Fascism: Difference between revisions

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Fascism opposes Reactionaryism and Liberalism, the former only overlaps with some exceptions.
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(Fascism opposes Reactionaryism and Liberalism, the former only overlaps with some exceptions.)
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[[File:Sansepolcrismo.png]] '''Sansepolcrismo''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Anticap.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Capitalism}}
*[[File:CapAnti Clerical.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Clericalism}}
*[[File:Antiimp.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Imperialism}}
*[[File:Anti-Marx.png]] Anti-Marxism
*[[File:AntiParl.png]] Anti-Parliamentarianism
*[[File:AntiReact.png]] Anti-Reactionaryism
*[[File:Strato-Antifurry.png]] [[Stratocracy|Aristocracy of the Trenches]]
*[[File:Corptism.png]] [[Corporatism]]
*[[File:Freespeech.png]] [[Civil Libertarianism|Freedom of Speech]]
*[[File:IrridentismFem.png]] [[IrredentismFeminism]]
*[[File:NazfemRegDelCarn.png]] [[National FeminismIrredentism|Fiumanism]]
*[[File:Fut2.png]] [[Futurism]]
*[[File:NonMarxSoc.png]] [[Utopian Socialism|Non-Marxist Socialism]] ''(some)''
*[[File:Fasci.png]] [[National Syndicalism]]
*[[File:Republicanismpix.png]] [[Republicanism]]
*[[File:RevNat.png]] [[Nationalism|Revolutionary Nationalism]]
*[[File:Strato-Antifurry.png]] [[Stratocracy]]
*[[File:SocialistCorporatism.png]] [[Corporatism|Socialization of the Industries]]
[[File:Synd.png]] [[Syndicalism]]
[[File:3P.png]] '''{{PCBA|Third Positionism}}''' {{Collapse|
Line 937 ⟶ 941:
*[[File:IllibDem.png]] [[Illiberal Democracy]] - ''“The nationalist state was an aristocratic state, enforcing itself upon the masses through the power conferred upon by its origins. The fascist state, on the contrary, is a popular state, and as such, a democratic state par excellence.”'' - Giovanni Gentile
*[[File:Secular.png]] [[Secularism]] - In my opinion, theocracy is reactionary, but secularism is also foolish because the country's religion and faith must be in politics, otherwise, the nation's motivation and resistance will be greatly reduced. A true fascist is neither theocratic nor secular.
*[[File:Sorel.png]] [[Syndicalism|Sorelianism]] - Informed my belief in revolution and in the power of myth in building a movement’s support base, but let’s get rid of all of this Marxian bullshit.
*[[File:Esofash.png]] [[Esoteric Fascism]] - Can you stop calling me a "christcuck"? And wtf is this Jewish souls business? Please take your meds.
*[[File:Enlightenment.png]] [[Enlightenment Thought]] - You gave us nationalism which is excellent! Fraternity is cool too. However, your ideas of tolerance and liberty are degenerate beyond belief. Only through the absolute state can the individual be free.
*[[File:Muslim 2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy]] - I would grant you religious freedom if you promise that your people do not come to my country in mass. <s>Though, they did gave me the title of [[w:Sword_of_Islam_(Mussolini)|"Protector of Islam"]]</s>
*[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism]] - "You cannot get rid of me because I am and always will be a socialist. You hate me because you still love me. Do not believe, even for a moment, that by stripping me of my membership card you do the same to my Socialist beliefs, nor that you would restrain me of continuing to work in favor of Socialism and of the Revolution."
*[[File:IllibDem.png]] [[Illiberal Democracy]] - ''“The nationalist state was an aristocratic state, enforcing itself upon the masses through the power conferred upon by its origins. The fascist state, on the contrary, is a popular state, and as such, a democratic state par excellence.”'' - Giovanni Gentile
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - Statocracy is great but I don't think we have the same definition of it. We also both like nationalizing industries, albeit for different reasons.
*[[File:Anfashf.png]] [[Anarcho-Fascism]] - Oxymoron. How can you have "everything within the state" without a state?
**{{Alias|Anfashf.png|File:Anfashf.png|It's ''"Everything within the commune"'', father. Everything within the commune, nothing outside the commune, nothing against the commune.}}
**{{Alias|Fash.png|File:Fash.png|Son, I think you have a problem.}}
*[[File:Natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] - Same as above but mutualist.
*[[File:Natbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] & [[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]] - Communism and capitalism are incompatible with the third position. But [[File:Nicola Bombacci.png]] Nicola Bombacci is a good friend, and so was [[File:Alberto_de%27_Stefani.png]] Alberto de' Stefani until he started to criticize the regime.
*[[File:Racenat.png]] [[Racial Nationalism]] and [[File:Whitesup.png]] [[White Nationalism]] - "Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing can make me believe that biologically pure races currently exist." <s> Don't bring up my [[w:Italian_racial_laws|racial laws]], which I only created to ingratiate myself with Germany </s>
*[[File:Strato.png]] [[Stratocracy]] - You advised me to enter a war I couldn't win, then switched side, asshole! But then I wouldn't exist without you.
*[[File:Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] - A great child of mine, but what's up with Otto? Gregor was the better sibling anyways..
*[[File:Neosoc.png]] [[Neosocialism]] - Same discourse for the guy above.
