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Political Journey

->/->->//->/->///-> (//)->(//) ->

Main Influences


  • Socrates (470-399 BCE)
  • Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
  • Max Stirner (1806-1856)
  • Makhail Bakunin (1814-1876)
  • Karl Marx (1818-1883)
  • Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
  • Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
  • Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
  • Albert Camus (1913-1960)
  • Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995)
  • Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
  • Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
  • Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
  • Félix Guattari (1930-1992)
  • Bob Black (1951-)
  • Mark Fisher (1968-2017)


  • Situationist International (1957-1972)
  • For Ourselves: Council for Generalized Self-Management (1974)

Some Thoughts

Dialectical Historical Materialism and Class Struggle

If we analyze the history of humanity, we can see that the mode of production has evolved over time (generally speaking). The modes of production of the past were overcome through revolutions fueled by the contradictions present in the given systems. The mode of production we live in now at least for the most part of the world is capitalism which was preceded by feudalism. But capitalism still breeds contradictions which are the contradictions generated by the relationship between the working class and the bourgeoisie since they are different classes with distinct interests. Socialism or communism transcends these contradictions because it is a classless system.[1]






  • Template:Yoda8soup - Not that bad but do you really believe the bourgeoisie will give up of it's power through reform?
  • 72hours - We certanly agree on a lot but I believe centralization is not very benefficial.






  • Anarcho-Communism - You have some good ideas but i dont see how we can abolish capitalism without a transitionary period with a state.
  • Market Socialism - I think this can work as a transitionary period but not as a final goal since market systems are necessarily contradictory.


  • Social Democracy - You are very very good at capitalism. That's exactly why you're so bad.
  • Marxism-Leninism - The vanguard party will do us no good most of the time (if not always) and centralized planned economies are not very socialist. Also some of you waste time defending so called communist states instead of actually discussing socialism for the future. Also some of you lock themselves in ideological boxes. Also some of you worship lenin and stalin and forget to actually grasp marxist theory in deep. Also... I could go on for hours.


  • Fascism - Pretty much the embodiement of what i hate.


  • Karl Marx - Made probably the biggest contributions to philosophy and political economy in history.
  • Gilles Deleuze
  • Félix Guattari



  • Sigmund Freud - the oedipus complex 💀.
  • Jacques Lacan - Desire it's not lack my brother.


  • Vladimir Lenin - State capitalism cannot be good for the working class. And your vanguard party breeds elitism.
  • Lula - You and your "worker's" party only stand in the way of the true road to working class emancipation.
  • Leon Trotsky - You crushed the Makhnovshchina and called them kulaks. But your theories of degenerated workers state, deformed workers state and bureaucratic collectivism are based.







<comments />

  • 72hours add me?
    • Template:UserArthurwp - sure.
    • 72hours cybercommunism is to remove human inefficiency and limit miss calculations when it comes to planned economy
      • Template:UserArthurwp - Oh, ok. I thought it was quite worse than that but still if it is centralized i dont see how it will be very good.
  • 72hours i created a playlist of videos i recommend people to watch and i especially recommend you to watch them because how misinformed you are about the ussr and Marxism-Leninism playlist
    • Template:UserArthurwp - fine. I would like you to point out which specific points about the ussr and ml im misinformed about tho.
      • 72hours you believe Vladimir Lenin was a State capitalist and believe vanguard party breeds elitism which is just not true. you also believe centralized planned economies are not very socialist which makes no sense because a planned economy being centralized or decentralized don't change if it is socialist or not. i assume buy you saying Vladimir Lenin was a State capitalist you all so believe that the ussr was State capitalist not socialist which is a ultra left\LeftCom thing to say which is just not true and ignores all of there achievements
      • Template:UserArthurwp - I woudnt say lenin was a state capitalist but he supported the implementation of the NEP which was a form of state capitalism. Now, talking about the vanguard party, it breeds elitism as it puts centralized power in the hands of few intelectuals. This makes these intelectuals turn into a new form of "elite" as they now have more power over the means of production than an average citizen and their interests begin to differ from the working class. "a planned economy being centralized or decentralized don't change if it is socialist or not" How not? I believe one of the most important features of socialism is worker control over the means of production. In a centralized planned economy this doesnt happen so much as all companies are subject to strict state control and the workers end up having no actual control over their workplace. "i assume buy you saying Vladimir Lenin was a State capitalist you all so believe that the ussr was State capitalist" No, i woudnt exactly say that. Although i also woudnt say the ussr was communist.(If you wanna engage in more debate it would be interesting if you told me your discord or something so we could talk better cuz i dont want to keep writing these walls of text in my page lol)
      • 72hours my discord is revers72hours#9383
  1. Please acknowledge that this is a very simplistic introduction to a very broad concept.