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Blackbeardism or, Actual Fucking Pirates steal from the rich and give to whoever the fuck they want to. Piracy is takings what we want by ship, typically with the goal of stealing booty or taking hostages. Those who engage in acts of piracy are called pirates, while dedicated ships that are used by them are called pirate ships. These pirate enclaves can be seen early forms of autonomous proto-anarchist societies in that they operated beyond the reach of governments and embraced unrestricted freedom, living by their own codes. A pirate code, pirate articles or articles of agreement were a code of conduct for governing pirates. A group of sailors, on turning pirate, would draw up their own code or articles, which provided rules for discipline, division of stolen goods, and compensation for injured pirates. The pirates ran their ships democratically, sharing plunder equally and selecting and deposing their captains by popular vote.

Stylistic Notes

Pirates are dunk, jolly, and violent. Talks like a pirate and is severely malnourished.

How to draw

Drawing Anfront is fairly simple:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill n with black
  3. Draw a skull and crossbones or crossed swords in white
  4. Draw eyes



