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Hoxhaism (pronounced Hoj-ha), is an economically far left, culturally left, very authoritarian, anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist ideology based off the ideas of Enver Hoxha, the former socialist leader of Albania. He believes in strict defense of the ideals and governance of Joseph Stalin, believing him to be one of the few non-revisionist leaders. He opposes other socialist leaders, such as Nikita Khrushchev, Mao Zedong (after the Sino-Albanian split started in 1972), Deng Xiaoping, and Josip Broz Tito, believing them to be revisionists and social imperialists. He also loves bunkers and likes telling revisionists to build them.



Enver Hoxha's views on other communist leaders and countries

Enver Hoxha was known for his staunch anti-revisionism and had a negative opinion of most other communist leaders that were active after the death of Joseph Stalin.



     Post-Stalin Soviet Union  

Enver Hoxha viewed the post-Stalin Soviet Union as being social imperialist, even to the point of being social fascist. Hoxha condemned the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia and pulled Albania out of it soon after in what is known as the Albanian-Soviet split. Following this, they sided with China for a short period. He wrote an article describing this very subject known as "The Demagogy of the Soviet Revisionists Cannot Conceal Their Traitorous Countenance."

    Castroist Cuba


   Tito's Yugoslavia


      People's Republic of China  

After siding with China in the Sino-Soviet and Albanian-Soviet splits, Hoxha had claimed by the '70s that the Nixon-friendly and later Dengist P.R.C. were revisionist hypocrites who had a class-collaborationist, bourgeois-democratic revolution, therefore, not a proletarian, socialist revolution. Hoxha talked about the P.R.C. in his book "Imperialism and the Revolution," a book considered to be one of the most important readings for a Hoxhaist or an individual interested in or studying socialist Albania and president Hoxha.



   Ceaușescu's Romania




How to Draw

Flag of Hoxhaism

The flag of Hoxhaism is based of the flag of the Communist Party of Germany/Marxists-Leninists (KPDML) which was a   marxist-leninist, anti-revisionist and (at the beginning)   maoist political party in West Germany. KPDML was supportive of Albania (which was led by Enver Hoxha) during the Sino-Albanian split of the 70's, after the KPDML was dissolved the flag of the party was adopted by the Stalinist-Hoxhaist World Movement from which the Polcompball community took the symbol from.

The Symbol of Hoxhaism is image of a Hammer-and-Sickle crossed with a rifle on the background of a yellow star.

  1. Draw a ball with eyes and fill it red.
  2. On the ball draw one big yellow star.
  3. On the star draw the image of a hammer and a sickle crossed with a rifle.

And you should be done.


Non-Revisionist Comrades

  •   Stalinism - Only true non revisionist! Too soft on the church post-WW2, though.
  •   Barracks Communism   - Mutual enthusiasm for bunks/barracks whatever.
  •   State Atheism - I love closing down all of the churches and jailing religious numbskulls!
  •   Marxist Feminism - Based! More women's rights in Albania! I'M the reason there are so many women in Albania's government today!
  •   Industrialism - I will accelerate the industrialization of the economy in order to establish socialism!
  •   Posadism - The only good trot, my bunkers will ensure that we will survive the nuclear apocalypse to rebuild Communism!
  •   Isolationism - Albania will isolate itself from revisionists!



Further Information




Online Communities



