State Atheism

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"God's not unjust, he doesn't actually exist. We've been deceived. If God existed, he'd have made the world more just... I'll lend you a book and you'll see."

"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."

average neckbeard u/Aalewis

State Atheism is an ideology that advocates for a godless society for all of its citizens. State atheists tend to believe that religion in society should be immensely discouraged, and will suppress all religions by any means necessary. While atheism on its own simply means no belief in any religious deities (with there being various atheist-leaning religions such as Buddhism), state atheism takes on a more overtly anti-theist approach.


State atheism is the incorporation of positive atheism into political regimes. It often refers to large-scale secularization attempts by governments. It is a form of religion-state relationship that is usually ideologically linked to irreligion and the promotion of irreligion to some extent. State atheism may refer to a government's promotion of anti-clericalism, which opposes religious institution power and influence in all aspects of public and political life, including the involvement of religion in the everyday life of their citizens.


State atheism has its historical roots in being practiced by Marxist-Leninist countries, religion is considered the "opium of the masses" that must be fought against. Many of these countries put significant restrictions on religious freedom or banned them outright entirely and actively persecuted their followers.


  • League of militant atheists: WIP
  • Anti-clerical campaigns: WIP


  • Calles law: WIP





Personality and Behaviour

State Atheism acts like a typical "Reddit atheist". They love wearing a fedora and browsing r/Atheism. They think "sky daddy" jokes are the pinnacle of comedy, and think all religious people are ignorant and/or brainwashed. They also think that religion was invented by someone who was scared of dying. Despite their harsh attitude towards religion, they know almost nothing about the topic and refuse to entertain the idea that theists might be correct. They like to correct people when they say phrases like "God bless you", and talk about how much they love science despite not knowing much about it. They often get into arguments with Progressivism, due to their disdain for non-Christian religions like Islam and Judaism.

How to Draw

Flag of State Atheism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with blue.
  3. Draw a red A in the middle
  4. Starting from the bottom right of the A, draw a spiral around the A
  5. Add the eyes, and you're done.
  6. (Optional) Add a fedora.
Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #486DA0 72, 109, 160
Red #EF1C26 239, 28, 38


Anti-Theist Club

  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Based! Show those religious fuckers what they deserve!
  • State Liberalism - Scary, crazy, but efficient at enforcing atheism.
  • Hoxhaism - Definitely my favorite ML. Albania was the first country to ban religion!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Most countries utilizing this particular system are state atheist. Based!
  • Maoism - Atheist, totalitarian, and exterminating religious individuals? Perfect!
  • Khrushchevism - Continued opressing religion after he stopped. Based!
  • Garridismo - Keep shooting at Catholics.
  • National Communism - Jaruzelski, Kania, Ceaușescu, Husák. All get my respect.
  • Pekerism - One of the only fascists I like as he sharply criticized Islam and instituted anti-religious laws under the Inonu administration!
  • Kraterocracy - Kratos is so awesomeeeeeee.
  • Humanism - I really like him, but for some reason, he doesn't wanna associate with me and often says I'm "not much better than a theocrat" as if that makes any sense.


  • Technocracy & Scientocracy - I fucking love science! Please ignore that I don't know much about it and that some scientists were religious.
  • Juche - On my side, though I'm not sure you seem to like Korean Paganism. And why do you like to LARP as a god all the time?
  • Jacobinism - I couldn't thank you enough for setting the stage for people like me, but what is this "Cult of the Supreme Being" bullshit?
  • Dengism - Fully supports me. The only thing I dislike about him is the fact that with some religions like for example him, he is soft but not too much, I can ignore it.
  • Titoism - I like your atheism and authoritarianism, but you were a little too soft on religion compared to your based brothers.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Likes burning churches, but doesn't want a state to enforce atheism.
  • Anarcho-Communism - No gods, no masters? You nearly got me. No gods, only masters, that is.
  • Secular Satanism - We both hate those christcucks as well, but don't you think you should be fighting for the abolition of religion and not for religious freedom? Not to mention you pretend to be a red cave daddy fan.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - Yes, Gods are nothing but spooks created by religious fools deluding themselves... wait, what do you mean the state and secular humanism are spooks too?
  • Sargonism - I like your criticism of Islam and religious fundamentalism, but you become a cultural christian to my disgrace.
  • Spencerism - Same as above but a Neo-Nazi, which is definitely a lot more questionable to put it mildly.
  • First Worldism - Same as above but zoomer.
  • Posadism - On one hand I wish for you to succeed, with nuking all holy cities and faith-cucks, but on the other hand, your views are a borderline UFO death cult.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Keep burning those churches! But why you oppose the state, progress and humanity?
  • Soulism - No, I don't believe in your pseudoscientific new agey woo, but I admire and support your Sci-Fi variant.
  • Objectivism - Good philosophy but still too soft.
  • South Park Republicanism - I do really love South Park, but cut it out with that "duh I don't like religion but are you saying we just exist for no reason?" bullshit.
  • Manosphere - Yes feminism is like a secular religion where women are light beings and men evil demons who want to oppress them, some of you are pretty based (Turdflinkinmonkey, Adam no eve, Podnebesny, etc.) but others are religious boomers pseudophilosophers (Tate, Matt Walsh, Roosh V, etc.).

