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My Principles

Land Value Taxation:

Land Value Taxation (LVT) is a system of taxation that primarily taxes the value of land rather than the value of the structures or buildings on it. The idea behind LVT is to encourage efficient land use, prevent land speculation, and generate public revenue. It can promote economic development by discouraging landowners from holding onto unused or underutilized land. LVT is often seen as a more equitable and economically efficient form of taxation, as it doesn't discourage productive activities or investments in property improvements.

Individual Freedom:

Individual freedom is a fundamental principle of Neo-Rojanism. It emphasizes the protection of individual rights, liberties, and autonomy. This includes freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to make personal choices without undue government interference. The idea is to empower individuals to lead their lives as they see fit, with the least amount of coercion and intrusion from the state.

Free Markets with Regulatory Safeguards:

This principle advocates for a market economy where voluntary exchanges occur with minimal government interference. However, it acknowledges the need for some level of regulation to ensure fair competition, consumer protection, and the prevention of market failures. Regulatory safeguards can include rules against fraud, antitrust laws, environmental regulations, and labor standards.

Social Welfare:

Social welfare principles support the idea that society has a responsibility to ensure a basic standard of living for all its members. This can be achieved through various social safety nets, including programs like unemployment benefits, healthcare, education, and affordable housing. The goal is to reduce poverty and inequality and provide a safety net for those in need.

Economic Equity:

Economic equity promotes a fair distribution of wealth and resources. It involves measures to reduce income inequality and create a more balanced society. This can include progressive taxation, wealth redistribution, and policies that promote equal access to economic opportunities for all citizens.

Environmental Sustainability: Environmental sustainability is the commitment to preserving the natural environment for future generations. It involves practices that minimize environmental degradation, reduce resource depletion, and address issues like climate change. This can be achieved through policies promoting clean energy, conservation, and responsible resource management.


I support free trade to promote economic growth, but I also recognize that some tariffs or trade protections may be necessary to protect domestic industries or address unfair trade practices.

Government Intervention:

Government intervention acknowledges that there are instances where government action is necessary. This can include areas like public infrastructure, national defense, and ensuring access to basic services. The level of government intervention may vary depending on the specific issue and context.


Federalism is a system of government where power is divided between a central (federal) government and a regional (state or provincial) government. It often allows for a degree of local autonomy while maintaining a national identity. Federalism can provide flexibility in governance and allow different regions to address their unique needs.

Civic Nationalism:

Based on shared values, principles, and a common identity rather than on ethnicity or ancestry. It emphasizes the idea that individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together as a nation based on a shared commitment to a set of civic principles and ideals, such as democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

