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Revision as of 21:39, 1 September 2020 by TheGhostOfInky (talk | contribs)
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Eco-Anarchism is an environmentalist anarchist ideology inhabiting a similar position to Ancom and Ansynd at the bottom of the libertarian left quadrant. He gets very mad when people mistake him for Anprim.

How to draw:

Drawing eco-anarchismball is very easy:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a not completely black line diagonally across the ball
  3. Fill the bottom half with the same shade
  4. Fill the top half with green
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!





  • Green Libertarianism - I like your care for the environment and your distrust of the state but capitalism is harmful to the environment.
  • Eco-Fascism - Can you please not use climate change as an excuse for eugenics?
  • Eco-Capitalism - Cringe but at least he tries
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Your plan might solve climate change but killing 99+% of the human population is a bit too far don't ya think?


Further Info


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