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Hello, I'm just a random idiot that joined to this community

This user is LibLeft

"x3 nuzzles pounces on you uwu you so warm"

This user is an Anarchist

"Smash the state! and the shower"

This user is a Feminist

"(But only the first and second wave)"

This user is Male

"Proceeds to die in a war."

This user is an Internationalist

"May we all prosper together"

This user is a Globalist

"Free trade, open borders, and taco trucks and NWO"

This user is Left-Libertarian


This user is a Progressive.


This user is Socialist

"The proletariat is equal!"

This user is an Aspie.

"My special interest is [ INSERT THING HERE ]"

This user is a Bad Artist

"Yeah, I'm bad at digital drawing, you don't have to remember me that"

This user joined in 2022.


This user actually believes the earth is four and a half billion years old.

"I swear you can actually trust a uranium date!"

This user unironically believes in the evolution of the species.

"The dinosaurs came alive, and it was millions of years ago."

This user is a Scientocrat


This user is Colombian

"Eche, cule vaina bacana!"

This user is Agnostic

"Maybe yes... maybe not..."

This user is a Civil Libertarian

"Your right to swing your arms ends, where another man's nose begins."

This user is Secular

"Religion doesn't have space in politics"


This is my individual ideology, not very surprising, but well

Flag of Escorcism


The Ricardanism is an ideology taken from the synthesis of the ideologies from me and my school friends, Santiago Miranda and Keider Zuluaga, the name is based in the name of the Republican Spanish Musician and YouTuber, Heil Ric (Ricardo) and his fictional country: " Ricardana"

Flag of Ricardanism

Symbol of Ricardanism

My (horrible) art