Sky-Daddy Worshippers and Opiate Consumers

Any religious ideology

  • Religious Nationalism - Nations don't need faith!! YOU RELIGIOUS NUTJOB!
  • Cultism - All Religions are THIS!!! Ignore state-run secular cults.
  • Religious Socialism - I thought socialists were supposed to be cool. You're the worst one so far!
  • Distributism - Aren't you just the same guy above?
  • Reactionary Modernism - NO, religion and science are incompatible!
  • Progressivism - Secularism not under state control? Piss off! Why can't you be more like your cool-ass brother? At least we both hate Zionism and you supported me during the Vietnam War.
    • Religious Progressivism - "YOu CAn StILl hAvE faITh in GoD WHILE reSPeCTIng GAy peOple" don't care didn't ask now get in the gulag.
  • Theodemocracy - There's only one way to find out whether or not Mormonism is true, let's just reconsult the original Golden Tablet to find out. Oh wait, it does not matter. *chuckles* The time has come, execute Order 44.
  • Civil Libertarianism & Anti-Authoritarianism - "b-bUt WorSHipIng a SkY DAdDy Is fREeDOm Of eXpReSsioN!1!!" yeah ok shut up losers.
  • Odalism - You hate most religions, yet you still worship things? Off to the gulag you go!
  • Esoteric Fascism - Same as above.
  • Satanic Theocracy - Just Abrahamism but worships the red cave daddy this time.
  • Jihadism and Khomeinism - See? This is what religion leads to. Ignore the fact that some of us like PRC and DPRK are allies of them.
  • Islamic Anarchism - Oh look, its stateless jihad!
  • Silver Legionism - Religion is used to justify racism, but never science.
  • Black Islamism - Spiritual racism is bad enough, but making your entire bullshit theology around it? Lmfao.
  • Clerical Fascism & Positive Christianity - Fascist and Christian? This is the worst!
  • Religious Anarchism - "Only Gods, No Masters”? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • Pragerism - "oF cOuRsE iT's A wAr oN cHrIsTmAs!" Lmao shut up. *blowtorches Christmas trees* What are you gonna do now, Christmas warrior? Cry about me being hurtful?
  • Reactionary Liberalism - I'm already not the biggest fan of liberals, but I at least expect them to be consistent with it.
  • Gift Economy - It's SCIENCEMAS!!! Get it through your head before I gulag you next! In addition, Santa Claus is one of the religious superstitions that needs to be eliminated.
  • Kakistocracy - Average religious person.
  • Crusadism - What a LARPer with his plastic swo-OW FUCK THAT'S AN ACTUAL SWOR-
  • Esoteric Soulism - Stateless freak who consumes the opiate of the masses in both literal and metaphorical sense. Probably the worst ideology of all.

Further Information



Online Communities


  1. The Cult of Reason and Cult of the Supreme Being were the first implantations of State Atheism. They were founded to counter the Roman Catholic chruch, which was heavily persecuted during the French revolution.
  2. Religious antisemitism that was practised in countries that enforced anti-clericalism implies that people who followed the religion of Judaism would stop being punished if they dropped their beliefs regardless of their ethnic origin. In practice, this wasn't the case, and a lot of people were persecuted for purely their ethnic origin.

