Capitalism: Difference between revisions

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|title=[[File:Cap.png]] Capitalism [[File:Econlib.png]]
Capitalism-Aycee Lovelace-Portrait.png
|caption="Capitalism: God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
[[File:Cap.png]] Cap<br>
[[File:Cap.png]] Cappie<br>
[[File:Cap.png]] Capitalism without adjectives <br>
[[File:Econlib.png]] [[Fiscal Conservatism|Economic Liberalism]]<br>
[[File:Orglib.png]] Capitalist Mode of Production<br>
[[File:Marklib.png]] Market Liberalism<br>
[[File:Marketeconomy.png]] Market Economy<br>
[[File:CapDvProperty.png]] CapitalismProperty withoutand adjectives[[File:DVCommerce.png]] Commerce (DozenValues)<br>
[[File:OrglibMarkets.png]] CapitalistFree ModeMarket-Private ofProperty Productionsystem<br>
[[File:Markets.png]] Free Market<br>
[[File:Indiv.png]] Economic Individualism<br>
[[File:AdamSmith.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|Adam Smith Thought]]<br>
Big Boss<br>
[[File:Indiv.png]] Economic Individualism<br>
[[File:Property.png]] [[Propertarianism|Privatism]]<br>
[[File:Bankocracy.png]] [[Financialism|Financism]]<br>
[[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Businessism]]<br>
[[File:ChampagneCap.png]] Luxuryism [[File:LuxuryBeliefs.png]] <br>
{{Alias|PCM.png|Kakistocracy|fUnNY mONeY lIBrIGHt}}<br>
{{Alias|3P.png|:Category:Third Position|[[File:Jewish Capitalism.png]] [[Zionism|(((Them)))]]}}<br>
{{Alias|Soc-h.png|:Category:Socialists|[[File:Crapitalism.png]] Crapitalism}}<br>
{{Alias|Soc-hCommie.png|:Category:SocialistsCommunists|[[File:SlaveryPig.png]] SlaveryismCapitalist Pig/Porky}}<br>
{{Alias|Commie.png|:Category:Communists|[[File:Pig.png]] Capitalist PigBourgeoise}}<br>
{{Alias|CommieGuildsoc.png|:Category:CommunistsGuild Socialism|[[File:ElitismDVCommerce.png]] ElitismCommercialism}}<br>
<s>[[File:HibMammon.png]] Greedism</s>Rule of the lucky</s><br>
<s>[[File:Hib.png]] Rule of the lucky</s><br>
<s>Economical Accelerationism</s>
<s>[[File:Economic Darwinism.png]] Economic Darwinism</s><br>
<s>Economical Accelerationism</s><br>
[[File:AdamSmith.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|Smithianism]]<br>
|alignments=[[File:Rightunity-yellow.png|link=:Category:Right Unity]] [[:Category:Right Unity|{{Color|#F5F5A9|'''Right'''}}{{Color|#93DAF8|'''Unity'''}}]]<br>
{{Info|Right Unity|RightUnity}}<br>
|influences=[[File:Calvin.png]] [[Protestant Theocracy|Calvinist Theocracy]] (allegedly) <br>
[[File:IndivCalvin.png]] Individualism[[Protestant Theocracy|Calvinist Theocracy]] (Allegedly)<br>
[[File:Indust.png]] [[Industrialism]]<br>
[[File:Markets.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|Market Economy]]<br>
[[File:Merc.png]] [[Mercantilism]]<br>
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<div style="overflow:auto; height:auto; max-height:200px; background:transparent;">
[[File:ArgentinaUnitarian.png]] [[Centralism|Argentine Unitarianism]]<br>
[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism]] (Factions, most)<br>
[[File:Ecocap.png]] [[Eco-Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Hmind cap.png]] [[Hive-Mind Collectivism|Hive-Mind Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Moncap.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]]<br>
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[[File:Capcom.png]] [[Capitalist Communism]]<br>
[[File:Captrans.png]] [[Capitalist Transhumanism]]<br>
[[File:RepubUS.png]] [[Conservatism#United States|GOPism]]<br>
[[File:Jacksonian Democracy.png]] [[Jacksonian Democracy]]<br>
[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]]<br>
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[[File:Yellsoc.png]] [[Yellow Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Physiocracypix.png]] [[Physiocracy]]
[[File:CapRealism.png]] {{PHB|Capitalist Realism}}<br>
[[File:MetaCap.png]] {{PHB|Metaphysical Capitalism}}
[[File:Lfree.png]] '''Laissez-Faire Capitalism''' {{Collapse|
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*[[File:Physiocracypix.png]] [[Physiocracy]]
|school =
[[File:CrypCap.png]] '''Crypto-Capitalism''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Captrans.png]] [[Capitalist Transhumanism]]
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[ DR Period - Money]<br>
[ Cha-ching song]<br>
[ For the Love of Money]<br>
[ Work]<br>
Line 85 ⟶ 94:
{{Refn|''"What is my first conclusion coming from this movie? This fat capitalist is an absolute GigaChad. Casually juggles with atom bombs without fear, ridicules children, because they're communists, destroys the Stalinist dictatorship's posters and exposes their true nature, hurls money, since he has lots of it, offers alcohol to random people (arguably strong one, as he can afford it) and plays with random kids out of his own will."''|group=Note}}<ref>''[],</ref><br>
