
From Polcompball Wiki

Localism is a political philosophy that focuses on various questions relating to the subnational locale. Localism puts special emphasis on local areas (usually a town, village, municipality, or at large, a city) and believes that they should be governed locally - "By the locals, for locals."

Localism wants to protect the locality and its people, usually by preferring local consumption and production of goods, by promoting local history or promoting local culture, by supporting close community relations, and by strengthening the local government.



Localism believes that a local area should be governed by its local people and serve their interests accordingly. Similarly, it wants to promote the locality and its   community in general; wanting to help its economy by producing and consuming local as well as furthering local culture and community.

Localism is usually, at least in some sense,   patriotic for the local area, wanting to make people aware of its history and iconography.

Personality and Behavior

Localism loves his town and the surrounding areas, he sometimes gets jokingly upset at other cities or towns and likes to meme on them. He always buys local and hosts town events to connect with the community and share his ideas.
Usually, he hangs out with   Regionalism, someone he gets along with really well despite thinking he doesn't focus on the important things and issues enough.

Localism can often be seen to be   patriotic for his town and displaying its symbolism.

How to Draw

Flag of Localism
  1. Draw a ball with a black outline
  2. Fill the ball with green
  3. Draw a white GPS symbol
  4. Add the eyes


Color Name HEX RGB
Green #2D9600 45, 150, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  •   Patchwork - A friend of local rule is a friend of me!
  •   Federalism - Pretty cool fella who lets me do my thing. Just try giving more power to the municipalities instead of the states.
  •   Communitarianism - We need to work together and connect as a local community!
  •   Distributism - I like your principle of subsidiarity.
  •   Protectionism - Protect our milk producers!



Further Information




