Indigenous Anarchism

From Polcompball Wiki

Indigenous Anarchism is an Libertarian Left variant of post colonial anarchism that believes in creating a kind of anti-colonial nationalist anarchist society after they topple over the oppressive colonialists. Sadly most other Western anarchists don't knows they exist nor care, and those who do often call them racist for wanting to preserve their culture from colonialism. Many misguided anarchists often compare them to White Nationalism or National-Anarchism. Although they do have some sympathy from their loyal friends Zapatism ball. Often times they are at opposition to most modern leftist organizations in the West due to their lack of concern with their movement.


Hunt buffalo, smoke peace pipe, kill colonists.

Also get's annoyed when other leftist balls say they can't call themselves "Indian" because it is politically incorrect or when others try to speak on their behalf.

How to Draw

Flag of Indigenous Anarchism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color vertical 4 strips black, yellow, white, red
  3. Draw a black stone arrowhead in the middle
  4. Draw an anarchy symbol in the middle of arrowhead
  5. Draw eyes
  6. Add feather then done



  • Tribalism - Hiawatha, I won't let you down.
  •   Black Anarchism - Minority Rights! (And sorry for enslaving your ancestors... Thank whitey)
  •   Anarchism - Fuck the Colonial State! (Although it would be nice if you would stop calling me a National-Anarchist)
  •   Zapatism - Another Anarchist fighting for their rights
  • Post-Left Anarchism - Traditional Leftists just don't understand our fight for individual self-determination.



  •   Neoliberalism - Global capitalism is colonialism with extra steps.
  •   Reactionarism - You want to go back to the times of our genocides. Fuck you.
  •   Imperialism - Fucking statist, colonialist, imperialist, persecuting fuckhead!
  • Globalism - Basically just neo-colonialism for "woke" people.

Template:Libleft Template:Anarchist Template:Nation Template:Ethnostate