Hindu Theocracy

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Hindu Theocracy is a culturally right to far-right, authoritarian ideology. It thinks Hinduism and the state should not be separated, and the country should be run with a strong, Hindu Government, based upon Religious Scriptures like Manusmriti.

It wants to make India a Hindu Rashtra (Dharmic Republic). Hindu Theocracy often employs a special form of Cultural Nationalism where it seeks to create a culturally homogenous state based upon the principles of Hinduism.

A portion of Hindu Theocrats believe in the Akhand Bharat Movement, which is an Imperialist sub-section that wants to create a state that unites all the territories that once upon a time belonged to the practitioners of Hinduism; into a unified nation under a Hindu State.

How to Draw

Flag of Hindu Theocracy
  1. Draw a circle
  2. Fill it with orange (#FF8C00)
  3. Draw the om symbol in it with white (#FFFFFF)
  4. Add the eyes and you're done
Color Name HEX RGB
Orange #FF8C00 255, 140, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

Stylistic Notes

  • Can be holding a flag with a specific shade of Orange know as Bhagwa.
  • When not talking about the Gita, is often found complaining about getting replaced by Muslims in India.




  • Other theocracies - Other religions - cringe; theocracy - based.
  • Dengism - Filthy commie and won't leave our borders alone, but his camps for Muslims are based.
  • Buddhist Theocracy - My hippie son with whom I often debate with accept our caste system goddamit
  • Indigenism and Indigenous Anarchism - Since when were you Indians?
  • National Socialism - Our founder did write, "Nazism proved undeniably the savior of Germany", but even you scare me at times.


Further Information


Template:Authunity Template:Religious Template:Conservative Template:Nation