<s>[ How Bad Can I Be]</s><br>
<s>[ Biggering]</s><br>
[ Here Comes The Money]<br>[ US National Anthem on 7 Credit Card Machines]<br>[ Monty Python - Money Song]
*[[File:Cball-EU.png]] '''Europe''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:Xbert.png|link=]] [[Paleolibertarianism#Christian_Libertarianism|Thomas Aquinas]] (1225-1274) [[File:Catheo.png]] Papal States (Disputed)
**[[File:Mach.png|link=ò_Machiavelli]] [[Machiavellianism|Niccolò]] [[Republicanism|Machiavelli]] (1469-1527) [[File:Cball-Italy.png]] {{PBW|Italyball|Italy}}
**[[File:Clib.png|link=]] [[Classical Liberalism|Sir Edward Coke]] (1552-1634) [[File:Cball-England.png]] {{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:Humanismpix.png|link=]] {{PHB|Humanism|Sir Francis}} [[Enlightenment Thought|Sir Francis Bacon]] (1561-1626) [[File:Cball-England.png]] {{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:Clib.png|link=]] {{PHB|Humanism|Hugo}} [[Classical Liberalism|Hugo Grotius]] (1583-1645) [[File:Cball-Netherlands.png]] {{PBW|Netherlandsball|Netherlands}}
**[[File:Fishe.png|link=]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism|Thomas Hobbes]] (1588-1679) [[File:Cball-England.png]] {{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:ProtTheo.png|link=]] [[Protestant Theocracy|John]] [[Classical Liberalism|Milton]] (1608-1674) [[File:Cball-England.png]] {{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:JohnLocke.png|link=]] [[Classical Liberalism|John Locke]] (1632-1704) [[File:Cball-England.png]] {{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:ClibNewton.png|link=]] [[Classical LiberalismScientocracy#Newtonism|BaruchSir SpinozaIsaac Newton]] (16321643-16771727) [[File:Cball-NetherlandsEngland.png]] Netherlands{{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:NewtonEnlightenment.png|link= Baron de Montesquieu]] [[Scientocracy#NewtonismEnlightenment Thought|SirBaron Isaacde]] Newton[[Classical Liberalism|Montesquieu]] (16431689-17271755) [[File:Cball-EnglandFrance.png]] England{{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:Enlightenment.png|link= Baron de MontesquieuVoltaire]] [[Enlightenment Thought|BaronVoltaire de]](François-Marie [[Classical Liberalism|MontesquieuArouet)]] (1689-17551694–1778) [[File:Cball-FranceFranceKingdom.png]] {{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:EnlightenmentDavidHume.png|link= VoltaireDavid_Hume]] [[EnlightenmentConservative ThoughtLiberalism|VoltaireDavid (François-Marie Arouet)Hume]] (1694–17781711-1776) [[File:Cball-FranceKingdomScotland.png]] France{{PBW|Scotlandball|Scotland}}
**[[File:DavidHumeAdamSmith.png|link=]] [[ConservativeClassical Liberalism|DavidAdam HumeSmith]] (17111723-17761790) [[File:Cball-Scotland.png]] {{PBW|Scotlandball|Scotland}}
**[[File:AdamSmithKant.png|link=]] [[ClassicalEnlightenment LiberalismThought|AdamImmanuel SmithKant]] (17231724-17901804) [[File:Cball-ScotlandGermany.png]] Scotland{{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:KantPhysiocracypix.png|link= Anne Robert Jacques Turgot]] [[Physiocracy|Anne Robert]] [[Enlightenment Thought|ImmanuelJacques KantTurgot]] (17241727-18041781) [[File:Cball-GermanyFrance.png]] Germany{{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:PhysiocracypixBurke.png|link= Anne Robert Jacques TurgotEdmund_Burke]] [[Physiocracy|Anne Robert]] [[EnlightenmentConservative ThoughtLiberalism|JacquesEdmund TurgotBurke]] (17271729-17811797) [[File:Cball-FranceIreland.png]] France{{PBW|Irelandball|Ireland}}
**[[File:BurkeFreemason_.png|link=]] [[Conservative LiberalismIndustrialism|EdmundJames BurkeWatt]]{{Refn|James Watt was a known member of the freemason's.|group=Note}}(17291736-17971819) [[File:Cball-IrelandScotland.png]] Ireland{{PBW|Scotlandball|Scotland}}
**[[File:Freemason_Utility.png|link=]] [[IndustrialismWelfarism|James WattJeremy]] {{RefnPCBA|James Watt was a known member of the freemason's.Utilitarianism|group=NoteBentham}} (17361748-18191832) [[File:Cball-ScotlandUK.png]] Scotland{{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:UtilityConstLib.png|link=]] [[WelfarismClassical Liberalism|JeremyFrédéric Bastiat]] {{PCBA|Utilitarianism|Bentham}} (17481801-18321850) [[File:Cball-UKFrance.png]] UK{{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:MarklibDisraeli.png]] [[ClassicalOne-Nation LiberalismConservatism|FrédéricBenjamin