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My Beliefs

  • Workplace Democracy/Worker self-management

Workers must own the means of production either through Worker Cooperatives or Syndicalist self-managed workplaces with strong unions to ensure accountability to the Environment and Workers

  • Local Democratic planning and Markets

The economy would be organized as a regulated socialist market economy similar to Yugoslavia or Rojava with co-ops and worker councils/syndicates paired with a locally planned storehouse system to make up for market crashes similar to Rojava Democratic planning or Incan storehouses. The market must be regulated to keep it humane and fair.

  • Taxation and Welfare

Taxation would be simplified down to an LVT and progressive tax to fund infrastructure, welfare, healthcare, housing, schools, public transportation, public services, etc.

  • Democratic Confederal-Republic

The government would be a Federal Republic and would have an overarching Government that would preside over States allowing for each group in the country fair representation and self-governance. The government would follow a five power constitution with a control branch for auditing, an examination branch to rake for corruption and ensure the efficiency of public programs, Judicial would oversee the justice system and ensure rehabilitation comes first but also that there is due process, legislative would be the legislature that would be run with semi-direct democracy there would be representatives with term limits elected to a bicameral parliament/assembly through a Democratic Confederalist form of semi-direct democracy to ensure that the interests of the people come first and government representatives would have a better understanding of their people because they would be elected from their ranks rather than distant oligarchs and bureaucrats and could be voted out by popular vote at any time, the executive would be voted in by popular vote and all branches including executive would have checks and balances and a division of power and term limits to ensure accountability and keep corruption down. The philosophy of government would be the 3 principles of the people meaning the government would ensure unity and equality like the doctrine of Nationalism, and control of government by the people like the doctrine of Democracy, and welfare and happy and sustainable living like the doctrine of Socialism. Law enforcement would be similar to community policing like in Rojava to ensure that the police would be accountable to the community.

  • Reform or Revolution

Reform should be pursued in a democratic society but in the case of an undemocratic society Revolution becomes the only option so in general, I would say I'm a Centrist Marxist.

  • Culture Stance

I believe that we must embrace multiculturalism and that we can progress while preserving culture. There needs to be equality no matter race culture creed or gender all humans in society are entitled to universal rights. Civil libertarianism would be the basis of how government relates to culture and religion. Freedom of religion and separation of church and state is a must. Gender fluidity is a scientific reality we see it in animals and humans alike in many native American societies gender either did not exist or there were third genders and the idea that there are only 2 genders is a social construct developed by western civilization and is not the natural state of affairs. You can Identify as anything you like or choose whatever religion or beliefs as long as you don't hurt others' rights.

  • Environment

Regulation on business to protect the environment would be done and the Union network would use green bans to keep businesses eco friendly. Forests would be protected and more trees would be planted and a switch to renewable energy would be made similar to Bhutan(the only carbon negative country).

Test Results

  • SapplyValues

  • DozenValues

  • LiberationValues

  • EconValues

Incentive Axis: Equal

Structure Axis: Horizontal

Intervention Axis: Regulatory

Centralization Axis: Disunited

Technology Axis: Neutral

Land Axis: Common Land

Inheritance Axis: Meritocratic

Labor Axis: Syndicalist

Closest Match: DeLeonism

  • The Political Sextant Quiz

De Leonism 90%

Marxist feminism 88%

Anarcha-Feminism 88%

Political evolution




2020-halfway through 2020Nordmodel.png

halfway through 2020-2021File:Progress.png

2021-halfway through 2021

halfway through 2021-2022


Flag Of My Ideology

  • Representing Unity Democracy Socialism and Environmentalism.


Sun Yat-sen

Three Principles of the People/Tridemism,

James Conolly,

Karl Marx,

Pedro Castillo,

Social Georgism,

Henry George,


World Federalism,

Anti- fascism,




Bull Moose Progressivism,

Abraham Lincoln,

DeLeonism/Green Syndicalism,


Slavoj Žižek,

Centrist Marxism,


Frankfurt Socialism,


Indigenism The Iroquois Confederacy inspired a lot of my political views and I have a deep respect for the Iroquois and all-around Native American civilization because of my experiences growing up for part of my childhood in the Navajo Nation.

