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Joe mama
- Moderatism - I like your views.
- Democratic Socialism - Equality for all!
- Multiculturalism - All cultures should exists!
- Democratism - Biden 2020! BLM!
- Environmentalism - We need to save the planet!
- Feminism - Women’s rights!
- Christian Democracy - God bless you!
- Socialism - That’s a little too far.
- Capitalism - You are cool sometimes, but you can be corrupt...
- Christian Theocracy - Don't kill people just because they aren’t Christian!
- Anarchism - No government? CRINGE!
- State Atheism - Atheism should never exist.
- Fascism - You’re evil.
- Trumpism - WOW! BLM! LGBT rights are human rights! STOP TREATING FASCISTS AS VICTIMS!