BastiatDisraeli]] (18011804-18501881) [[File:Cball-FranceUK.png]] France{{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:Disraeli.png]] [[One-Nation Conservatism|Benjamin Disraeli]] (1804-1881) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] UK
**[[File:Bism.png|link=]] [[Bismarckism|Otto Von Bismarck]] (1815-1898) [[File:Cball-Prussia.png]] Prussia
**[[File:Lausannebert.png|link=éon_Walras]] [[Classical Liberalism|Léon Walras]] (1834-1910) [[File:Cball-France.png]] {{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:Austrobert.png|link=]] [[Austrian School|Carl Menger]] (1840-1921) [[File:Cball-Austria.png]] {{PBW|Austriaball|Austria}}
**[[File:Clib.png|link=]] [[Classical Liberalism|Alfred Marshall]] (1842-1924) [[File:Cball-England.png]] {{PBW|Englandball|England}}
**[[File:Pareto.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism|Vilfredo Pareto]] (1848-1923) [[File:Cball-Italy.png]] {{PBW|Italyball|Italy}}
**[[File:Austrobert.png|link=]] [[Austrian School|Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk]] (1851-1914) [[File:Cball-Austria.png]] {{PBW|Austriaball|Austria}}
**[[File:Lausannebert.png|link=]] [[Austrian School|Friedrich von Wieser]] (1851-1926) [[File:Cball-Austria.png]] {{PBW|Austriaball|Austria}}
**[[File:Wikilib.png|link=]] [[Liberalism|Max Weber]] (1864-1920) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Adenauer.png|link=]] [[ChristianPaternalistic DemocracyConservatism|Konrad Adenauer]] (1876-1967) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Austrobert.png|link=]] [[Austrian School|Ludwig von Mises]] (1881-1973) [[File:Cball-Austria.png]] {{PBW|Austriaball|Austria}}
**[[File:Keynes.png|link=]] [[Keynesian School|John Maynard Keynes]] (1883-1946) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] {{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:Orlib.png|link=]] [[Ordo-Liberalism|Alexander Rüstow]] (1885-1963) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:FriedrichHayek.png|link=]] [[Classical Liberalism|Friedrich Hayek]] (1889-1992) [[File:Cball-AustriaHungary.png]] Austria-{{PBW|Hungaryball|Hungary}}
**[[File:Orlib.png|link=]] [[Ordo-Liberalism|Walter Eucken]] (1891-1950) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Cdem.png|link=]] [[Christian Democracy|Franz]] [[Ordo-Liberalism|Böhm]] (1895-1977) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Soccap.png|link=]] [[Social Capitalism|Ludwig Erhard]] (1897-1977) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Orlib.png|link=]] [[Ordo-Liberalism|Alfred Müller-Armack]] (1901-1978) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] {{PBW|Germanyball|Germany}}
**[[File:Liberal Fascism.png]] [[Ismism|Bertrand de Jouvenel]] (1907-1981) [[File:Cball-France.png]] {{PBW|Franceball|France}}
**[[File:Cdem.png|link=]] [[Christian Democracy|Keith]] [[Social Capitalism|Joseph]] (1918-1994) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] {{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:Thatcher-alt.png|link= Margaret Thatcher]] [[Conservative Liberalism|Margaret Thatcher]] (1925-2013) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] {{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:Yabl.png|link=]] [[Social Liberalism|Grigory Yavlinsky]] (1952-) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] {{PBW|Russiaball|Russia}}
**[[File:New Labourism.png|link= Tony Blair]] [[Neoconservatism|Tony Blair]] (1953-) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] {{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:BoJo.png|link=]] [[One-Nation Conservatism|Boris Johnson]] (1964-) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] {{PBW|UKball|UK}}
**[[File:Keynes.png|link=]] [[Keynesian School|Thomas Piketty]] (1971-) [[File:Cball-France.png]] {{PBW|Franceball|France}}
*[[File:PanAmer.png]] '''Americas''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:EnlightenmentFranklin.png|link=]] [[Enlightenment Thought|Benjamin]] [[Classical Liberalism|Franklin]] (1706-1790) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Washdem2.png|link= George Washington]] [[Presidentialism|George]] [[Classical Liberalism|Washington]] (1732-1799) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:RadlibPaine.png|link=]] [[Radicalism|Thomas Paine]] (1737-1809) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] UK/[[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Jeffersondem2.png|link=]] [[Classical Liberalism|Thomas]] [[Jeffersonian Democracy|Jefferson]] (1743-1826) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Jeffersondem2Madison.png|link=]] [[Jeffersonian Democracy|James]] [[Imperialism|Madison]] (1751-1836) [[File:Cball-US.png]]