Incan planned economy(Local storehouses run by local communities),


Democratic Confederalism,



Eco Socialism,


Malcolm X,

Black Panthers,

Martin Luther King Jr.

File:Soc.pngW.E.B DuBois,

John Steinbeck,

Ho Chi Minh Thought,

Market Socialism,

Social Distributism(secular and only for its economic structure),

Noam Chomsky,

Richard Wolff,

Athenian Democracy/Classical and ancient Greek philosophy,

George Orwell,

Liberal Socialism,

Bernie Sanders,

Nelson Mandela,

Mikhail Gorbachev,

Constitutionalism(Sun Yat-Sens 5 power constitution),



Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,






Nordmodel.pngmums boyfriend

dads wife who sucks and is kinda racist

cool libsoc uncle


one of my best friends

User Relations


M99: Really based fellow democratic leftist internationalist anti-imperialist socialist and workplace democracy! Seems to be a nice person and I agree with just about all of your ideology I look forward to learning from you. :D

UserWiki:SamKibGuy: very based socialist pro-democracy progressive anti-authoritarian loves Sun Yat-Sen and Luxemburg too! I'm happy to call you Comrade! :D

Template:UserChirotesla: very based economics based ecosocialism I agree with most of what you are saying and you seem very nice I'm excited to learn from you. :)

Template:UserMatteel: Pretty based I'm a fan of civil libertarianism progressivism and semi-direct democracy. Social democracy is ok you seem nice and I'm looking forward to learning from you. :)

Template:UserAshleyHere: absurdism is cool anti-authoritarianism is based im not sure how much i like egoism and i dont know much about the rest of your ideology so im excited to learn and you are nice and you made my icon so thank you. :D

Template:UserSykar: Tridemism and Environmentalism are very based and Social Democracy is ok and Transhumanism is cool you seem nice.

ComradeRabbit95: Extremely based economics I would totally live in your utopia I agree with most all of your views and you seem like a nice guy and I like your ball I hope to learn from you in the future. :D

Template:Skyrum536: Incredibly based ideology multiculturalism, progressivism, environmentalism, federalism, pacifism, liberation theology, and Democratic Socialism and your view on markets is great I agree with everything you identify with I'm so excited to learn about your beliefs comrade. :D

Template:UserLelouch: Very based economics and views on federal republic and council democracy I'm very excited to learn from you. :D

IvarsBalodis: Your economics are super based and I'm cool with ProgCon and left-wing nationalism and your Russia-Ukraine POV is mega based I'm eager to learn from you. :)

Template:UserAnd3: Everything you are for is based and you seem nice im really looking forward to learning about you. :D Me but conservative.

Applethesky2021: Kemalism Georgism and Tridemism are based. Liking Chiang Kai-shek is a bit cringe. but you seem nice so I'm excited to learn from you. :)

Template:UserPantheon: Social Distributism, Guild Socialism, Alter-Globalism, World Federalism, Federalism, and Civil Libertarianism are incredibly based and Progressive Conservatism is ok and monarchy is terrible but you may be the only monarchist I could get behind I'm very excited to learn from you. :D

DragonRed: decentral syndicalism is best and republicanism dem soc social georgeism constitutionalism civil libertarianism and Marxist feminism are great and I like regulation but your breed of market socialism is a bit too central and eugenics and police statism even if only temporary measures can be a bit spooky but overall a lot more based than when we first started to chat. :)

TheGhostOfInky: Very based eco anarchism and libsoc and your sympathy for Demcon is epic too so I'm pretty excited to learn from you. :D


Template:UserTheGrandAnarch: Deep ecology is very based and I am quite a fan of environmentalism myself but I'm not so sure about pre-industrial society though. but you seem really nice and I'm interested in learning from you. :)

Template:UserBeryAb: based anti-authoritarian and anti-racist but liberal capitalism is a bit cringe but you seem really nice so I'm happy to learn what I can from you. :)

Template:Sr Deyvid: Distributism is interesting and civic liberalism is based but monarchism and religion in government is cringe.

