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Hi I’m UltraSuperman, but I go by many aliases, mainly Ultra. I am a user that’s interested in polcompball and learning about ideologies. I am AuthCenter, but despite that, I don’t hate everything about the libertarian quadrants. I like things such as how they tend to be non interventionist, gun rights for LibRight (although I support more regulations than they do), and minority rights for LibLeft

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Opinions on ideology


Paternalistic Conservatism - my ideology!

Longism - I don’t usually support meme ideologies but I can make an exception for this! Huey Long was a great governor

Paleoconservatism - even if you’re a bit too far right imo you’re overall a great ideology. And at least you live up to the title “conservative” unlike Necon

Tridemism - the Chinese equivalent of my ideology

Populism - the citizens come first!


Bismarckism and Bull Moose Progressivism - based other than their foreign policies

Market Socialism - good economics although it does tend to be a bit too authoritarian

Dengism - I like your economic reforms but you still committed the Tiananmen Square Massacre and you supported Pol Pot

Black Nationalism (or any other indigenous nationalist for that matter) - I like the idea of black nationalism and while it certainly does have some good leaders, it also has bad ones like Mobutu, Bokassa, Nguema, etc.

Pancasila - could be a bit more secular but overall based


Any Reactionarism ideology - overly conservative ideologies that oppressed the workers

Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism - stop intervening in other countries and using others for your benefit!

Corporatocracy - this is why full capitalism doesn’t work. you oppress the workers and allow corporations to do whatever they want no matter how fucked up it is.

Plutocracy - ideology that oppressed the poor

Anarchism - you need a state

Pol Potism - ruined Cambodia, killed intellectuals, and caused issues which are still ongoing. At least leaders like Hitler and Stalin had a few good things, but there’s nothing good about this ideology. May Pol Pot and African counterpart burn in hell. The only reason he didn’t kill more was because he ruled a small country like Cambodia