**[[File:GeorgistGeoClib.png|link=]] [[Georgism|Henry George]] (1839-1897) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:AustrianSchool.png]] [[Mediacracy|Henry Hazlitt]] (1894-1993) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Ayn Rand.png|link=]] [[Objectivism|Ayn Rand (Alisa Rosenbaum)]] (1905-1982) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia/[[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Reagan.png|link=]] [[Fiscal Conservatism#ReaganomicsNeoconservatism|Ronald Reagan]] (1911-2004) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Friedman.png|link=]] [[Chicago School|Milton Friedman]] (1912-2006) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Rawls.png|link=]] [[Social Liberalism|John]] [[Liberal Socialism|Rawls]] (1921-2002) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Murray N Rothbard.png|link=]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism|Murray Rothbard]] (1926-1995) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Sowell.png|link=]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Thomas Sowell]] (1930-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:RonPaul.png|link=]] [[Libertarian Conservatism#Ron Paul|Ron Paul]] (1935-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Nozick.png|link=]] [[Minarchism|Robert Nozick]] (1938-2002) [[File:Cball-US.png]]
**[[File:Bidenism.png|link=]] [[Big Tent Liberalism|Joe Biden]] (1942-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:AnChilib.png|link=]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism|David D. Friedman]] (1945-)
**[[File:Neocorporatism.png|link=]] [[Corporatism|Robert Reich]] (1946-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Gore.png|link=]] [[Green Liberalism|Al Gore]] (1948-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Hans Hermann Hoppe.png|link=]] [[Paleolibertarianism|Hans-Hermann Hoppe]] (1949-) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] West Germany / [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:NuKeynesPix.png|link=]] [[Social Liberalism|Paul Krugman]] (1953-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Obamium.png|link=]] [[Third Way|Barack]] [[Social Liberalism|Obama]] (1961-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Haidt.png]] [[Radical Centrism|Jonathan Haidt]] (1963-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Anlibbert.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism|Bryan Caplan]] (1971-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:Misestard.png|link=]] [[Austrian School|Robert P. Murphy]] (1976-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
**[[File:GamerlibDestiny.png]] [[Social Liberalism|Steven Kenneth "Destiny" Bonnell II]] (1988-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] {{PBW|USAball|USA}}
[[File:Fiscon.png]] Tax breaks<br>
[[File:GoldStandard.png]] Gold<br>
[[File:PCB-Petroleumism.png]] Oil<br>
[[File:AdamSmith.png]] Adam Smith<br>
[[File:Markets.png]] Free market<br>
Line 178 ⟶ 187:
[[File:PlannedEconomy.png]] Planned economies<br>
[[File:Autarky.png]] Autarky
}}{{Quote|quote="Under any form of economic or political system, those at the top tend to become complacent, if not arrogant. Convincing them of anything is not easy, especially when it is some new way of doing things that is very different from what they are used to. The big advantage of a free market is that you don’t have to convince anybody of anything. You simply compete with them in the marketplace and let that be the test of what works best."<ref>[ Basic Economics]</ref>|speaker=[[File:Sowell.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Thomas Sowell]]}}
*[[File:Cball-Veneto.png]] [[Patchwork|Venetian Republic]] (697-1797)
'''Capitalism''', or [[File:Econlib.png]] '''[[Fiscal Conservatism|Economic Liberalism]]''', is an economic system representing a broad range of ideologies that fall under the umbrella of "capitalism". Capitalism is defined by many different ideologies in many different ways. By [[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism|Liberals]] and [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|Right-Libertarians]] it's usually defined as a free enterprise system with private property rights, by [[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism|Marxists]] it's usually defined as a system where the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat and by [[File:Anmark2.png]] [[Left-Wing Market Anarchism|Left-Wing Market Anarchists]] it's usually defined as a system of [[File:CronyCap.png]] [[Corporatocracy|corrupt market]]s.
