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Kleptocracy, literally meaning Rule of Thieves and in the context of Polcompball also known as Anocracy is an ideology used to describe a form of government in which power is held primarily by criminals, corrupt officials, self-interested post-party oligarchs and such. Kleptocracy is often found in countries that collapsed after being Marxist–Leninist One-Party States and transitioned rather unsuccessfully, an infamous case is Russia.

Liberal democracies can also suffer from this they might develop shadow kleptocracies that influence the government through legal means such as lobbying or illegal means such as bribery in order to gain favors from government officials. This phenomenon is called corruption.

This ideology ball could be seen as libertarian right but unlike other librights, he does not like competition. As a matter of fact, he prefers to form oligarchies to preserve his existing economic power through Plutocracy or Corporatocracy.


The mechanisms of the state government are devoted almost entirely to taxing the resources and the population of the country, by means of taxes, diversion of funds, etc. The leaders of the system enlarge great personal fortunes, especially the highest position of head of state (like the president or prime minister), along with those closest to them such as ministers, governors, mayors and personal advisers. The money is laundered or diverted to secret bank accounts, usually in tax havens, as a cover for embezzlement or theft.

The economies of kleptocratic regimes tend to decline constantly, as the systematic corruption engendered by the government means that the economy is subordinate to the interests of the kleptocrats.

Historically, the socio-political environment associated with the colonial system - the domination of colonized countries, where their economies are very vulnerable as they depend on a small number of raw materials - has been particularly prone to the creation of the last kleptocracies: Africa, Latin America and also Post-Soviet states are the most prone regions.

The stealthy nature of corruption makes it difficult to combat, as there is often very little information about the identity of the corrupt. Furthermore, in many developing countries, the institutions that monitor corruption are themselves corrupt, and the media are ineffective in reporting such acts.







In Ukraine, Kleptocracy is associated with the rule of two presidents: Leonid Kuchma (1994-2004) and Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014).

Kuchmism is a term used to describe the period of rule of President Leonid Kuchma, who was the President of Ukraine from 1994 to 2004. Kuchism was a result of old Soviet era officials and regional criminal elites merging together and is one of many post-Soviet regimes. The term was coined by the organization "Pora! (black)" (It's time!) in the late March, 2004.

Some of its main features include:

  • Concentration of power in the hands of a single financial-multiparty corporation.
  • Union of legislative, executive and judicial power as an integral mechanism of control over society and guaranteeing the permanence of the regime with the help of "power structures" not controlled by the public.
  • High levels of corruption and the power of various oligarchic clans, but mainly from Dnipropetrovsk (now Dnipro) and Donetsk.

It's also important to know that during Kuchma's presidency Pavlo Lazarenko, who was later charged with money laundering and extortion was the Prime Minister from 1996 to 1997.

During the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014), some forms of Kuchmism can be seen again, however Donetsk clan had more power. Following the Revolution of Dignity (or Euromaidan), on February 21, 2014, he fled the country.

The majority of corrupt politicians in the country have extremely close ties with Russia. High levels of corruption are still visible to this day.


Kleptocracy is immensely shady and will do almost anything to get as much money and power as possible. Unlike the libertarian right ideologies, he openly advocates for an authoritarian state to preserve his power with minor concessions to the people to keep them satisfied, whether this be appeals to social conservatism or liberal welfare with a lot of red tape. In essence, he should be portrayed as offering protection solely if there are huge clauses attached, not unlike a gangster offering protection, hence him being portrayed as a prisoner.

How to Draw

Flag of Kleptocracy

Kleptocracy's design is based on the stereotypical striped prisoner outfit.

  1. Draw a ball
  2. On the ball draw a hat
  3. On the ball draw a number of vertical alternating black bars
  4. On the hat draw a number of horizontal alternating black bars
  5. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255




  • Capitalism - I'm not a "crony capitalist" or a "criminal"! You're just an old fashioned dumbass.
  • Propertarianism - What I own is mine and what you own is also mine, so give me protection money bitch!
  • Marxism–Leninism - You tried to stop me but you failed. (Thanks for selling me all your stuff moron!)
  • Trumpism - He claims to hate me in public but his government is also under my influence. Well, actually that would be ANTIFA but nobody cares about the details!
  • Fourth Theory - Supports me in Russia for some reason but he hates me everywhere else.
  • Populism - Hehe, some people are stupid enough to believe his nonsense. He's not even noticing that he's getting me into power. What a fool.
  • Dengism - Once he was based, but Xi Jinping had betrayed me and started to arrest me!


  • Fascism - This bastard sent his Black Shirts to destroy me, but the mafia won in the end. (Also what the hell kinda brainwashing did you do to your men where they would rather die than betray you?)
  • Aristocracy - For fuck's sake, your "honorable" ancestor was probably just a scumbag just like me.
  • Authoritarian Democracy - Nobody is incorruptible. Even you can be bought. What's the price?
  • Democracy - Sorry to burst your bubble but this ideology doesn't exist.
  • Stalinism - Fuck you, I'm never going back to a gulag ever again!
  • Mediacracy - Awfully clumsy, aren't you, considering that tragic accident with the window, hopefully other's learn from this solemn occasion.
  • Libertarianism - This moron thinks monopolies are a bad thing.
  • Longism - Share the wealth? NEVER!
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - What do you mean every government is criminal... only me.
  • All Libertarian Right ideologies - dA gUbRmInT iZ kRiMnUlL oRgAnIz - Always has been...
  • All Libertarian Left ideologies - They're even worse than LibRights and I'm their worst nightmare.
  • Conservatism - This moron Eisenhower thought that the military–industrial complex is a bad thing. Still, Nixon was great.
  • Any ideology that is hard on crime or goes against wealth hoarding.

Further Information




