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    Not to be confused with Jacobinism.

    Jacobitism is a religious, monarchist and authoritarian ideology based on the ideas after of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 (Mainly supporters for the senior line of the Stuarts).

    The main doctrines of Jacobitism are the Divine Right of Kings, Anti-Unionism and that the king can not be deposed no matter what. Though the ideology varied throughout the UK. For example: In Ireland it meant tolerance for Catholics, as well as autonomy (Which James Francis Edward Stuart opposed). Jacobites also believed that Absolute and Arbitrary powers are separate and that the king must use his powers, ordained by the oath to God himself, to benefit the people and to provide law and justice.


    After King James II and VII of England and Scotland converted to Catholicism, although the monarch was generally speaking popular, unrest started growing, because most of England was a Protestant country. However, the peeople remained loyal until 1688, when King James gave birth to a son, who was raised a Catholic. Up until this point, the claimant to the throne was Princess Mary, who was a devout Protestant, and the people of England knew they would get a Protestant queen after the death of James. However, the birth of a Catholic son raised concerns that a fully Catholic dynasty would sit in London. Therefore, three months after the birth of the son of James, who was also called James, the English people started a revolution, deposing James and his son, and instating Mary and her husband, the Dutch Prince of Orange as the king of England and Scotland. However, the Stuarts did not surrender. The Jacobites (from latin Iacobus, which means Jacob), started numerous plots to restore the line of succession. The Scottish Parliament nearly passed an act that enabled them to choose their own king, which would have led to the separation of the two Kingdoms, but the English Parliament quickly passed the Act of Union, which merged the two kingdoms into the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Jacobites started a revolt in 1715 as well, under James, the son of James II and VII and the reason for this entire mess, though it failed after initial limited successes in Scotland. However, the closest it got to the Jacobites restoring the Stuarts was in 1745. Then, Britain was at war with most of Europe in the War of Austrian Succession. The son of James, who was known as the Old Pretender, Charles, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, landed in Moidart and raised the Jacobite flag. Many of the Highland clans joined him, hoping to restore their independence. With the new and reformed Jacobite army, Bonnie Prince Charlie defeated an english force at Prestopans, and started marching on London. They got to but five days from the city, but a Williamite spy told them of an army between them and London. Upon hearing the news, the Jacobite Army retreated back to Scotland, where they met a massive British force at Bannockburn. There, the Jacobites were defeated, the Army scattered, and the Prince escaping through the isles of Scotland and Moidart to France. After 1745, heavy repressions against Catholics and the Scottish clans ensued. The Scottish culture was suppressed and the Catholics of England and Scotland were sometimes brutally massacred. In the 1880s and 1890s there was a brief revival which led to multiple clubs and societies forming, but ended after the first World War started because the Jacobite heir at the time, Maria Theresa of Austria-Este was queen consort of Bavaria at the time which was part of the German Empire and her son Rupprecht, later known to the Jacobites as Robert I and IV, was a German Field Marshall in WWI, though in the summer of 1934 he did have a lunch with his distant cousin George V where he confessed to him that he consider Hitler to be insane.

    Due to differing laws of succession between Bavaria and the Jacobites, the Jacobite claimant will soon be Sophie who is the Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein with the Bavarian claimantship going to Prince Luitpold. Unless if the rules of succession to the Bavarian throne are change which will enable us to have a United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Bavaria and Liechtenstein.


    Speaks in the Scots language (or some form of Scottish English), and acts like a stereotypical Scot. He tends to be socially conservative and is a diehard believer in the divine right of kings. He is also Catholic and likes parties, but is absolutely fierce in battle. Plays the bagpipes well.

    How to Draw

    Flag of Jacobitism
    1. Draw a red ball
    2. Draw a white square
    3. Draw a blue outline in the rim



    •   Catholic Theocracy - Aye mate, tisth ese sumthaing d’hat ei luv’th. (Aye mate, this is something that I love)
    •  Monarchism- All hayl Bonni Prens Chairlie! (All hail Bonnie Prince Charlie!)
    •   Neoreactionarism - Ohhhhh a fan of maine, ai laique yeer blog. (Ohhhhh a fan of mine, I like your blog.)
    •   Carlism - We baith rammy fur oor legitimate heir 'n' he git yin o' his claimants oan his throne. Ne'er mynd th' fact oor laws o' succession ur totally different 'n' ah ainlie hae yin hier 'n' nae lik' 15 claimants. (We both fight for our Legitimate heir and he got one of his claimants on his throne. Never mind the fact our laws of succession are totally different and I only have one hier and not like 15 claimants.)


    •   British Fascism - Ahprreshiat’th Tahe autthemphtant laddie, beut yeee nevur raelly jot sohmewehar. (Appreciate the attempt lad, but you never really got somewhere.)
    •   Germanophobia - Keek, th' hail na germans oan th' throne wis juist rhetoric, an' a' howfur wis ah suppose tae ken ah wid end up wi' germans in mah ain line o' succession? (Look, the whole no Germans on the throne was just rhetoric, also how was I supposed to know I would end up with Germans in my own line of succession?)


    •   Jacobinism - Nohet oenlee arhe wee noyt thi saem, yehw aerh souhme ooth tehe fourhtest apaerte ideoeliegies imaaeginable! (Not only are we not the same, we are some of the furthest apart ideologies imaginable)
    •   Nazism - Ye nearly arrestit Robert I an IV an imprisonit his entire family, aw because he callit ye oot on yer bluff tae restore him tae the Bavarian throne along wi yer anti-catholicism, Awa' an' bile yer heid, ye insane closet pagan. (You nearly arrested Robert I and IV and imprisoned his entire family, all because he called you out on your bluff to restore him to the Bavarian throne along with your anti-catholicism, fuck you, you insane closet pagan.)
    •   Orangism - Pumpin Williamites (Fucking Williamites)
    •   Constitutional Monarchism - Doon wi' th' german pretender, th' hanoverians ur usurpers. (Down with the German pretender, the Hanoverians are usurpers.)

    Further Information




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