*[[File:BritishEmpire.png]] [[Imperialism|British Empire]] (1707-1997)
*[[File:Cball-US.png]] [[American Model|USA]] (1776-)
*[[File:Cball-Chile.png]] [[Pinochetism|Chile]] (1973-1990)
{{Quote|quote="Under any form of economic or political system, those at the top tend to become complacent, if not arrogant. Convincing them of anything is not easy, especially when it is some new way of doing things that is very different from what they are used to. The big advantage of a free market is that you don’t have to convince anybody of anything. You simply compete with them in the marketplace and let that be the test of what works best."<ref>[ Basic Economics]</ref>|speaker=[[File:Sowell.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Thomas Sowell]]}}
'''Capitalism''', or [[File:Econlib.png]] '''{{PCBA|Economic Liberalism}}''', is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. In a market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by owners of wealth, property, or ability to maneuver capital or production ability in capital and financial markets—whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets.
Capitalism is defined by many different ideologies in many different ways. By [[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism|Liberals]] and [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|Right-Libertarians]] it's usually defined as a free enterprise system with private property rights, by [[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism|Marxists]] it's usually defined as a system where the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat and by [[File:Anmark2.png]] [[Left-Wing Market Anarchism|Left-Wing Market Anarchists]] it's usually defined as a system of [[File:CronyCap.png]] [[Corporatocracy|corrupt market]]s.
Capitalism fundamentally needs 5 institutions to function:
Line 212 ⟶ 229:
===[[File:RegCap.png]] Regulated Capitalism [[File:Keynes.png]]===
[[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism{{PCBA|Regulationist Capitalism|Regulated Capitalism]]}} is a system where the government intervenes in the economy in order to maximize efficiency, and/or to protect workers and consumers. All existing capitalist societies follow this form of capitalism, even the ones with most economic freedom. Economic regulations can range from worker protections (such as workplace safety laws, minimum wages, laws that protect unions, etc), to environmental regulations that penalize businesses that harm the environment, to government intervention to help the economy during times of crisis. Some of the most basic (in a modern economic sense) forms of regulation include: a central bank with varying degrees of independence (to control the supply of money to make it easy and cheap to borrow to stimulate growth, but also to manually intervene to reduce inflation) some kind of zoning/licensing laws, (although many people today want more relaxed laws), and protective or revenue-focused tariffs are other examples of generally liked regulations, where the government puts a tax on imported goods, either to try to keep jobs in the country, to raise revenue to fund expenditure, or to protect the local industry. Tariffs have been criticized in the past for being rather corrupt as national large businesses were infamous in the '''gilded age''' for bribing and lobbying politicians to raise tariffs on their goods to prevent foreign competitors from challenging them, tariffs have also been criticized for increasing the price of consumer goods to consumers and driving up poverty in the third world as it deprives businesses of cheap, plentiful labour which forces up costs and prices. in Some ideologies support minimal regulation to stimulate economic growth, such as [[File:Orlib.png]] [[Ordo-Liberalism]] and [[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]], while some support quite a lot of regulation to protect the consumer, such as [[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]]. The [[File:Keynes.png]] [[Keynesian School|Keynesian school of economics]] is a popular economic school that promotes regulated capitalism.
===[[File:Soccap.png]] Welfare Capitalism [[File:Soclib.png]]===
Line 247 ⟶ 264:
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - We gotta meet the woke customer demand.
*[[File:Captrans.png]] [[Capitalist Transhumanism]] - Praise be to our R&D department!
*[[File:Property.png]] [[Propertarianism]] - Right of private property is inalienable!
*[[File:Bankocracy.png]] [[Financialism]] - Capital has a financial sector!
*[[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism]] - For freedom of the markets!
*[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]] - Helps me on the weed plantations.
*[[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism]] - Conservative but more like me.
Line 254 ⟶ 274:
*[[File:Chilib.png]] [[Chicago School]] - Yeah, more libertarian economies!
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - Most successful form of me and controller of the Overton Window.
*[[File:Yellow Unionism.png]] [[Yellow Socialism|Yellow Unionism]] - The only trade unions that I like.
*[[File:3way.png]] [[Third Way]] - Like Social Democracy but without its issues. Still a bit too regulationist but we can look past that.
