Community:Polcompball Dictionary

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The Polcompball community has a bunch of terms that people who may not be familiar with online slang and political jargon may be confused by.


  • Anarkiddy: A term used to refer to anarchists (specifically Anarcho-Communists) by people on the authoritarian side of the political compass, referencing the belief that a lot of anarchists are immature and underage.
    • Anarkitty: A pun on the former term, referencing a lot of anarchists who are a part of the furry community.
  • Ancapistan: A theoretical region where Anarcho-Capitalism is applied.


  • Based: An adjective used to describe a person, group or concepts which means "Admirable".
  • Bootlicker: A derogatory term used generally by people within the lower half of the political compass to refer to people from the top half and each other. The meaning of the term is the accusation that the opponent of the user of the term holds their authority in such high regard they would even sacrifice their dignity for it by licking their boots.


  • Centricide: Literally "Killing off the Centre". Used to describe a hypothetical scenario in which political extremists team up to together to overthrow and kill people in the political centre. The term comes from the workings of Jreg.
  • Cringe: A word used to describe a person, action, idea, or thing which one looks upon unfavorably.





  • Grejoid: A derogatory term for the fans of the youtube channel Grej, used largely in the same vein as Jregoid, although with a larger focus on Off-Compass ideologies.



  • Ideology Shopping: Ideology Shopping is the act of being influenced by a wide host of ideologies in extremely specific and pedantic ways as well as being influenced by multiple contradictory ideologies, usually the people accused of ideology shopping do not really know anything about the ideologies they claim to be influenced by.
    • Ideology Shoppers: Someone who engages in ideology shopping.
  • Ismism: A superflous type of O.C. Ideology that consists of mishmashing two or more ideologies into a new ideology which is no more than the sum of its parts (has no unique characteristics, meaningful history, theory or following). Examples of ismisms include Monarcho-Geopiratism, National Market Socialism and Indigenous Anarcho-Monarchism.


  • Jannies: A derogatory term for the moderators and admins it is a short form of the word janitor.
    • Janniephile: A person who likes the moderators and admins
    • Janniephobe: A person who hates the moderators and admins.
  • Jregoid: A derogatory term for a fan of the YouTuber Jreg, used especially in contexts when such a person either A) misrepresents political ideologies just on the basis of how they are portrayed in centricide B) spams the wiki with political ideologies that don't fit the notability requirements or C) is annoying in any other way.



  • Libtard: A term that is, quite frankly, used by a significantly large percentage of people on this wiki; however, it is most commonly used by cultural conservatives and reactionaries to refer to more culturally left-wing people and ideologies in a derogatory manner (it is a portmanteau of "liberal" and "retard").
  • Literally 1984: An adjective used to describe a society or idea that is totalitarian or similar to the English Socialist Party in George Orwell's book: 1984. It is often (but not always) used satirically to parody those who use this term to describe anything that they don't like, even if it shows no resemblance to 1984.




  • O.C. Ideology: An Original Character Ideology is a term for any newly created political ideology that does not have a lot of usage outside of the creator of the ideology. O.C. ideologies are generally not tolerated on the wiki as they are hard to expand on and it is recommended for OC Ideologies to go on the Anarchy Wiki. Examples of O.C. Ideologies include Quartzism, Ethical Darwinism and Nerism.
  • Overton Window: A specific sub-part of the political spectrum which contains the ideologies and opinions which are considered perfectly acceptable to have, especially for people in political office.


  • Physical Removal: A term used within the Hoppean community, it refers to a special type of societal ostracism in which communities of property owners form together for the protection of common values they hold (e.g. property, heritage, progress etc.) (covenant communities) agree to not allow people that go against these values on their property.
  • Praxis: Actions done to achieve a political goal. It is the opposite of theory.



  • Realicide: Used to describe a hypothetical scenario in which extremists supporting ideologies that are Off The Compass team up to destroy all the more realistic on-compass ideologies. The term hails from the workings of Grej.


    • Self-Insert: A type of O.C. ideology meant to represent the main author's political views.
  • Off The Compass: An ideology that is so extreme that it's often put beyond the edge of a political compass diagram.
    • Soy: A term similar to Cringe, but usually only used against people, instead of ideologies.
  • Status Quo: The way something is in the present.


  • Tankie: A term used for authoritarian communists, especially Marxism–Leninism and Maoism.
  • Theory: Literature and discussion around political concepts, and is often contrasted with praxis.