Italian Left Communism

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'Left Communism' redirects here, this page is primarily about Italian Left Communism for other ideologies, including the Dutch/German variant, see Left Communism (Disambiguation)

(Italian) Left Communism, also called Bordigism is an economically far-left, Marxist ideology. It is a form of Left Communism based off of the ideas and writings of Amadeo Bordiga. It opposes democracy, anti-fascism and the concept of a "United Front". It is a Leninist ideology that opposes Marxism-Leninism, believing it to be a bourgeois current. It regards Stalin as bourgeois opportunist, and regards other Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries, such as Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao Zedong as bourgeois, not proletarian, revolutionaries. Bordiga and the Italian left also considered the Soviet Union to be a bourgeois, capitalist state.

This ideology refers specifically to the Italian strain of Left Communism, although other left communist ideologies also exist, namely, Dutch-German leftcoms (Council Communists) and Russian leftcoms. These ideologies do have some similarities, the most significant being anti-trade unionism, anti-nationalism/internationalism, and anti-parliamentarism. As well as the belief that true socialism is stateless, classless, and can only be achieved when the capitalist mode of commodity production is completely abolished. Every "socialist" who does not is merely an opportunist capitalist.

He loves to sit in an armchair all day reading Marx, Bordiga, Pannekoek, Damen, and Chirik among others, while complaining about other leftists. It is often forgotten that those of the Italian Communist Left do consider themselves Leninists, being described as "more Leninist than Lenin". Lenin's work "Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder" criticised left communists in Britain, Germany and Russia who did not consider themselves Leninist.

Stylistic Notes

Left Communists are generally portrayed as sitting in an armchair, reading, theory, and nothing else. He often defends this behavior with "Theory is praxis." They are often depicted as being hyper critical and cynical to such a degree that no ideology will associate with him apart from   Marxism.

How to Draw

Flag of Italian Left Communism

Drawing Left Communism takes a few steps:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with red (#FC0808)
  3. Draw 2 intertwined yellow (#EDF734) wheat spikes
  4. Draw a black hammer and sickle
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!





  •   Communalism - My fellow pure leftist. But stop trying to steal my armchair and read theory.
  •   Leninism - We disagree on tactics here and there, but we are both true communists!
  •   Trotskyism - Your early work was incredible, loved it. But you're just an impotent student movement now with zero proletarian support.
  •   Ingsoc - You're a totalitarian prick but you're the only one who agrees that theory is praxis.


Further Information



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