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] & [[File:Neobert.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism]] - Make war, buy guns. Also keep up by stopping commies from rising to power!
Line 261 ⟶ 282:
*[[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism]] - You worked with me for so long... Ok, I will give you a discount. <s>Sorry if I have to cancel stuff to protect my profits.</s>
*[[File:Fiscon.png]] [[Fiscal Conservatism]] - My favorite customer, always paying in time.
*[[File:Plutocrat.png]] [[Plutocracy]] - I'm like a form of government.
*[[File:Fem.png]] [[Feminism]] - Thank you for doubling the work force!
*[[File:libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism]] - More Female CEOs!
Line 267 ⟶ 289:
*[[File:Civnat.png]] [[Civic Nationalism]] - Increases my client base ensuring higher profit margins.
*[[File:Merit.png]] [[Meritocracy]] - I aspire to be like you.
*[[File:Yellow UnionismWorld.png]] [[Yellow Socialism|Yellow UnionismGlobalism]] -[[File:Globcap.png]] The onlyFree trade unions that Iis likebased.
*[[File:Calvinist Theocracy.png]] [[Protestant Theocracy|Calvinist Theocracy]] - [[w:The_Protestant_Ethic_and_the_Spirit_of_Capitalism|The best religion!]]
*[[File:Thatcher.png]] [[NeoliberalismConservative Liberalism|Thatcherism]] - Best British politician.
*[[File:Pinochet.png]] [[Pinochetism]] - Main helicoptershelicopter importer and crusher of commie dreams.
*[[File:Ilminism.png]] [[Ilminism]] - Capitalism is why South Korea is more prosperous than the North!
*[[File:AmericanModel 1.png]] [[American Model]] - Great example of my economic system.
*[[File:Helv.png]] [[Helvetic Model]] - Also a great example of my model.
*[[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocracy]] - I can't believe someone greedier than me exists but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
*[[File:Corptism.png]] [[Corporatism]] - I don't like him, but you know, money is money... Also could you like not to say that the banks are controlled by the Jews or something.
*[[File:Agorismf.png]] [[Agorism]] - Helps me to infiltrate red countries. Doesn't like me for some reason.
*[[File:Monarch.png]] [[Monarchism]] - I don't like him either with this Monarchy thing, but he is rich.
*[[File:Merc.png]] [[Mercantilism]] - You're my predecessor, but I wish you were more pro-free trade, though.
*[[File:Capcom.png]] [[Capitalist Communism]] - Look son, 50% of the time you're right. The other 50% of the time you’re wrong.
*[[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism]] - My little friend who thinks markets need ''regulations''... what? hmm..well Adam Smith thinks you are necessary
*[[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism]] - Another son of mine but... why do you support this welfare shit thing? Oh lord. Please remove the "social" part of your name, but good job in [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] Germany.
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - He is somewhat capitalistic but he supports this "labor rights" shit. Then again, he might've saved my life in the Interwar period. I also liked how you crushed those commies in Germany.
*[[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy]] - Congratulations on taking over the world but why lobbying and monopoly?
*[[File:Technocracy.png]] [[Technocracy]] - If you really detest me that much, why haven't I seen you reject my investment? Oh right, you need that, maybe you should remember that too.
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - I always feel bad having deals with him, but ''pecunia non olet''.
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - [[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] in practice but in red.
*[[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocracy]] - I can't believe someone greedier than me exists but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
*[[File:Monarch.png]] [[Monarchism]] - I don't like him either with this Monarchy thing, but he is rich.
*[[File:Athdem.png]] [[Athenian Democracy]] - Why does one of the only non-capitalists who realizes that I don't support slavery have to mean that in a negative way!? Also slavery is wrong both morally and economically. <s>Ignore the fact that I support sweatshops and wage slavery. </s>
*[[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]] - Good economics son, but racism and statism are bad for business.
*[[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism]] - My little friend who thinks markets need ''regulations''... what?
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - I always feel bad having deals with him, but ''pecunia non olet''.
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - [[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] in practice but in red.
*[[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism]] - Another son of mine but... why do you support this welfare shit thing? Oh lord. Please remove the "social" part of your name, but good job in [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] Germany.
*[[File:Patcon.png]] [[Paternalistic Conservatism]] - He is somewhat capitalistic but he supports this "social welfare" shit. Sorry bro, companies have the freedom to do as they please without taxes being thrusted against their throats to pay for the services of others.
*[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] - You should stop focusing so much on your "traditions" and instead start consuming my products. Culture isn't worth anything as long as you can't make a profit off of it.But at least we're both rightist.
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - A pro-capitalist reactionary? Alright...
