Queer Anarchism

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Queer Anarchism, commonly referred to by the abbreviations AnQueer or QueerAn, is a culturally far-left and economically left-wing Anarchist ideology.

Queer Anarchism believes in social insurrection, the abolition of the state and capitalism and the anarchist ideal of complete individual freedom as a method of liberation for the LGBT community and the abolition of homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, the patriarchy, and the gender binary.



TQILA, The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, was a militant organization that was created on July 24, 2017. TQILA was created as a response to LGBT+ oppression in the Islamic State. TQILA was the first LGBT+ group that fought against ISIS, and was the first militant LGBT+ group in the Near East.




AnQueer is often depicted as passionate about fighting against the state and various other oppressors and can often be seen vehemently defending LGBT rights, and although they are generally not particularly violent, they view revolutionary violence as justified in the face of oppression. AnQueer usually associates with other left anarchist or LGBT ideologies due to shared ideological values. They are highly critical of capitalism, which they view as perpetuating a patriarchal system based upon discrimination, on top of the usual left anarchist critiques, and they often view the Liberal Dynasty's alleged support for LGBT rights as more virtue signalling than a genuine belief in favor of complete social equality. Depending on the author, AnQueer can also sometimes be depicted as gender non-conforming.

How to Draw

Queer Anarchism has two designs: a traditional bisected anarchist flag for most contexts, and the flag of TQILA (The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army) for more revolutionary contexts.

Bisected Flag

Flag of Queer Anarchism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a black line diagonally across the ball
  3. Fill the bottom half with the same shade
  4. Fill the top half with pink
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Pink #FF00FF 255, 0, 255


Flag of Queer Anarchism (TQILA design)
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill it with pink
  3. Draw a black Anarchist circle-A symbol (Ⓐ) on the top,
  4. Draw a black assault rifle on the bottom,
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Pink #F05B72 240, 91, 114
Black #141414 20, 20, 20

(Optional) Props

The props that Queer Anarchism sometimes holds include:

  1. LGBT flags (like the rainbow flag, trans flag, etc)
  2. Signs with radical pro-LGBT messages ("This Fag Kills Fascists", "Shut The Fuck Up TERF", "The First Pride Was A Riot", etc)
  3. Weapons for throwing in protests (milkshakes, bricks, etc)
  4. Revolutionary weapons (AK-47s, Molotov cocktails, etc)



  • Anarcha-Feminism - Best aunt ever! Both of us are committed to fighting the patriarchy in all of its forms.
  • Anarcho-Communism - The abolishment of class struggles will abolish the oppression against queers.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - I love you for the same reason as AnCom.
  • Anarcho-Transhumanism - "Trans" means two completely different things to us but that doesn't stop us from getting along.
  • Illegalism - Be gay do crime! You still think too much about yourself only, not about the liberation of all minorities.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - You're too nihilistic and self-centered sometimes but I like your belief that people should have the right to be themselves.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - I can't seem to convince you that violence against oppressors is justified, but you support everyone's rights and just want to be nice to everyone so I like you.
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - I gotta love your methods!
  • Anti-Fascism - Bash the queerphobic fascists!
  • Fully Automated Gay Space Communism - Tradcon's worst nightmare and final boss. BASED!
  • Democratic Confederalism - We support you in Syria.
  • Hydrarchy - A bit too violent for my sake but we both agree that be gay do crime.
  • Neozapatismo - “Yes, Marcos is gay. Marcos is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in the slums, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a Zapatista in the mountains. Marcos is all the exploited, marginalised, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Marcos.”
  • Anarcho-Frontierism - Ram Ranch really rocks.


  • Pink Capitalism - Death to queer assimilationism! Death to pink capitalism! Thanks for these trans socks tho
  • Progressivism - You have a good heart, but do you truly believe in social justice if you don't embrace anarchism?
  • Caesarism - Oppressive imperialist, but you were very pro-LGBTQ for your time.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Only our illegalist, anarchism and post-left variants agree with you.
  • Anarcho-Primitivism & Neoluddism - Sure, capitalism and the state are bad, but don't you realize your "utopian society" will ruin trans peoples' lives?
  • Post-Left Anarchy - My child may like you but why are you so critical towards left anarchism? And stop accusing me of being obsessed with LGBTQ+ idpol like that's a bad thing!


  • Homoconservatism - Do you really think that you'll be free in a conservative society?
  • Homofascism - I pity this self hating cretin. And he hates me for being an "effeminate twink" like that's a bad thing.
  • Stransserism - Why?
  • Nazism - We said "not usually violent" for a reason.
  • National Capitalism - You too! Dirty fascist capitalist pig!
  • Jihadism - 13 reasons why trad religion is fucking cringe. Eat shit and die theofascist!
  • Odalism - A deranged racist and fascist basket case!
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Telling me to go to horny jail? NO!!!
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Do you want some salt to go with that boot?
  • Paleoconservatism - Me and my gay guerilla will burn your stores, fascists! At least me and him both like catboys tho...
  • Conservative Feminism - Eugh, a tradwife who bootlicks the patriarchy.
  • Neoliberalism - Fake poser who tries to appeal to the LGBTQ+ Community, but doesn’t mean it.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - You sure are oppressive for someone who claims to be against oppression.
  • Hoppeanism - Like the guy above but even worse.
  • Lys Noir - You're a fake anarchist and a nasty reactionary!!!

Further Information





  1. While not openly a queer person herself, Goldman was a lifelong supporter of gay rights at a time when most anarchists weren’t.
