
quote=“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.”
|speaker=[[File:Carlyle.png]] [[Classical Conservatism|Thomas Carlyle]]
'''Aristocracy''' translating from Greek to '''Rule of the excellent''' or '''Rule of the best''' is a system of government where political power is concentrated within a relatively small class of formal nobility or gentry, a privileged ruling class, the aristocrats.<ref>[ "Aristocracy"] [[w:Oxford_English_Dictionary|Oxford English Dictionary]] December 1989.</ref>. The term derives from the greek ''aristokratia'' meaning the rule of the excellent.
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== Variants ==
===[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Nietzscheanism/Aristocratic Radicalism [[file:RadArist.png]]===
pls write about nietze
Nietzsche's Aristocratic Radicalism is a foundational concept deeply embedded within the extensive philosophical oeuvre of Friedrich Nietzsche. Emerging during a period characterized by the ascendancy of democratic ideals and egalitarian principles, Nietzsche's ideas posed a provocative challenge to the prevailing societal norms. At its essence, Aristocratic Radicalism represents Nietzsche's vision of a profound and revolutionary transformation of society. It hinges on the core notion of the "ubermensch," often translated as the "overman" or the "superman." This extraordinary individual embodies exceptional qualities and stands as a paragon of human potential, transcending the confines of conventional morality and societal norms.
Nietzsche's call for an aristocracy of exceptional individuals to ascend and guide society away from the pitfalls of mediocrity and conformity represents a radical departure from conventional political and social thought. Notably, his vision of this aristocracy is markedly distinct from traditional aristocracies characterized by hereditary privilege and entrenched in established power structures. Nietzsche's concept of Aristocratic Radicalism, therefore, calls for a fundamental revaluation of values, where the prevailing moral and ethical frameworks are subject to critical scrutiny and potential transformation. This revaluation seeks to celebrate individualism, creativity, and excellence, envisioning a culture where the exceptional can flourish and lead.
===[[File:Natural Order.png]] [[File:Hans Hermann Hoppe.png]] Natural Elites===
Hans-Hermann Hoppe's concept of natural elites, elucidated in his writings, centers on the crucial role of specialized judges, arbitrators, and peacemakers in the resolution of conflicts and the application of established laws within a societal framework. Hoppe posits that, in a society of a certain level of complexity, there arises a demand for individuals with the intellectual capacity and character to serve as effective authorities in the settlement of disputes. However, he contends that not everyone possesses the necessary qualifications for this role, leading people to seek out those individuals who exhibit "natural authority." These natural authorities are often characterized as members of the natural aristocracy, nobles, and kings, who have gained their authoritative status through their exceptional achievements in areas such as wealth, wisdom, and bravery. Their judgments and opinions carry substantial weight and widespread respect. Additionally, Hoppe highlights that these positions of natural authority are frequently hereditary, passed down within select "noble" families through mechanisms like selective mating and civil and genetic inheritance. As a result, individuals typically turn to the heads of these noble families to address their conflicts and complaints, with these leaders often assuming the roles of judges and peace-makers, often on a voluntary basis out of a sense of civic duty. This concept of natural elites endures in many small communities, where individuals with established records of superior achievement, farsightedness, and exemplary conduct continue to serve as essential figures in maintaining social order and resolving disputes.
==Personality and Behavior==
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*[[File:Plutocrat.png]] [[Plutocracy]] - There's a reason the rich are so well off. Many aristocrats also tended to be rich. <small>But seriously, you should grow some taste and get the bourgeoisie out of the way.</small>
*[[File:Hamiltonianism.png]] [[Hamiltonianism]] - That's my style!
*[[File:Patcon.png]] [[Paternalistic Conservatism]] & [[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism]] - Fellow believerbelievers in the principle of <i>noblesse oblige</i>.
*[[File:Feud.png]] [[Feudalism]] - He got the right idea.
*[[File:Hans Hermann Hoppe.png]] [[Hoppeanism]] - I never thought the day would come when a libertarian would stand up for me, great to have you as an ally, Hans. The concept of the “nobilitas naturalis” is quite dazzling.
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===Plebs and Oligarchs===
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - Fuck off anarkiddy
*[[File:Cybercr.png]] [[Cyberocracy]] - Fuck off robot
*[[File:Demarchy.png]] [[Demarchy]] - What the fuck is this?
*[[File:Erga.png]] [[Ergatocracy]] - Fuck off prole
*[[File:Pirat.png]] [[Hydrarchy]] - Fuck off pirate
*[[File:Kak.png]] [[Kakistocracy]] - Idiots are quite possibly the worst leaders!
*[[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocracy]] - Criminals are quite possibly the second worst leaders!
*[[File:Mediocracy.png]] [[Mediocracy]] - Fuck off pleb
*[[File:Ochlo.png]] [[Ochlocracy]] - Better than [[File:Oligarchy.png]] [[Oligarchy]], I guess.
*[[File:Oligarchy.png]] [[Oligarchy]] - You could say I have daddy issues.
*[[File:Honk.png]] [[Satirism]] - [ I AM NOT A SEXUAL DEVIANT]. [ Nor am I a twit], also fuck you.
==Further Information==
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==== Videos ====
* [ The Nature Of Meritocracy] by [[File:NalibSFO.png]] [[National Liberalism|ShortFatOtaku]]
*How to sound posh - [ part one] and [ part two] by [ Learn English with Papa Teach Me]
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[[Category:Pre-Enlightenment Ideologies]]
[[Category:Government Systems]]


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