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===Drone-Strike targets and Soyjak folder entries (Dusty Vantablack Brimcoal)===
*[[File:Enlightenment.png]] [[Enlightenment Thought]] - Do the world a favor and <s>'''ACK'''</s> die in a ditch, all you have ever said and claim to have done are lies spouted by hordes of midwits that keep your ideals in power by quantity alone. You slandered every time period before you and take the achievements of the past for your own. Even the word "enlightenment" itself is the biggest show of ego I can think off the top of my head and would go so far as to call you the biggest lie in history.
*[[File:Kak.png]] [[Kakistocracy]] - The reason people still deny technology has helped society. It is time to become serf or <s>'''ACK'''</s> FALL FROM CLIFF for you.
*[[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism]] - To justify your existence, one would have to see all periods that came before as dystopian beyond measure, but that's just not true. Your ideas made society objectively worse, so you try to revise history by slandering all that came before.
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - Your "evidence-based policy" is unsustainable bullshit, your economies are built on wishful thinking and unending growth! Do you not see the catastrophe you're making, this house of cards will bury not just you, but all of the enlightenment! Not even Reagan's social policy can make you redeemable!
*[[File:Soul.png]] [[Soulism]] - Marge, makingTaking drugs doesn't producemove you to a technologically-advanced technologyalternate dimension, it only causes you to hallucinate and vomit!
*[[File:Ultraprogressivism.png]] [[Revolutionary Progressivism]] - [ You look like this, and say this.]
*[[File:Posadist.png]] [[Posadism]] - "Nuclear armageddon will bring about communist aliens because... it just will OK?"
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*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]] - I won't repeat what I already said, enjoy your life and see where it gets you.
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - '''14 YEAR LIFE EXPECTANCY?!'''
*[[File:Falgsc.png]] [[Fully Automated Gay Space Communism]] - You deserve nothing short of the full force of a space crusade. Stop the hedonist bastards from reconsolidating in space Atat all costs!
*[[File:Annil.png]] [[Anarcho-Nihilism]] - "Life has no meaning and we're all just monkeys on a ball of dust but DON'T YOU DARE BE HECKIN OPPRESSIVE" Please hang yourself already and spare us your whining.
*[[File:Ford.png]] [[Fordism]] - Technology and Industry are the Divine Inspiration granted by God to mankind. What I hate about you is that you're like xhem [[File:Falgsc.png]] [[File:Statlib.png]], meaning completely socially screwed but also, unfortunately, somewhat sustainable, and arguably the end state of the current powers that be. Also unlike [[File:WEF.png]] xim, you don't tolerate any keyed traditions.


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