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - He is somewhat capitalistic but he supports this "labor rights" shit. Then again, he might've saved my life in the Interwar period. I also liked how you crushed those commies in Germany.
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - Thinks I'm a degenerate or whatever, but did a damn good job at crushing those commies (even though he was created by a former commie, so it's best to be wary). But he nationalized many industries and was second behind the USSR, which is why I am skeptical about him.
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism]] - Again, goes off about how I'm a degenerate or whatever, but certainly not a bad business partner by any means... One big negative factor in my own opinion of you is that your defeat in World War 2 made Eastern Europe a communist heartland for several decades.Wait, what does it mean that capitalists should help the society?
**[[File:Nazi.png]] - You have to serve the society, I don't prefer you over the suffering poor.
*[[File:Technocracy.png]] [[Technocracy]] - If you really detest me that much, why haven't I seen you reject my investment? Oh right, you need that, maybe you should remember that too.
*[[File:Guevara.png]] [[Guevarism]] - He wants to kill me, but I do get rich off of selling his face on posters and t-shirts...
*[[File:RightacLandian Accelerationism.png]] [[Landian Accelerationism]] - Capital uses people to create metal body for itself? That's something only a Marxist would compose... You also support me?!
*[[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy]] - Congratulations on taking over the world but why lobbying and monopoly?
*[[File:Avar.png]] [[Avaritionism]] - Look, I can meet your demand for money and killing, just hop in any PMC or sign an army contract, but you absolutely cannot rob or kill people here, I can't work without civil rights.
*[[File:Christy.png]] [[Christian Theocracy]] - He makes me A LOT of money but try buying a car with "grace" and "virtue". <s> Nihilist capitalism is redundant then.</s>
*[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism]] - Lazy janitor. Why don't you want to work?! Back in the factory, now! <s>I knew I shouldn't have gone over to his New Year's Party, otherwise we wouldn't have had [[File:Capcom.png]] [[Capitalist Communism|him]].</s>
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - Yeah, nice try.
*[[File:Synd.png]] [[Syndicalism]] & [[File:AnSynd.png]] [[Anarcho-Syndicalism]] - STOP IT WITH THE DAMNED UNIONS!
*[[File:Feud.png]] [[Feudalism]] - You had your day, now it's our turn.
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - Yeah, nice try.
*[[File:Statesoc.png]] [[State Socialism]] - You will never solve the ECP.
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - You're nothing but a failure. Yet for some reason you're popular with college kids.
*[[File:Stalin.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Stalinism]] - Your mass starvations were proof that collectivization doesn't work.
*[[File:Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - Racist commie.
*[[File:Natbol-Alt.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - Racist commie.
*[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] - You should stop focusing so much on your "traditions" and instead start consuming my products. Culture isn't worth anything as long as you can't make a profit off of it.
*[[File:Natcom.png]] [[National Communism]] -Moderate version of the above that hates free trade and globalization.
*[[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism]] - Capitalism is good, actually. Did you have all this prosperity during the middle ages? Didn't think so.
*[[File:Monsoc.png]] [[Monarcho-Socialism]] -Crowned commie
*[[File:Feud.png]] [[Feudalism]] - The only right-winger I completely hate. You had your day, now it's our turn.
*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - Stop saying that capitalism destroys culture.
*[[File:Relsoc.png]] [[Religious Socialism]] - Capitalism is godless? What bullshit, wasn't it communists that persecuted religions?
*[[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism]] - Quit rebranding yourselves as a filthy red!
*[[File:Sorelia.png]] [[National Syndicalism]] - You're just corporatism but farther left.
Line 314 ⟶ 341:
*[[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism]] - I sold him a rope and now he's trying to hang me with it...
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] [[Post-Leftism]] - What do you mean you're against work? How else will me and my workers make me money? <s>Gamefication of work is based tho.</s>
*[[File:Anego.png]] [[Anarcho-Egoism]] - He doesn't respect property rights... At least he's not a commie.-
*[[File:Egocom.png]] [[Ego-Communism]] - OhOH comeCOME onON!!
*[[File:Communalist.png]] [[Communalism]] - Wants to steal my private property and redistribute my items.
*[[File:Posadist.png]] [[Posadism]] - Psycho who wants to nuke me out of existence.
*[[File:Biopos.png]] [[Bio-Posadism]] - We will not shut down the economy because of you!
*[[File:Jacobin.png]] [[Jacobinism]] - Although you kept private property in check, you're the start of everything I hate.
*[[File:Afrsoc.png]] [[African Socialism]] - And you wonder why Africa is poor.
