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gay relations



  • Castroism - you let some form of white supremacy fall through the cracks, you liked the soviets a little too much, your modern system is comparable to historical social democracy, but you were pretty right on some shit and you did improve life in cuba, so i dont know youre kinda cool
  • Odalism - i love burzum, i love mayhem, i hate varg vikernes
  • Philosophical Anarchism - average pop punk enjoyer
  • File:Gadda.png Gaddafism - too conservative too traditionalist


  • Stalinism - improved life for a few, fucked over the lives of the crimean tatars, the kalmyks, the ingush, the chechens, the balkars, the karachays, the meskhetians, the soviet koreans, the jews, the poles, and anyone who didnt really like you. you shook hands with ribbentrop bro fuck off
  • Nazism - improved life for a few, fucked over the lives of the jews, the poles, the romani, the slavs, the gays, the disabled, anyone who wasnt white, and anyone who didnt really like you. your mofa shook hands with stalin bro fuck off
  • Khrushchevism - i liked how you fucked with the usa by putting missiles in cuba but thats about it
  • Hoxhaism - brought womens rights and YPG support to albania but is still a stalinist
  • Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - in theory is really centralized and statist. in practice it's the police killing one of your mates and opening fire on citizens the next day before throwing boiling water on them. voices of the workers my ass fuck you gonzalo
  • Ingsoc - 1984
  • Juche - 1984 irl

good music