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Vperedism, is an authoritarian, far-left Socialist and Communist ideology. It is based on the beliefs of Russian revolutionary, philosopher and physician, Alexander Bogdanov. He believes in the prioritisation of the proletariat as the most revolutionary class of society, rejecting a worker-peasant alliance. Vperedism is highly critical of Marxist theory of dialectics and favours a more positivist view, leading to theories such as tektology. Vperedism is therefore in favour of a technocratic economy and is heavily interested in economic planning, as well as the capacity of technology beyond simple production.



Foundational Beliefs


Vperedism believes that the main job of the party is not just political agitation and revolution, but also to educate the workers. He thinks that political revolution is not enough and that it has to be followed by a cultural revolution. Vperedism also is strictly proletarian and does not want to work with those who are not Proletarian, such as peasants and even soldiers.

This eventually led to the development of the Proletkult. Believing that with a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Bourgeois culture will be replaced, and a new Proletarian culture would be formed.

Vperedism does not think the working class should reject the rich cultural heritage of the past, its material and spiritual achievements. Instead, the worker must look it over critically, choose what is of value and use it to produce a new culture. He thinks that this work should be free of state and government interference and that 'Proletkults' should be restricted only to the working class.

God Building

While Vperedism disagrees with and is skeptical of traditional religion, he has a lot of respect for religion as an idea as it is able to cultivate emotion, moral values, and desires that are important to human society. He thinks that a new religious sentiment which would fit the world-view of communism by creating a new religion that was compatible with science and not based on any supernatural beliefs.

Vperedism believes in a process of God-Building to accomplish this. By combining the positive aspects of religion and transform it into positive humanistic values of a new communist morality, based around faith in man and man's potential. He thinks that destroying religion outright is too dangerous and undesirable when it serves as the moral basis for millions. Vperedism thinks that through God-Building, God would gradually be replaced with a new vision of humanity.

However, even though Vperedism wants this new form of faith and criticises religion for superstition and a lack of empirical investigation, he does not support state atheism. Instead, he values a form of state agnosticism, and wants people to come to their own conclusions of truth on the topic of religion.




  • Agrarian Socialism - The peasants are not true revolutionaries.
  • Religious Socialism - Although religion is mostly reactionary, your impact on culture is more than respectable! Maybe I could use this to my benefit?
  • Futurism - You're a great avant-garde artist and an inspiration for the proletarian culture. However, you're also a filthy fascist.


  • Leninism - We were friends, but then you backstabbed me and the revolution.
  • Kakistocracy - The intelligentsia is an important part of the proletarian struggle.
  • Reactionarism - We must abandon the cultures of the past to establish a new culture, a truly proletarian culture.

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