*[[File:Racenat.png]] [[Racial Nationalism]] and [[File:Whitesup.png]] [[White Nationalism]] - "Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing can make me believe that biologically pure races currently exist." <s> Don't bring up my [[w:Italian_racial_laws|racial laws]], which I only created to ingratiate myself with Germany </s>
*[[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism]] - Obsolete bourgeois liberal, but thanks for your back up in the Risorgimento, A.K.A. the good old times.
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - Statocracy is great but I don't think we have the same definition of it. We also both like nationalizing industries, albeit for different reasons.
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - Another obsolete conservative bourgeoisie, but at least [[File:Pareto.png]] Pareto is sometimes called a proto-fascist.
*[[File:Muslim 2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy]] - I would grant you religious freedom if you promise that your people do not come to my country in mass. <s>Though, they did gave me the title of [[w:Sword_of_Islam_(Mussolini)|"Protector of Islam"]]</s>
*[[File:Kahan.png]] [[Kahanism]] - You act and speak like me, only Jewish and ''much more'' economically rightist. <s> Also most of my children and [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|him]] hate you</s>
*[[File:Enlightenment.png]] [[Enlightenment Thought]] - You gave us nationalism which is excellent! Fraternity is cool too. However, your ideas of tolerance and liberty are degenerate beyond belief. Only through the absolute state can the individual be free.
*[[File:AuthCon2.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism]] - We both embrace Authority and share common enemies, but you can also be quite reactionary at times. Overall, [[File:AusFash.png]] [[Austrofascism|so]][[Francoism|me]] [[File:Franco.png]] of your variants are cool while I oppose [[File:Zog I.png]] [[Absolute Monarchism#Albania|oth]][[Metaxism|ers]] [[File:Metaxi.png]].
*[[File:Franco.png]] [[Francoism]] - You were going in a good direction at first. I backed you against the republicans, but you eventually betrayed the Falangists and embraced liberal economics instead. Just why, Franco?
*[[File:Salazar.png]] [[Salazarism]] - You’re no better than [[File:Franco.png]] [[Francoism|him]], you purged the national syndicalists in his country, and denounced me and called me a pagan!
*[[File:Anfashf.png]] [[Anarcho-Fascism]] - Oxymoron. How can you have "everything within the state" without a state?
*[[File:Secular.png]] [[Secularism]] - In my opinion, theocracy is reactionary, but secularism is also foolish because the country's religion and faith must be in politics, otherwise, the nation's motivation and resistance will be greatly reduced. A true fascist is neither theocratic nor secular.
**{{Alias|Anfashf.png|File:Anfashf.png|It's ''"Everything within the commune"'', father. Everything within the commune, nothing outside the commune, nothing against the commune.}}
*[[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism]] - "History does not travel backwards. The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes." <s>At least we both like the Roman Empire and oppose hippie garbage</s>
**{{Alias|Fash.png|File:Fash.png|Son, I think you have a problem.}}
*[[File:Natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] - Same as above but mutualist.
*[[File:Natbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] & [[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]] - Communism and capitalism are incompatible with the third position. But [[File:Nicola Bombacci.png]] Nicola Bombacci is a good friend, and so was [[File:Alberto_de%27_Stefani.png]] Alberto de' Stefani until he started to criticize the regime.
===Nemici d'Italia===
Line 968 ⟶ 970:
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Ultra-egalitarian, globalist prick who calls me a capitalist, despite the fact that he himself entered into an alliance with the capitalists against our glorious Axis, and uses me as a straw man in his propaganda. No Bolshevism in our country! <s>Just ignore that we had a honeymoon period<ref>https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italo-Soviet_Pact</ref>. Also we sometimes [[File:Natbol-Alt.png]] mix.</s>
*[[File:Classlib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism]] - Obsolete and prone to degeneracy, you're the reason Italy was in such a deplorable state after WW1! But we were temporarily allies to defeat [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|them]].
*[[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism]] - ObsoleteRebranded bourgeoisliberalism liberalis still liberalism, butstupid! <s>But thanks for your back up in the Risorgimento, A.K.A. the good old times.</s>
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - Another obsolete conservative bourgeoisie, but at least [[File:Pareto.png]] Pareto is sometimes called a proto-fascist.
*[[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism]] - "History does not travel backwards. The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes." <s>At least we both like the Roman Empire and oppose hippie garbage. I am not anything like you though besides some variants overlapping.</s>
*[[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy]] - “Democracy is talking itself to death. The people do not know what they want; they do not know what is best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much-lost motion. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice, it is a fallacy. You in America will see that someday.”
*[[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocracy]] - I wish I was successful in getting rid of you.
Line 983 ⟶ 988:
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - You are a liberal too.
*[[File:Natcom.png]] [[National Communism]] - A living contradiction.
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - Supercapitalism, culture destruction, and globalism? DIE!
*[[File:Church.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism|Churchillism]] - Bombe e spezzon, bombe e spezzon, sulle funesta Albion!
*[[File:Annil.png]] [[Anarcho-Nihilism]] and [[File:Illeg.png]] [[Illegalism]] - Danger to a nation and people!
Line 990 ⟶ 994:
*[[File:Freemason .png]] [[Esoteric Socialism|Freemasonry]] - You know what? I take back what I said about [[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism|him]]. YOU'RE THE WORST ENEMY NOT ONLY OF OUR CIVILIZATION, BUT OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!
*[[File:StateOO.png]] [[State Oriental Orthodoxy]] - We colonized Ethiopia, cope.
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - Supercapitalism, culture destruction, and globalism? DIE!
==Further Information==


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