Manosphere: Difference between revisions

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From what I understand, the site that claims such was the incel wiki, so it's not exactly the best source for information.
(From what I understand, the site that claims such was the incel wiki, so it's not exactly the best source for information.)
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*'''Alternative Pill-Jargons:''' With the popularity of the redpill being less popular in recent years, many alternative pill philosophies have been widely followed on the Manosphere. Another widely accepted Manosphere ideology online is that of the "Purplepill", a slightly more modern take on manosphere ideology based on a more left-leaning perspective. Various follows tend to subscribe to different left-wing philosophies such as Socialism, Communism or Anarchism, often seeing their loneliness as caused by hypergamy (numerous women going after one man only due to social status, attractiveness, money etc.) being a by-product of capitalism. These so-called "Purple-Pilled" movements could be seen as syncretic political philosophies between traditional Manosphere thought and certain [[File:Menslib.png]] [[Men's Liberation]] ideas, as opposed to other manosphere movements which usually subscribe to men following traditional male societal values and being "hyper-masculine" and detest the state as oppressing men due to their apparent disposability in service to said state, although they still tend to generally have extremely negative views on not only most (if not All forms of) [[File:Fem.png]] feminism and intersectional anti-sexist movements but specifically towards women in general. [[File:Whitepill.png]] The "white pill" ideology, is often known as the opposite of the [[File:Blackpill.png]] blackpill and promotes stoicism, ignoring the interests of women and simply living for oneself regardless of their potential ability in the dating pool.
*'''Left-Wing Manosphere:''' taking great influence from the above beliefs of purple-pill manosphere communities, some groups, especially the more [[File:Leftunity.png]] economically left-leaning manosphere identify themselves under various sub ideologies that take great influence from various left-wing ideologies and philosophies, such examples could be that of <b>"Sexual-Marxism"</b> or other similarly aligned ideologies, generally speaking, such groups typically argue that men in society, especially those who are apart of economically disadvantaged groups, such as the poor, racial/ethnic minorities, people with mental disabilities and/or physical deformities are often due to them not having inheriting privileges of the higher-class inevitably seen as ugly, and/or unlovable by the hierarchies put in place by materialist [[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] neo-liberal capitalist state and society at large, ensuring they are destined to be lonely and are trusted into a [[File:Caste.png]] lower class, to be avoided and feared by privileged women who often don't understand their priveledge, and because of it, are protected, seen as infinitely more valuable and as the "weaker" sex, and given unfair privileges over their male counter-parts by the state, and are often defended by said state whenever they feel threatened by using the disposability of said men to "protect" them, which in practice, is often used to justify violations of basic human rights due to their status such as [[File:PolState.png]] police brutality, or public lynching's against minority, and mentally disabled, or other low status men to protect (more often than not) privileged white women from their fears of the lower-class men they often view as being either ugly, fat, disabled, weak, mentally ill and/or impoverished, often personifying said groups as "creepy rapists", with most women both psychologically being pre-dispositioned to feel such a way and/or who are being taught said false stereotypes of men, in that they are far more likely to be in danger of rape or much greater violence by men, as well as to believe by default that most (if not all men) they meet have the potential to be like this, and that only if they meet a strong and powerful man who is of high-status, financially well-off, tall, socially dominant, competitive, neurotypical, and often white or at least of a brighter skin tone (commonly referred to as "Chad") who will provide for and protect them from said "creepy" men will she truly ever be safe, thus making most women inherently at least on some subconscious level, overtly sexist, as well as [[File:Caste.png]] classist, ableist and racist with this worldview being deeply ingrained in women throughout modern society. Such left-wing manosphere groups typically argue that this therefore makes them a counter-revolutionary and "bourgeoisie-like" class in regards to their sexual capital, and whose material interests inevitably lead to views which are irreconcilable to true social and economic equality, nor are unable to be negotiated or worked with at least in the long-term, as their interests are by nature opposed to any form of genuine social change, with their existence solely antithetical to the values of a true egalitarian and communist society which would destroy said unjust hierarchies over their male counterparts," While the proposed ideas, methods, and praxis one should take to lead to such a revolution varies widely, many left-wing manosphere groups are more often than not unified in the general idea that a true socialist, communist, or anarchist government would be impossible without large-scale changes regarding females role in society, to the wide-spread disempowerment or taking away of certain privilege's women seemingly have over men, or even phasing out the "female class" entirely due to them in the left-wing manosphere's worldview, inevitably perpetuating an unjust hierarchy against men for their sole benefit. And only after such revolutionary action takes place, could a truly free, classless and stateless society without oppression and unjust hierarchies take its place. Notable left-wing Manosphere movements include Kakuhidou (Revolutionary Alliance of Men whom Women Find Unattractive), an Incel subculture in Japan that adheres to anti-capitalism and [[Marxism]].
**[[File:Braincels.png]] '''r/Braincels:''' r/Braincels was an anarchist (left), and purple-pilled and incel subreddit founded in 2018 by AnathematicAnarchist, later (supposedly) committing suicide. The original ideology was in large part a backlash to the black-pill ideology and more overt misoginy, alligning itself moreso with the white-pill philosophy, however due to increasing cynism within the community, the subreddit eventually started gradually becoming more black-pill and explicitly misoginistic, The reddit was rejected by Alt-Right manosphere communities and was accused of misogyny and male positivity, even though it was more "lite" compared to other manosphere subreddits. With the founder AnathematicAnarchist supposedly having been open about his disregard for the more extreme forms of misoginy the rest of the manosphere groups have been well known for, The sub-reddit was banned regardless in 2019 for violating the harassment rules, in which users accused the reddit of being ideological.
**[[File:Kakuhidou.png]] '''Kakuhidou:''' One of the most left-wing versions of the incel are the Kakuhidou, in which they make squats and peaceful protests of a Marxist nature and against what they call "capitalism of chocolate", "love market" and "romantic industry" on Valentine's Day, Christmas and White Day. Many braincels end up passing through kakuhidou in a false way.
**'''Anti-Feminist Left Front:''' Anti-Feminist Left Front and the Movement Against Involuntary Celibacy, or ALF, is a left-wing incel political group in Russia. It is partially led by Alex Podnebesny. The movement is said by the founder to be a coalition of socialist, communist, and anarchist male advocates in opposition to what they call "vagino-capitalism" and "vagino-fascism". '''WIP'''


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