*[[File:Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] - I was willing to work with [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|him]], but this is too much. <s>Who am I lying? My [[File:AmericanModel 1.png]] [[American Model|friend]] traded even with [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|him]]</s>
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]] - You're just a lazy college student who's never lived in a real communist country. Also, what is dialectical materialism other than a religion made into a political ideology?
**[[File:Ormarxf.png]] - [[File:LBubble.png]]Without me this page wouldn’t exist. I popularized the term “capitalism” as a critique of the existing economic order.[[File:RBubble.png]]<ref></ref>
**[[File:Cap.png]] - [[File:LBubble.png]]The terms capitalism and bourgeoisie existed long before you, you just introduced it as a abusive label[[File:RBubble.png]].
*[[File:Marxfem.png]] [[Marxist Feminism]] - You call yourself a feminist, yet you want to steal the rich female CEOs' property. Curious.
*[[File:Anfem.png]] [[Anarcha-Feminism]] - Same as above but anarchist.
Line 326 ⟶ 357:
*[[File:Austrmarx.png]] [[Austromarxism]] - Stupid Austrian commie! I like and prefer [[File:Austrobert.png]] [[Austrian School]] not you!
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - Hands off my monocle, stupid commie maniac!
* [[File:Illeg.png]] [[Illegalism]] - Stop trying to rob me and squatting my property you Moron! <s>But you can rob these [[File:SyndieSam.png]] unions though.</s>
* [[File:Soul.png]] [[Soulism]] - You can have everything you want in your lucid dreams? Well, good luck with hunger and thirst then - because you still a material being made of flesh, which means that your dreams only satisfy your consciousness, but not your material body. You remind me that foolish sleepy girl from anime named Nemurine, and I think that you repeating her tragic faith. <s>Wait, how you materialized so much food by just listening something in headphones?</s>
Line 332 ⟶ 363:
Line 340 ⟶ 372:
*[[w:Economic_liberalism|Economic Liberalism]]
*[[w:State_capitalism|State Capitalism]]
*[[w:Welfare_capitalism|Welfare Capitalism]]
Line 358 ⟶ 391:
*[ Basic Economics] by [[File:Sowell.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Thomas Sowell]] | [ Audiobook]
*[ Applied Economics] by [[File:Sowell.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Thomas Sowell]] | [ Audiobook]
*[ The Capitalist Manifesto] by [[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|Johan Norberg]]
*[ End The Fed] by [[File:RonPaul.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Ron Paul]]
*[,%20Honest%20Money,%20Private%20Property_2.pdf Pillars of Prosperity: Free Markets, Honest Money, Private Property] by [[File:RonPaul.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Ron Paul]]
Line 372 ⟶ 406:
*[ The Road to Serfdom] by [[File:FriedrichHayek.png|link=]] [[Hayekism|F.A. Hayek]]
*[ Individualism and Economic Order] by [[File:FriedrichHayek.png|link=]] [[Hayekism|F.A. Hayek]]
*[[w:The_Fatal_Conceit|The Fatal Conceit]] by [[File:FriedrichHayek.png|link=]] [[Hayekism|F.A. Hayek]]
*[[w:The_Fatal_Conceit|The Fatal Conceit]] by [[File:FriedrichHayek.png|link=]] [[Hayekism|F.A. Hayek]]
*[ El Economista Callejero] by [[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|Axel Kaiser]]
=== =Critiques ====
*[ The Communist Manifesto] by [[File:Karl Marx.png]] [[Marxism|Karl Marx]] and [[File:Orengelsf.png]] [[Marxism|Friedrich Engels]]
*Das Kapital Volumes [ One], [ Two] and [ Three] by [[File:Karl Marx.png]] [[Marxism|Karl Marx]] | [ Audiobook]
*[ Why Capitalism Is A Success (And Why Socialism Isn't)] by [[File:NalibSFO.png]] [[National Liberalism|ShortFatOtaku]]
*[ Muh Surplus Labor Value] by [[File:Hoppef.png]] [[Hoppeanism|MentisWave]]
*[ Basic Economics VS The Rationalization Hamster] by [[File:Hoppef.png]] [[Hoppeanism|MentisWave]]
*[ Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History] by [ CrashCourse]
*[ "Capitalism" is Magic!] by [[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism|The Distributist]]
Line 411 ⟶ 447:
Deoy1zn-9b5d9250-d503-47b4-965f-45561fa0b772.png|"Windows PCB" By [[User:Mebrouk|Mebrouk]]
Capitalism-Portrait.png|old potrait
=====Alternative designs=====
Pcb Markets.png|Markets, from [[File:8ValuesBall.png]] [[Community:Values#8Values|8Values]]


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