Nekoqing: Fellow left-KMT enjoyer very based a little too authoritarian but you seem like a good person and I'm eager to learn about your beliefs. :)

Template:KaiserKlausMouse: Based environmentalist and fellow TikTok hater but authoritarianism and culturally right is a bit cringe you seem like a nice person and you made my template thank you.

NazBolGANG12: Distributism is interesting and somewhat based but I’m not a fan of monarchism or conservatism and I believe in the separation of church and state. but you seem nice and i look forward to learning from you :)

Template:UserCouncilguy: You were one of the first people I saw on this site and I want to learn more about egoism but I think environmentalism LGBT neo marxism and situationism are based and you seem nice so I look forward to learning from you.

Template:UserTony567: Social Georgism democracy and progressivism is based liberalism is ok and you seem nice.

Template:UserLordCompost86 - I don't know much about egoism but you seem nice and anti-authoritarianism is based so I'm excited to learn from you. :)

Template:UserPirateTails: culturally left is pretty based but liberal capitalism leads to alienation and poverty.

The Iced: Georgism Democracy and culturally left are based but capitalism is a mood killer.

Template:UserDualPlay: I like centrist marxism and ecosocialism but state socialism Juche Maoism and anti-LGBTQ+ are pretty cringe.

Anonymous21: Environmentalism social democracy and all your antis are mega-based but reactionary traditionalism and deceleration are a bit cringe but you seem really nice so I'm excited to talk to you. :)

Template:UserImmorxius: conservative ML is cringe but ecosocialism and social georgeism is based.

Template:UserTipui: based environmentalist and I do like situationism and Ema Goldman and a few other influential people of yours but I'm skeptical on anarchism and you seem quite nice so I'm happy to learn all i can from you. :)


Bman : monarchism and Stalinism are some of the worst ideologies and so are state socialism and national syndicalism. but you seem nice.

File:FabiusHat.png PaleoFabius: Fascism and culturally right is really cringe and genocidal governments are always cringe and your influences are sus as hell but you seem like an ok person.

Reactionary Populism: we have mutual respect for Sun Yat-Sen which is based but culturally right and that type of nationalist which is a bit cringe but you seem very nice and despite our opposing views on many cultural topics I'm eager to learn from you. :)

Template:UserComradeShrek: Culturally right authoritarian and state socialist is kinda spooky but we share a liking for Ho Chi Minh and you seem like a nice person I'm interested in learning about your beliefs more in the future. :)

Template:UserAmericanFuturist: environmentalism is epic and based but fascism is really cringe, so is not liking Democracy.

Template:UserNotADopeMan: Objectivism and capitalism are flawed and cringe I know so many American right-libertarians and I'm friends with many of them and in my opinion, your ideologies economic system creates inequity and under it, the working class suffers and gets abused by the capital owners and the system eats itself so mega cringe. but you seem nice.

Template:Yelvia: Zionism is mega cringe basically ethnonationalism also I believe in the separation of church and state and also I dislike genocide and what Israel is doing to Palestine is awful so yea Free Palestine!

SNEEDIVS: You are incredibly cringe and your ideology is awful. Just about everything you are for I'm against. But I do like Roman history Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, the HRE, and Byzantium its all fascinating.

Template:UserUkraiana - Awful ideology liking Russia is cringe and authoritarianism mixed with capitalism is a nightmare and your homophobic and transphobic which is backyards but you seem like an ok person though.

SomeCrusader: very cringe I know so many Christian conservatives like you and they are always contradictory and small-minded but I hope that I can learn from you and maybe you will be different.

Black drone: One of the worst ideologies I've seen i have no idea how someone could unironically ascribe to this guys beliefs auth cap, auth con, and manosphere(the ideology of a sad incel) is a nightmare the only good part is anti corruption but its seems disingenuous when most who lead with your beliefs are corrupt politicians.



Template:Socs Template:Leftunity Template:Libleft Template:Eco Template:Welfare Template:Geo Template:Fem